Got venom?

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Okay! Leaving the arctic circle today and we came 3rd last time! We grabbed the tip and Zoey began to read it. "Indonesia!" She grinned, before I could continue Noah and Owen grabbed their tip "hey guys" Owen smiled "Hey Y/N" Noah smiled "hi" Zoey smiled as i waved "are we still in an alliance?" Noah asked "I don't-" "EVERYONE ON THE LAST PLANE!" Don yelled! "Run!" I yelled as we began running! Suddenly a Narwhal horn came out of the ice causing me to fall back! Then Noah caught me "thanks" I smiled "any time" he smiled back as we began to run into the plane again.

Once the plane took off we sat next to each other. "I think the Narwhals are a little upset about the ring toss game" I said to Zoey "a little?" Zoey asked sounding confused "just a bit" I said. "Oh Noah thanks for catching me back there" I smiled "again, any time" he smiled back.

Once the plane arrived we got off and ran to get our taxis. Me and Zoey got one in no time! "We need a taxi!" Owen yelled "you want to share our one?" I asked "I thought you said the alliance was on hold" Zoey said to me "it is, but think of this as a 'thank you for not letting me get stabbed by a narwhal' gesture" i smiled as we let the two into the taxi.

Once the taxi was driving I started to look out the window "just look at that, Sapphire blue water, hot steamy jungles, I wish it was just the two of us" Noah smirked "Noah remember we're not dating until after the race" I smiled "I know I was talking to Owen" he said as he pointed to Owen earning a laugh from me and Zoey. Then the Taxi stopped "are we here?" I asked "no it's a dragon Crossing" Owen replied "a what?" Zoey asked. Suddenly we saw a giant Komodo Dragon in the way! "OMG that is terrifying!" Owen yelled as Noah suddenly hugged me "I mean at least we're safe in here" zoey saif nervously. Suddenly the dragon bit our Taxi! "You were saying!?!" I yelled at Zoey "Drive! Drive! Drive!" Zoey yelled as the driver took off! "This place is crazy!" Owen yelled "relax I've smelt your farts for years if anything those dragons should be afraid of you" Noah smirked at Owen.

Once we arrived we saw another Dragon sleeping in front of the Don box. "Oh great" I said nervously. "Just honk dude and it'll scatter" Brody said as he honked the horn in the taxi causing the dragon to wake up and chase the taxi.


"I would like to say goodluck to the poor taxi driver and I hope he makes it out safely" I said as Zoey nodded

End of confessional

Geoff grabbed the tip and began to read it out loud for everyone "all in, how to milk your dragon. We have to do what!?!" Geoff yelled "let me see that" I said as I grabbed a tip. "Well this'll end perfectly" I said sarcastically "what?" Zoey asked "we have to get some Komodo Dragon saliva" I said to her "and just as I thought total drama had death-defying challenges" she said as we began to run.

We began to run and collect the saliva. "Hey guys thanks for the help and all but let's meet up at the chill zone once we're done with today" i smiled "okay! See you two later!" Owen yelled as he and Noah ran a different direction. We soon found a sleeping Komodo. "Okay Zo, do you want me to get this or you?" I asked "how about we both do it" she shrugged "okay!" I grinned as we both snuck over. I grabbed the vile and held it underneath the dragons mouth. Suddenly Zoey's phone went off. "Zoey please tell me that wasn't Mike" I said nervously as the dragon woke up "it was" she said nervously "I'm gonna kill him." I said as the dragon got up. "Run!" I yelled as we ran towards a tree! Zoey climbed up and pulled me up with her, we sat on the branches and watched as the dragon tried sat by tree watching us. "Note to self put my phone on silent during the challenges" Zoey said "I'm going to kill Mike once I meet him. Or should I say if I meet him." I said.

"Zoey I have a plan but you'll need to trust me on this!" I said "okay?" She said. "Run!" I yelled as I jumped and led the dragon away! "Y/N what are you doing!?!" She yelled "Saving you!" I yelled as I ran away.

Zoey POV:

I watched Y/N run with the dragon chasing her! I jumped and grabbed the vile and ran after her. I found her still running! I grabbed a stick and ran in front of her placing the stick into the Komodos mouth! "Let's go!" I yelled as we began to run "Zoey! Thank you!" She yelled "hey you saved me, I'm just returning the favor" I smiled.


We handed the Saliva to the kid and got out tip. "Another All-in. Prepare to meet your loom" Zoey read. "Okay? What do we have to do exactly?" I asked "we have to find one ridiculous rug then get to the chill zone" she said "then let's get started!" I said as we began to dig through the carpets. We began to dig through the mountain of carpets, then we found it! "Let's go!" I yelled as we ran, we got into 4th place! I'll take it!

"Okay I'll wait for Noah and Owen" I smiled 5th place, 6th place. Nothing. "Oh no." I said nervously, then I saw the Police cadets and the surfer dudes! "Don have you seen Owen and Noah?" I asked "nope" he grinned "oh no." I said again. They were gonna be in last place! Then the Police cadets and the surfer dudes arrived. Don walked over to tell the news to the two. I followed to say goodbye to them. Then I saw Owen franticly searching through the carpets. Noah was buried! "Noah! Noah!?! If I could find you I'd kiss you right now" I called. Suddenly his head emerged from the carpets "here I am!" He yelled "where was that energy a minute ago!?!" Owen yelled. I hugged him immediately, I handed him a piece of paper "here's my number, if me and Zoey win meet me at the final chill zone and we'll go on our first date" I smiled "what about the whole 'if I could find you I'd kiss you right now' thing?" He asked. I pulled him in for a kiss, "there" I smiled "wow" he replied as I pulled him out the carpets. "I'll miss you" I smiled sadly "same here, but don't let that stop you." he smiled "I won't, see you after the race Noah!" I smiled as he and Owen walked away. That was it. He was gone.

Ridonculous race  (Noah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now