Maori or less

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okay! Fourth again which isn't so bad. And me and Noah have been talking alot more recently and I know I said it before but I think I really like him! But I just hope he doesn't put me before the competition. We both came to win and I don't want to let me get in the way of that. We grabbed the tip "Teams must climb a dangerously steep path to this train station the take a historic ride through New Zealand's lush mountains all the way up to decision junction where they're next tips are waiting." I read. "Let's go then" Zoey smiled as we began to run up the path! Then Noah and Owen caught up, "hey guys" Owen smiled. "Hi/Hey-" me and Noah spoke at the same time I blushed a bit. "Do you guys wanna run up the path together?" Zoey asked "sure" Owen smiled as we began to run up the hill.

"I told the producers 'you make Owen eat that butter he's gonna blow' I guess barfing on the other contestants is okay! But barfing on the host? Not so much" he said as we ran. "You seriously got disqualified just for that? That's really unfair" I replied.

Y/N and Zoey confesional:

"Just to clarify I said no relationships during the show never said I couldn't talk to him" I shrugged. "Just make sure you don't make it all about your love life remember this is a competition" Zoey smiled "Zo that's been my main focus for ages. I just hope Noah follows that advice" I said hopefully.

End of confessional

"Have you seen that new show alligator bite? We've been thinking about auditioning Mabye you two should too" Noah smiled. I held his hand quickly. I know I said no relationships but I had to catch my breath and I kinda wanted him to wait up. "I'd like that, send me the details of the show and I'll ask Zoey" I smiled. Suddenly we both leaned in to kiss. Was this actually happening!?! Before we actually could the surfer dudes ran in the middle of us knocking Noah to the ground! "Sorry dudes!" Geoff yelled as he ran. "Oh shoot! Noah you good?" I asked as I helped him up. "I'm fine now" he smiled while blushing. Then I snapped out of it! "C'mon! Let's go!" I yelled.

Y/N and Zoey confesional:

"I'm really trying to save it all for after the show, I hate how this is turning into my only character trait but it's what's happening right now!" I yelled "Y/N-" "Zoey, I don't want him to forget why he's in this show. We're here to win the million not fall in love"

End of confessional

We boarded the third train "okay I have an idea on how we can get to the final as an alliance" I smiled "I love the way you say Alliance" Noah smiled. "Uh thanks?" I said Akwardly. I'M NOT USED TO THIS! And I am starting to get very worried that he didn't take what I said to heart. "Okay so regular team meetings to discuss the other teams and possible threats" I smiled, Noah was just staring at me "Noah you listening?" I asked "mhm" he smiled. "Got a sec?" Zoey asked "yeah?" I said Akwardly as she pulled me away. "Y/N Noah likes you, stop acting so clueless you nearly kissed him back there" she said to me. "no, this needs to be after the race I'm certain, besides the million is my number 2- 1! Number 1 focus!" I corrected. "Only if your sure but don't push it to a point where you loose him" she said as we sat back down. "Sorry about that" I smiled apologeticly "it's fine" Noah smiled back. Owen looked a bit unsure at how Noah was acting and I don't blame him.

Once we got out Noah began to run with me "can't wait to post my review online 'got a death wish? This is the train for you'" he smiled, I began to laugh "your really funny" I laughed as we grabbed the tip. It was an either or. "Jump down or jump around" Zoey read. "How about Jump down" I shrugged. "I love it when you take charge" Noah smiled at me. I smiled slightly and we ran to the bridge. I'm getting over my fear of heights one way or another.

Once we arrived at the bungee jump area I looked at the water below. "Okay just me jumping off a bridge into a lake of terrifying fish" I mumbled with shaking breath. Why did I suggest doing this!?! Then I saw Noah putting on the ankle harness. "Hey Noah I have a bit of a thing against heights. do you mind if we Mabye do this together?" I asked "that would be so romantic, like that movie about that couple on a sinking ship" he said as he held my arms. "I love that movie" I smiled"I've watched it 700 times" he smiled. "You kept count?" I asked "yeah" he replied. "That's so hot" I smiled. Then I snapped out of it! "GOT TO JUMP!" I yelled as I jumped with his hand in mine! Then I let go and grabbed a fish!

Once we were back up I hugged Noah. "Thank you for agreeing to do that with me"I smiled "anytime" he smiled. Then Zoe brought the game back to my attention! "Let's go!" I yelled. Owen and Zoey ran Infront of us and me and Noah ran behind. "Okay Y/N! We need to keep running!" Zoey yelled "coming!" I yelled back as I sped up. We were so close to the end. Then I looked back at Noah. He was staring at me again.  He didn't take what I said to heart. All day he's been like this which I'm fine with but I couldn't do this. The million is my focus. I like him but I've told him to not put me first. "C'mon! Let's speed up!" I yelled as I grabbed Zoey's arm with my free hand and sped up!

Once we reached the Chill Zone we came second to last place. "Y/N Zoey!" Noah yelled as he caught up with Owen. "I don't know what your definition of an alliance is but ours are very different" he said. "Noah, remember when I told you to focus on the game and not me? Well this is what I was scared of, I really like you, alot as in more than freinds but we can't be together during the race, I'm sorry" I said as I walked away with Zoey. "Y/N! What are you doing!?!" She yelled I'm confusion. "I couldn't do it. I don't want him to lose his chance because of me so Mabye now that I'm out of the picture he can actually focus  besides what can go wrong?"

Ridonculous race  (Noah x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora