Lord of the ring toss

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Okay! So me and Noah are back on! After the race, and I'm fine with that because it means we can finally concentrate on the game! Me and Zoey grabbed our tip "Y/N it's the arctic circle!" Zoey smiled "really? That's cool!" I smiled as we began to run. I got onto a plane with Zoey and it began to take off "hey Y/N? Did you and Noah patch things up?" Zoey asked, I looked over at Noah and waved, he smiled and waved back "yeah I did" I smiled "that's great!" She grinned. "These tiny planes are safe right buddy?" Owen asked "I read something that said 86% of small planes crash" José smirked as Owen became increasingly nervous.


"Now that was just cruel" I said "looks like we've found the Scott of this show" Zoey sighed "who?" "The dirt farmer that voted off Mike, threatened to tell everyone about his multiple personality disorder if he didn't help him, cheated in most challenges and was shark bait most of the season. I think I told you about him" Zoey explained "oh yeah and I said he sounded very punchable" I said, I suddenly hoped he was watching.

End of confessional


Little did they know that Scott was indeed watching

Once we landed we began to get off the plane and grabbed the tip. "Okay Y/N it's a botch or watch, your turn" Zoey smiled "okay what do I have to do?" I asked "find a ring somewhere in the snow and then toss it onto a narwhal" she said "okay, i can do that! I mean at least it's not swimming with sharks" I Shrugged as we ran to the location.

Once we arrived I began to dig through the snow. "Got one!" I yelled as I ran over to the water. I threw it and it missed "damn it." I said "hey no sweat, it's your first try you'll get it eventually" Zoey smiled "Thanks Zo" I smiled. I ran back to get another one and I eventually found it! Then I ran back to see the Goths had just held out the ring and a narwhal just appeared! "Oh my god" I said in Amazement, Then I threw my ring and eventually got it! "Yes!" I yelled "told you! Now let's go!" Zoey grinned as we began to run to our snowmobiles. 

Once we arrived I grabbed the tip. "It's an All-in. We need to build an igloo, let's go!" I yelled as we ran towards the challenge. Once we arrived I handed Zoey the saw "okay Zo, you Saw I'll build. Sound like a plan?" I asked "yep!" She grinned "then let's get started!" I smiled as she began to saw the ice. Zoey began to saw rapidly and I took the blocks and began to build. I looked over to see Noah and Owen arrive at the challenge. That's when I heard something unbelievable. The daters (or should I say haters) boomeranged themselves! "Can you believe it?" Zoey asked "I know why would you boomerang your own team" I said to her. Then Zoey went back to her work. I began to continue when Zoey tapped my shoulder, "what's up?" I asked "look" she smiled, I looked over at Owen and Noah to see Noah made a heart out of ice and held it in my direction! I smiled and felt my face heat up "focus on the challenge you dork!" I yelled playfully as he placed it down and went back to his work. "That was so sweet" Zoey smiled "I know, he's pretty great" I smiled as we got back to our work.

Once we finished Zoey began to run "see you guys at the chill zone!" I yelled to Noah and Owen as I ran after her. We kept running until the Chill zone was in sight. Once we arrived we got 3rd place! Me and Zoey high fived and walked away from the carpet. 3rd place is pretty good! I'm happy with 3rd, but what I'm worried about is ice dancers. I don't trust them after what was said to Owen in the plane. They're definitely up to something I know it.

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