School (Chapter 26)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

----------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------- 

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I walked into the school hall, closely followed by the group of protective vampires. I looked at my timetable and seeing that I only shared a few classes with the vampires, I started to get even more nervous, knowing that Bella was in the classes that I didn't share with my friends.

"I'll see you in second period." I told Rosalie as I heard the bell to go to class ring before nervously walking away and towards my class.

Arriving at my first class and being the first one there, I chose a seat at the back of the classroom and sat down after I had placed my book, pencil case and timetable down on my desk.

Looking up from where I was nervously playing with my fingers, I started to panic when I saw Bella walk into the classroom, closely followed by her group of friends.

"Oh, well look who decided to come back to school. Why'd you leave for a week? Were you scared? I think you were, you're a little scaredy cat." Bella taunted as her friends laughed along, all but Bella sitting down at the front of the classroom.

I gulped as Bella walked closer to me, my hands instinctively going down to rest on my still flat stomach in an attempt to protect the new life forming and growing inside me. I winced in pain as her fist connected with the side of my face with enough force that it caused me to fall off my chair and onto the floor, my arms wrapped around my stomach as I fell in an attempt to protect the baby growing inside me.

I curled into a ball on the floor, my knees coming up to my chin to protect my stomach, something that I always used to do while in Azkaban to protect Violet from harm. I let out a barely audible whimper as I was kicked in the back, wishing and praying that Fenrir would come to rescue me.

My mind went dark and the next thing I knew was that I was back in my cell in Azkaban, curled up on the cold, stone floor while a guard repeatedly kicked my back, tears and blood mixed together and trailed down my face, leaving red stains on my cheeks.

The scuttling sound of feet rushing to desks snapped me out of my memory, which caused me to look up, and seeing that the teacher was about to walk into the classroom, quickly pulled myself off the floor and back onto my chair. I gave a groan of pain as my back began to ache from the bruises that were sure to be there.

Sitting at my desk in pain, I tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying but I just couldn't focus on the board between the pin that was coursing through my back and the worry that I felt for my growing child.

Finaly, after what felt like hours, I heard the bell ring. Hurriedly, I picked up my things before rushing to my next class, not wanting to have another encounter with Bella on the way. I arrived at my next class out of breath, my back throbbing in pain as I sat down and waited for Rosalie to show up.

Soon enough, Rosalie walked into the classroom and took her seat beside me, a small smile on her face which quickly faded when she saw the look of pain on my face.

"What happened? Why are you hurt?" She questioned with a worried look on her face, her eyes glancing down every few seconds towards where my hands rested on my stomach.

"I'm okay, just had a run in with Bella..." I trailed off, seeing the look of anger that was dancing across Rosalie's face.

"I'm going to kill her one day. Are you okay? Is the baby, okay?" She asked after she threatened to kill my bully.

"Yeah, I'm okay, my back hurts because she was kicking me but other than that, I'm fine and the baby is too, I protected them." I explained, my hands slowly rubbing up and down my stomach as I tried to comfort both myself and the life that was inside me.

"Well, I'm glad that, other than your back, you're both okay. Did you want me to walk you to first aid so that you can go home?" She offered, knowing that I would be wanting to see Fenrir and Violet.

"As much as I would love to go home and spend the day with Fen and Violet, I know that I should stay at school so that I can graduate and get away from the school forever." I told her before the class went quiet as the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

After hours of torturous learning, the bell to go home finally rung and I all but ran out into the parking lot and towards Fen's car. I arrived at the car quickly before I climbed in and hugged Fenrir from across the car, my face buried in his neck as tears trickled down my cheeks and onto his shirt.

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?" He questioned as his arms moved up to my back, frowning as he felt me wince when his hands gently rested on my back.

"I don't ever want to be away from you for that long, ever again." I mumbled into his neck as he held me close to his, his warmth spreading through me and helping me to calm down.

A few minutes passed before I let go of him and sat back down into my seat, putting my seatbelt on and waiting for Fen to start driving.

Casting me a worried look before he started to drive out of the car park and onto the main road, he decided that he was going to help me with the obvious pain in my back when we got home. 


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate all comments! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See you next week! 

[1026 words] 

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