A New Member (Chapter 29)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artist!

-------------------------------------Harry's POV-------------------------------------

"Thank you. And I'm happy that my daughters' actions will not affect how you see me." Charlie smiled as I saw him reach his arms out to hug me before suddenly retracting his arms.

I gave him a small smile before leaning towards him with my arms out as a signal that it was okay for him to hug me. I saw him smile even more before he wrapped his arms around me, careful to avoid the bruises that still covered my back. Feeling tears dripping onto me, I looked up, and, seeing that he was quietly crying onto me, I started to slowly rub up and down his back in a show of comfort.

A few minutes passed before he pulled away and smiled at me, no one questioning his tears.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to cry onto you, I'm just so happy that you'll allow me to be apart of your family, even after what Bella has done to you." He explained as he sniffled a few times after wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Of course, we'll let you be part of the family, you daughters' actions do not define yours and I would never hold someone else's actions against you." I responded; a small smile etched onto my face as I saw Charlie's smile grow wider.

"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness and forgiveness." He spoke as he continued to smile, happy that he was accepted into the family even after what Bella had done. "C-Could I be like you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused over what he meant.

"I-I mean, could I become a werewolf like you? So that I can have a chance to be more connected to your family, to be more a part of it even if I'm not related to you?" He replied, his voice shaking as he teared up once again, this time they were tears of sadness at the thought of not being able to be a part of our family.

"I will give you time to properly think about that decision before you decide to be a werewolf for the remainder of your life. The first time changing will be painful and you will always be part of our family, in fact you don't have to worry about that at all because none of the people here are actually related to me by blood, but they are all my family." I reassured him before he gave me a quick hug one again to show his gratitude.

"Okay, I'll think about it over the next few days and let you know what I decide. And I once again thank you for accepting me into your family and I can't wait to spend time with you all without just being a policeman that you've got to listen to." Charlie said, tears running down his face once again.

Soon enough, Charlie had left to go home for the night, along with Carlise who had also headed home for the night.

I gave a sigh as I walked up the stairs and into the bedroom while I carried Violet, Fenrir right behind me, yawing from the long day. I placed Violet down into her bed before crawling into our own and immediately snuggling into Fen's warm body, relaxing into his arms after the long day.

A few minutes passed in silence before we both fell asleep, snuggled into each other's arms.

I gave a groan as I woke up, my eyes widening as I quickly climbed out of bed and ran towards the bathroom before sliding onto my knees just in time before I threw up into the toilet.

I felt Fenrir's warm hands gently holding back my now long hair before he started to slowly rub my back in a show of comfort.

"Shh, it's okay. It'll be okay." He whispered as he crouched down beside me as he continued to whisper reassurances to me while I continued to throw up.

After a few seconds, I stopped throwing up but continued to gag and cough a few times before I finally sat back away from the toilet and into Fen's arms.

"W-water..." I rasped, my throat sore from throwing up as I closed my eyes, and relaxed into his chest.

I felt him reach up towards the sink and pick up the cup filled with water that he had brought in when he heard me throwing up before it was gently pressed against my lips, silently telling me to drink.

I quickly gulped the cool water down, my throat almost instantly feeling better as I realized that he must had gotten Sev to put a potion in it to help me as well.

"T-thank you..." I whispered, my throat still irritated as I let Fenrir take the glass way from my face, having drank it all in a matter of seconds.

I relaxed into Fen's chest for a few minutes before he started to help me up so that we could get back into bed for a few more hours before needing to get up and start the day. I walked out of the bathroom and back towards the bed with Fenrir walking beside me to make sure that I didn't lose my balance after throwing up.

Climbing into the bed, I sighed before snuggling back into Fenrir's chest and felt his arms wrap around me, holding me close to him as we both started to drift back off to sleep.

I was awoken once again but this time by the sound of Violet crying for food and so, I crawled out of the still sleeping Fenrir's arms and walked over to Violet before I picked her up, pulled my shirt down so that it wasn't covering my chest, held her up and watched as she started to feed. She continued to drink for a few minutes before she stopped, and I gently placed her back down to sleep for a little while longer after pulling my shirt back up to cover my chest. 


AN: Hello!

Please comment!

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 


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