Last tango in Buenos Aires

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Final four baby! WOOOOOOO Me and Zoey excitedly ran over to the Don Box. "Can you believe we've gotten this far?" I asked excitedly "of course! And we're in first place! Let's keep that going shall we?" Zoey asked "mhm! Let's win this thing!" I grinned, Zoey pressed the button and got the tip "Argentina!" She grinned "cool! Let's go!" I grinned as we began to run.

We got into our taxi and yelled at the taxi driver to go. "Okay Zoey, Game plan. we need to insure that we come first and the ice dancers lose" I said "or the cadets?" She asked "possibly. But more importantly the ice dancers." I Shrugged "how about we crush them on the plane?" Zoey shrugged "and how do we do that?" I asked "you'll see" she smirked.

Y/N confesional:

"This is a side to Zoey I rarely see. And it's kinda scary. But also exciting."

End of confessional

We ran in and luckily we were first in line as we started booking our tickets the ice dancers and the cadets ran in and started yelling. Then I saw Zoey's look of an idea. "Oh don't worry about them, there are friends and they're just worried that they won't get their usual seats at the very back of the plane. Do you think you can reserve their seats specifically for them?" She asked with a smile. I then remembered the bathrooms where at the back of the plane. "Yeah they get really upset when they don't get their usual seats" I smiled, the guy held a thumbs up. As we walked away I gave her a high five "nice one Zo" I smiled.

Time skip

Once we were on the plane we were laughing silently as the ice dancers got their long deserved comeuppance. The cadets haven't done much to us except for joining the ice dancers in an alliance (that lasted for like what? An episode?) so there was that. Then I saw Deven. "hey Zoey, I'll be back" I smiled as I walked over "have you told her yet?" I asked "I wanted to but I got nervous and-" "and you peed yourself?" I asked "well I kinda Tead myself?" He said "listen. When I liked Noah and I didn't tell him it felt like torture. You just need to get it out and you'll feel better! The worst she can say is no." I reassured, he looked unconvinced "listen you like her right?" I asked, he nodded "then make the first move, you'll be fine" I smiled as I walked back to my seat.

Time skip

We landed and immediately ran off the plane, we were surprisingly still in first when we landed, I grapped the tip and read it. "All in. Tango take down. For this all in challenge, must be head here to the national academy of tango to learn and then perform this passionate Argentine dance. One missed step means starting over but get a thumbs up from this local tango instructor (Whose name I never learned) and it's another cab ride to this ranch where they'll find the Don box with their next tip." It read. We then ran into the Taxi and began going. As we drove I was sitting there awkwardly "you okay?" Zoey asked "I'm just kinda nervous, I'm not the best dancer on the planet" I replied "well... pretend you're dancing with Noah" she smiled, I froze up and blushed a bit.  "what?" Zoey asked "no offence to Noah but if I imagined that you are Noah then I'll just be awkward the whole time because I'll be nervous about messing up and apologizing like a maniac" I said to her "fair, but c'mon we used to do dances all the time, we'll be fine" she smiled "I guess so" I smiled back.

Time skip

We arrived and when we got in we watched the instructor dance with the other instructor. Once they finished I breathed nervously "aaaaaand we're dead." I said under my breath.

"Okay, let's go" Zoey smiled "one two three-" then I stepped on Zoey's foot "ow!" She yelled "sorry!" I replied, we watched as the Ice Dancers finished easily, they took the tip and ran. Then it was the police cadet's turn. And let's just say it was... interesting. Then it was the best friends. We watched them and Deven headbutted her! So much for making the first move. Then it was me and Zoey's turn again. And we failed. After so many tries and failures we did it! "Let's go!" I yelled as Zoey grabbed the tip and we ran!

Once we arrived we grabbed the tip "a botch or watch! Ride em, Gaucho. For this botch or watch the team member who didn't play ring toss in the arctic gets to ride a horse and uses traditional boleodora to tie up their teams designated emu. Once an emu is wrapped up they must bring it by taxi to the chill Zone located here at top mount Akunkagua. But hurry the last team to arrive maybe heading home. Okay Zoey, your turn to botch." I smiled as Zoey pet the horse. "Okay! Which emu is our exactly?" She asked, "probably the one that has our faces on it" I Shrugged as we looked at the emu with our picture on it. "Wait. Something's off. Our emu looks... oily." I asked. Then we heard laughter. Ice dancer laughter to be exact. "What did you do!?!" I yelled "what makes you think we did it?" José asked "Elvis Jr over there is literally covered in oil." I said as I folded my arms as he fell off his horse. "That evidence is circumstantial. Oh and thank you for selecting our seats on that flight. So kind!" José said to us "it's called, getting your long deserved and awaited comeuppance!" Zoey said to them "agreed! Zoey! Go!" I said as she then began to ride the horse to get the Emu.

Zoey rode over and threw the boleodora at the emu. But thanks to the ice dancers and them oiling our emu it slid right off! I glared at the ice dancers as Zoey chased out emu and failed to catch it. "You  are so infuriating. And so Is that Elvis Presley wannabe! and I can't wait to see your faces when you go home!" I glared at José, "I can say the same here." She smirked. I then walked over to Zoey "listen. This'll be difficult, so you try your best and don't give up. I'll think of something, trust me" I smiled, she threw the boleodora at the emu again and then it slid off. "You know what!?! I'll do this!" She yelled as she ran over and began chasing it! "Oh God! Zoey wait-" suddenly she tackled the bird and fell down hill! "Y/N! Help!" She yelled. I heard José's laughter and I turned and glared. That got her to shut up. I then ran over "don't worry Zoey! I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran.

I ran down the hill and found Zoey. "Oh My God! You're okay!" I yelled as I hugged her "Y/N? What are you doing down here?" She asked "you're my best friend Zoey! Of course I'm going to come down here and make sure you're okay" I smiled "I'm fine Y/N, but my phone on the other hand..." She then showed me her broken phone. "Oh no."

Y/N confesional:


End of confessional

"Want to help me carry the Emu back up?" She asked "Ew! It smells like expired cheese-" that struck a nerve in the emu's head. Me and Zoey immediately began to run! "C'mon I didn't mean it!" I yelled back at the Emu.

We ran up the mountain screaming as we ran! Zoey pulled me up a tree and we looked down at the terrifying bird. Then we saw Carrie and Deven. "Wait. The best friends! Oh no.... we're in last!" I yelled in panic! "Tie the bird!" Zoey said as she jumped down onto the bird "what the- Zoey  what are you doing?" I asked "keeping us in the race so we can stick it to those ice dancers!" She yelled back. I tied the bird immediately "let's go!" I grinned as we began running! We called a taxi and got in "follow that taxi!" I yelled as I pointed to the best friend's taxi. As we drove we rolled down the window. The best friends and us looked at each other, once in an alliance now turned rivals. Only one of us was making it out now.

Once we arrived we ran! "C'mon!" I yelled then the best friends overtook us! "No!" I yelled as they reached the chill zone. I stopped and sighed. But the Emu kept going! It crashed into Devon and he fell off a cliff! I caught up to Carrie and Zoey as we looked over the cliff! "Oh God!" I yelled in panic!


"I- I pushed Devon off a- a cliff!" Zoe cried "hey it's okay, he's not upset at you and it was an accident" I reassured "but I still pushed him off the cliff!" She cried, I hugged her "if it's helpful to hear, Don said it's not an elimination round. So we can stay?" I said awkwardly.

End of confessionals.

As Devon (non surprisingly) couldn't continue the race they had to find someone else to take their place. I was secretly hoping it would be Noah and Owen. But no....

It was the surfer dudes.

Ridonculous race  (Noah x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora