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Wow. We were so close to losing yesterday. We came in last but we were saved by it being a non elimination round. Thank. God.   We grabbed the tip "okay! The Bahamas! let's go!" Zoey said as we ran.


"We came last, last time. Not again!" I yelled "agreed! We're not leaving until we stick it to those ice dancers!" Zoey grinned "yeah we are!" I grinned as I high-fived her. "P.S sorry again Deven!" Zoey said to the camera "agreed. Sorry guys and get well soon!"

End of confessional

"Get to the airport!" I yelled at the driver as we drove. Once we got there we got our tickets. Then the Cadets and the surfer dudes got theirs. Then the Ice Dancers ran in. "TWO TICKETS TO NASSAU. NOW! THREE MORE TEAMS ARE COMING AND YOU ARE GOING TO PUT THEM ALL ON A LATER FLIGHT! GOT IT!?!" José yelled. We all stepped forward with our tickets. "I guess it's true, ice guys do finish last." McArthur smirked. Then José started breaking things. "And this is getting sad." I said to Zoey and the cadets.

Time skip

Once we arrived in the Bahamas we immediately ran out and grabbed the tip! "All in! Arrg matey. This way be treasure maps. Teams must travel to Nassau's pirate museum by cab and search this grand display of petty theft for one of these, a ridonculous race map. Once they find a map in this travel by jet ski to the coast of the abaco island where they'll find this Don box with their next tip." I read "let's get a cab then!" Zoey yelled, I nodded and we ran to find one. "Keep driving!" I yelled at the driver.

Once we arrived we began to walk inside when the ice dancers pushed us! "You two are the worst!" Zoey yelled as ran inside the museum. "Oh Dear." Zoey said as we looked around at the maps. "This'll be like finding a needle in a hay stack." I said as we began looking. After what felt like Hours we found one! "First place! Let's go!" I grinned as we ran "taste last place ice dunces!" I yelled as I ran out.

Once we got out we changed into our swimming costumes and ran to the jet skis. Once we arrived I took the tip "a random botch. Dive to survive. Whoever is holding this tip must search for sunken treasure...oh God." I said realizing I was holding it. "In this beyond dangerous challenge the botchers must navigate these underwater tunnels in search of gold doubloons, armed only with the map flashlight and small tank of oxygen. If they take too long they'll run out of air and you need that stuff to live so find this big Caven, locate the gold coins and swim back up to the pier. race the jets skis back to the shore and run along the beach to this first midpoint chill zone of our grand finale, three teams will race on the last team to arrive may never be able to look at a beach again without crying." It read. "Why do I always get the worst botches!?!" I asked in annoyance.

I put the oxygen on and dove. "Okay. You can do this it's just an incredibly deep dive into an underwater caven with the slight possibility of drowning..." I said to myself. "You got this Y/N! Just keep going and don't think about it" Zoey smiled through the speakers. "Okay. You're right. I've got this." I said nervously as I swam in. I began to swim around looking for the cavern. Then I heard a high pitched scream. "Jesus Christ! Who was that!?!" I asked "just José" Zoey Shrugged "Right." I replied as I kept going. I eventually found the treasure! "Oh My God! I found it!" I smiled "perfect! Meet me back up here!" Zoey smiled "on my way!" I grinned. Ever since her phone broke in the last episode she's been really on it. And that's exactly what I'm counting on!

I swam back up and took a breath! "Hey! Let's go!" I grinned, Zoey helped me up and Brody swam up as well, me and Zoey began to race to the chill zone. We ran against Geoff and Brody, unfortunately they came first. But we came second and got the next tip! "We did it!" I grinned "let's keep going!" She grinned. I looked back to see the cadets and the ice dancers racing to the end. And unfortunately. The team that got cut was the Cadets...

Me and Zoey grabbed the tips and began to run, we were beating those ice dancers. One way or another. And I don't care if we got second. As long as those two lose that's all I want.

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