French is an Effiel language

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Okay so yesterday me and Zoey arrived in Morocco but today we are going somewhere new! We got to the Don box and I hit the button. My eyes widened with excitement. "Zoey we're going to Paris!" I yelled


"When we were kids me and Y/N dreamed of going to Paris" Zoey cheered "and now it's finally happening!" I fineshed

End of confessional

We grabbed a moped and started driving to the airport, we got there and there was already. Eventually we got our tickets booked but it was flight two. So we had about an hour or so to wait. Crap. "Soo I was thinking. How about we try forming an alliance with someone" Zoey suggested. "This early in the race?" I asked. "Yeah I just think it would be useful you know" she shrugged "you make a fair point" I answered as we boarded the plane.

Once we got to Paris we got in a taxi and drove to the Effiel Tower, there we were given our first challenge. Zoey had to draw me a caricature, and once the Vincent van Gogh guy gave the thumbs up he gives us our tip and we keep moving! Zoey was handed the notepad and she began drawing. "So Zoey I never asked what you'd do with the money if we win" I said as she began drawing. "well I was thinking about taking Mike on a trip what about you?" She asked "well I don't know yet" I shrugged. "Right well I'm sure by the end of the race you'll know" she smiled, "yeah" I smiled back. A few minutes after Zoey began to draw, I started to see people running towards the Vincent van Gogh guy. "Hey uh Zoey you nearly done?" I asked, "nearly" she smiled back. Once she finished she handed it to the Vincent van Gogh guy and he gave us the thumbs up and we got the tip! We read the tip and basically we had to go down and find round cheese and then get our next tip. But then we saw an open drain and realized that's where we needed to go!

We went down into the drain to see it was the catacombs. A place where they'd buried victims of the plague. Me and Zoey were walking around in the dark skull filled area, "okay, so this is like one twisted maze then" I said to Zoey. But I was walking backwards so I could talk to Zoey. "I guess so" she said, then out of nowhere I crashed into someone and we both fell. I looked to see who I'd accidentally knocked down. It was Noah. "Shoot I'm sorry!" I yelled as I stood up to help him "it's fine" he said, "hey uh where's your teammate?" I asked "well he hasn't exactly 'gone' since the Moroccan stew challenge" he said akwardly. "Oh... wait your Noah from total drama! I watched all the seasons you and Owen were amazing" Zoey smiled "wait they did total drama too? I'll need to watch that soon" I replied before Noah could reply we saw Owen running back, "okay I'm ready- who are thoes two?" Owen asked. "Remember the girl who we met on the Skywalk?" Noah said to him, "oh yeah! Thanks for saving my little buddy" Owen grinned "no problem" I smiled, "heh Mabye we should work together to find our way out" Zoey suggested "sure!" Owen smiled.

As Zoey and Owen were talking and leading the way me and Noah followed from behind, "so uh I never actually thanked you for saving me" Noah said as we walked "I guess not" I smiled, "well uh thanks" he said awkwardly "anytime" I grinned, then Owen sprinted ahead, "I think he found it!" Zoey yelled as we ran over there. We got out of the catacombs and ran to the cheese wheels and the tip. "There's the tip! And plenty of cheese wheels!" Noah said as we all but Owen read the tip, "Zoey you get the cheese into the water and I'll grab the oars" I said as she grabbed the cheese and got it into the water, "okay I'll grab the oars you get- NO!" I turned to see Owen eating their cheese wheel! "Should we-" "Y/N, let's go! We'll see them at the Louvre" Zoey said as we rowed away.

After a few minutes of rowing I heard Owen behind us, I turned to see Noah using Owen as the raft. "oh my god" I laughed quietly. Zoey turned and did the same, we quickly rowed towards the Louvre and we ran up the stairs with our cheese, Noah and Owen were behind us. We got to the carpet of completion and got 10th place! But unfortunately Noah and Owen got a penalty! Because Owen ate the cheese. Goddamnit Owen.

I decided to watch and see what happens to Owen and Noah, they were in the running to be in last place! It was only the tennis rivals left. And we just about saw them! But then there penalty was up! Luckily Owen and Noah made it just in time. They were safe for another episode.

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