My way or Zimbabwe

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This chapter is a little shorter (sorry)

I had to get the Twins out. I'm sorry but I couldn't let Noah get out! Even though I'll have to get him out at some point. Just not now! We grabbed the tip and Zoey read it out loud. "Zimbabwe!" She smiled "cool! Let's go!" I yelled as we ran to find a Taxi. Once we got to the airport I made a promise to myself. I'm going to focus on this challenge and not get distracted! And I hope they do the same, reason:

I don't want them to go home yet.

Once our plane landed we ran to one of the Jeeps, "Okay Zoey we need to get to Victoria falls, I'll direct your drive" I said to her. "Alright!" She smiled back. "Let me just-" I said as I took her phone. "What's that for?" She asked "you're not texting Mike as you drive" I said to her. "I wasn't planning on it but okay" she shrugged as she began to drive. 

Once we finally found the river we grabbed the tip, "Zoey it's an All-in Selfie Safari, we have to- Take a selfie as we're falling off the waterfall!?!" I yelled "what!?!" She yelled as she grabbed the tip, "then we have to take a selfie with the white rhino, and once we have the selfies we need to race to the chill zone on foot. Let's go!" She yelled as we ran. once we grabbed the lifeboat and walked towards the waterfall. "I'm kinda scared Zoey" I said nervously. "I don't blame you but I'll be here with you" she smiled "okay" I smiled back as we placed the lifeboat Into the water. "Okay have you got the waterproof camera?" She asked "yep!" I smiled as I held it up, then the boat fell over the edge! Our picture came out alright:

 "Okay have you got the waterproof camera?" She asked "yep!" I smiled as I held it up, then the boat fell over the edge! Our picture came out alright:

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(Sorry about my drawing 😭)
Once we got down there we jumped back onto the lifeboat. "You get the picture?" Zoey asked. "Right here" I smiled as I handed her the camera. "Not the worse picture in the world" Zoey shrugged. Then I heard Noah "Take the picture take the picture!" He yelled suddenly he plummeted onto our boat! "Oh My God! Noah are you okay!?!" I yelled in panic "oh yeah I'm totally fine!" He said in pain as Owen's lifeboat fell. Once Noah jumped back onto his boat we went ahead. "Zoey we should probably go faster" I said to her "why? Shouldn't we wait for Owen and Noah?"
She asked "yeah but today I just want to focus on us as a team. Yesterday I had to scare the Twins into last place. Not planning on that again" I said to her. "I guess" she shrugged as we began the go faster.

Once we arrived at shore we began to find the rhino. "Okay Zoey do you want to take the picture or should I?" I asked "well I don't mind" I she shrugged. "I'll take it then" I replied as we began looking around. Eventually we found it. Zoey stood next to the rhino and I took the picture. And like last time it wasn't to bad. Once we got to the chill zone we found out we were in 5th place! I'm not complainin, 5th is good. As Long as we stay in the race then we're all good.

Ridonculous race  (Noah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now