Bjorken Telephone

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Last time was full of terrifying memories. I swam with freaking sharks! And this time we'd be in Iceland! I pressed the Don box and got the tip. "Take a bus to the geyser field and locate the Don box" I read. "Let's go!" Zoey said as we ran towards the Bus stop.

Once we got on the Bus I looked out the window. "Hey Zoey how are you-" she was texting Mike. Again. "Do you have a 'how many times can I make N/N feel single?' Counter?" I asked "sorry N/N but I haven't texted Mike in ages and I have to see how he's doing" she smiled as she went back to her phone. "You last texted him yesterday" I smiled as I rolled my eyes. "Well he's my Boyfriend" she smiled as she laughed at a message from him.

When the Bus pulled up we ran out and towards the Don Box. Zoey grabbed the tip. "An All-In. Broken Icelandic Telephone" she said to me. "What?" I asked "for this all In teams will need to hold down the button on this speaker to hear me say 'please give me my next travel tip' in Icelandic with perfect pronunciation. Then they must run across the geothermal field of hot springs and repeat the sentence to this Icelandic local. Say the sentence right you get the next Tip. Say it wrong and you have to go all the way back to hear it again!" it said. I pushed the button and heard it say "vinsamlegast gefðu mér næstu ferðaábendingu" I repeated it a few times. "can you remember that?" I asked. "I can try" Zoey replied as we began running.

We ran past Owen and Noah and saw Owen stuck in a geyser. We ran past them and we made it to the swan girl. Once we got there Zoey opened her mouth. "Uh...Y/N I kinda forgot" she said to me "vinsamlegast gefðu mér næstu ferðaábendingu" I said to her, she smiled and then She gave me the tip. "How did you memorize that?" Zoey asked "I was in the theatre club, and usually I had to learn a lot of lines" I said as she read the tip. "Take the Helecoptor to Skafta Vettel national park and find the next Don Box" she read. "then let's go!" I said as we ran towards the Helecoptor. We were one of the first 6 teams on the helicopter.

When we arrived I grabbed the tip. "Either or, Feast or Fossil" I said to her. We read the instructions and all I said was. "Zoey. I know you survived weeks on Chefs horrible food. But there's absolutely no way I'm eating that" I said. "Fossil it is then" she smiled as we grabbed two pickaxes as ran into the caves. We managed to find one and we were staring to push it up the slope. And by we I mean me. Zoey and Mike have been texting alot more recently and she was on her phone the whole time either taking pictures of us or texting him."hey Zoey not that I'm upset your texting your boyfriend instead of helping me or anything but can you stop texting your boyfriend and help me?" I asked. She quickly put her phone away and started helping me. When we arrived we managed to get into 10th place.

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