A million ways to lose a million dollars PT 2

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As we ran Zoey read the tip "go to the boathouse and use one of the boats to search the buoys in the middle of the pond for the combination that will unlock your briefcase!" She read "Boathouse!" I grinned as I pointed at it as we began to speed up.

Once we arrived we grabbed a boat and began to row! "Go go go!" I yelled as we began to row off, as we rowed through the pond I was endlessly looking for any sign of the surfer dudes. "Wait. If the surfer dudes finished before us...oh no! They must be finished!" I yelled in fear, then Zoey pointed behind us and I saw the surfers. "Oh. Nevermind." I said more relaxed. As we continued on suddenly a turtle jumped out and bit my hand! "Jesus Christ!" I yelled as I threw it away "it's just like Total Drama season 3" Zoey smiled, "remind me to start watching that when we get back" I smiled, then we reached a buoy "okay! See any numbers?" I asked "no, you keep an eye out for the surfers and I'll look" she said. Then I saw them and had an idea "Brody! I'll try talking McArthur into going on a date with you in exchange for the million!" I yelled "sorry! But we need to focus on taking you down!" He yelled back. "A few episodes ago that would've worked" I sighed. Then we saw them lift you the Buoy and there was the code! "The code is on the bottom!" I said in realization. Zoey picked it up and read it. "Try 2 2 1?" She asked. I put it in "it's a no! Keep going!" I yelled as she kept rowing.

We kept searching every Buoy in sight. Then Zoey picked up one last one. "Try 117?" She asked, I put it in and it opened! "It worked! Hello Map to the chill zone!" I grinned as I held it up for her to see! "Let's go!" Zoey yelled as she began to row again. I picked up the ore and helped out!

Once we got to shore we got out and began to run! "C'mon! There's a million dollars on the line!" Zoey yelled in urgency as we ran "I know! Don't worry I'm keeping up!" I yelled back, as we kept running I looked back to see the surfers catching up! "Zoey! They're catching up!" I yelled in panic "oh no! C'mon we gotta keep moving!" She yelled as we sped up. Then I saw the Chill Zone up ahead! I looked at the past teams as we got closer, one of them was Noah and Owen! Noah waved at me as I ran over, I smiled briefly and kept running. Me and Zoey ran up the stairs and so did the surfers. I closed my eyes as we got closer to Don.

"Y/N and Zoey. Congratulations you have won!"

I opened my eyes to see I was on the carpet with Zoey! "We- We did it!" I grinned as I tackled Zoey into a giant hug. "We did!" Zoey grinned as she hugged back! We actually did it! We actually won a million dollars! I let go and smiled at Geoff and Brody  "well done guys" I smiled as Zoey nodded, then I got tackled into a hug from Geoff and Brody as well. "Can't breathe-" then they let go and had a moment with each other "Looks like everybody's happy" Don smiled "WE'RE NOT!" José yelled "for the last time...I DON'T CARE!" Don yelled at them.

Cue the clips of Y/N and Zoey in the race:

"This race was so much fun!" Zoey grinned "agreed! I got to reunite with my best friend, travel the world, I surprisingly got a boyfriend and now we've just won a million dollars!" I grinned back "I had so much fun with you N/N" Zoey smiled "same here Zo, surprisingly my favourite part of this was taking that photo while falling off the waterfall, what about you?" I asked "hmmm....I liked it when we did that zip line" she smiled "but anyway, we had fun, and I'm so happy that I did this with you" I smiled as I hugged her.

End the clips

I walked down the stairs and saw Noah. I smiled and walked over "so...how are you?" I asked "good you-" I then hugged him "I'm amazing" I smiled as I then kissed him, he kissed back and soon Don wanted us on the stage again. We all walked up and me and Zoey walked to our cash prize.

"Yes! Throw all your money on the ground how smart. That all for now! I hope you enjoyed our incredible race around the world! Make sure to keep out an eye for more off...the ridonculous race!"

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