A tisket, a casket, I'm gonna blow a Gasket

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Ah Sunny Brazil...is where we're leaving today.

"I'll admit me and Zoey were a bit sad to leave but if we win we'll come back here and have some us time." I smiled "with Mike" Zoey smiled. "yeah...with Mike" I said.
End of confessional.

Zoey grabbed the travel tip and read it out loud. "Make your way to Dracula's castle in Transylvania" she read. We all made our way onto the bus, surprise surprise she was texting Mike. It makes me wonder if she invited me to do this just because Mike wasn't available. We arrived at the airport and booked our flight. Luckily we managed to get into flight number 1.

Once we landed in Romania We ran out to see a terrifying castle. Well I thought it was cool! We ran up the hill and towards the Don box. Once I got the tip I read it out loud. "All-In! We need to go into the castle and find an empty coffin. And since I took the tip I have to- oh God" I trailed off as Zoey read the tip. "Don't worry, I'll warn you when I'm about to push you in" she smiled. "Thanks" I smiled as we ran towards the castle entrance.

As we walked with the Surfer dudes I noticed Zoey was still on the phone. "Zoey, we need to move" I said to her. The surfer dudes went on ahead as Zoey out her phone away. "Let's just find a coffin and get this challenge over with" I said as we began walking through the castle. Once we found a coffin I walked inside and Zoey closed it. "Listen Y/N, I promise you that you'll be fine" she smiled as she began moving the Coffin. After five minutes the coffin stopped. "Zoey?" I called. Then I heard the texting noise. "ZOEY I AM INSIDE A COFFIN! AND IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THIS RACE PUSH THE COFFIN TOWARDS THE GRAVEYARD!" I yelled "Sorry!" She yelled back as she continued to push me.

When we finally got to the graveyard I heard Zoey say. "Okay Y/N, I'm about to push you in!" She called "okay-" I fell into the hole and the coffin broke on impact! "That that was fun" I said sarcastically as Zoey helped me out. Then from behind Zoey the Grave digger scared her and she fell in! I took the tip and helped her out the hole. "Okay. Ride on horseback to the Romanian gymnastic training center and find the Don Box" I read. "Y/N! Look!" Zoey said as she pointed at the horses! "Let's ride!" I yelled as we ran towards them.

We road the horse as quickly as possible and when we arrived Zoey grabbed the tip, "botch or watch! You have to do some gymnastics, then we have to run towards the chill zone!" she smiled. "Yes!" I yelled.


"Before I moved away me and Zoey used to be on the gymnastics team, and when I moved away I joined another one" I smiled

End of confessional

Noah POV:

I watched as Owen ran up to the vault. He jumped but he didn't go up. Then I heard someone yell "sorry Owen!" I turned to see Y/N running our way! Then she used Owen to Jump into the air! Then she did a summersault and landed perfectly on the mat! I just looked at her in the air. She was beautiful. When she landed I walked over as the guy gave her the thumbs up. As she was about to leave Owen landed on me! "Shoot! Owen your kind of standing on Noah" she said to him. Owen looked down at me and got off. "Hope your okay Noah" she smiled as she ran towards Zoey. I could only smile.


I ran towards Zoey and we began to run! Then Owen and Noah passed us! They won second place. Which was alright because we got third! Third place was the best place we had come at the moment and I'm happy with it. Now I just need to pray that Zoey stops texting Mike every five seconds.

Ridonculous race  (Noah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now