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Okay! I've decided to make it my sworn duty to get out the ice dancers. Just not now, trust me I want them to leave but i neef a plan and i don't think Zoey would be on bord with it. Zoey grabbed the tip "travel to Kanto Vietnam!" She read "cool!" I grinned as we ran to the get a taxi. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm! "Come on Carrie!" Devon yelled as he dragged me into his cab "Devon what heck!" I yelled as the car drove off leaving Zoey with Ryan, Stefanie and Carrie. "huh? Wait! Your not Carrie!" He said to me "wow thanks for that information Devon, I really couldn't tell." I said in annoyance. HOW THE HELL DID HE MIX ME UP WITH CARRIE!

After a long awkwardly quiet car ride we finally arrived "Y/N! I got the tickets let's go!" Zoey said as we ran "sorry about that Y/N!" Devon yelled after me "don't worry about it!" I yelled back. We got on our flight and once we were off we began to race to find a cab. But we couldn't get one. "damn it!" I yelled "hey look!" Zoey yelled as she pointed to two bike taxis, "well it's better than going home today, let's go!" I yelled as we sat down. "to the Can tho river!" I yelled, and then the boy on the bike began to drive away.

We finally arrived and grabbed our tip "it's a super team challenge- a what?" I said In confusion. "Three teams must go cat fish noodling together! Ew!" I yelled "what?" Zoey asked "Cat fish noodling is when you use your fingers as bait to catch the fish" I explained "Ew!" Zoey yelled "yep, we need to work with 2 other teams and need to catch 6 of catfishes. And if we find some ridonculous race branded one we skip the next challenge." I said to her "okay! Who are we working with?" She asked "Zoey!
Y/N! Over here!" Geoff yelled "hi!" I yelled back as we ran over "dudes we get to work together as a super team!" Brody said excitedly as he pulled me and Zoey into a hug, "yep! And ignoring the fact I can't breathe right now who else are we working with?" I asked "over here teammates!" Carrie yelled as Devon fell into the water.

The boat began to sail, Devon was up front, The surfer dudes were behind us and Carrie was sitting next to me and Zoey "Devons being so sweet lately, if I didn't know any better I'd say- no. I no longer read into any little thing that he does. Unless you two think it means something" Carrie said to us "I'm not the best person to ask, I only realized I liked Noah thanks to Zoey so I'd ask her" I shrugged "well, you deserve someone who treats you with the respect you deserve and appreciates you, it's a bad idea to push it all down, look how it turned out for Y/N" she said "hey! We're still together and-" suddenly a bucket of chum was thrown into Carrie. It was Devon and his eye sight. "Feelings pushed down. Down. And they're gone."

"Okay super team! There's probably some fish underneath us, Zoey and Geoff, jump in to scare the fish towards Carrie and I at the bow and we'll do the noodling thing to catch them, sound good?" I asked "did you say-"

"CANNON BALL!" Zoey and Geoff yelled as they jumped in, "here fishy fishy" Carrie called, then I felt something on my arm! "Ew! Ew! Ew! I got one!" I yelled as Brody got it off my arm.

Short Time skip

We were getting ahead of the other team! "Only two more to go! Well done super team!" I smiled as Brody took the fish off my hand. We all swam away to find some more fish and by the time we got back we were done! "That's 6! Well done! I'll grab the judge" Carrie yelled as she swam off. "I got one! I got one!" Devon yelled "sweet throw it on the pile dude the more the merrier!" Geoff smiled. "You know this super team Alliance thing worked out pretty well, wanna make it permanent?" Zoey asked "sure!" Devon smiled "we're in" Brody smiled "perfect" I smiled, then Carrie brought the judge over. That when we found out the "catfish" that Devon caught was a crocodile! Guess you could say we got Catfished, I am not sorry for that joke.

"We had 6 catfish, take our word for it?" I said to the judge. But he shook his head "way to go Devon now we have to start again" I said to him "it's not over yet! Stay there judge guy!" Brody yelled, he then picked up the crocodile and managed to get the catfishes out of its stomach! I'm not complaining since we got the next tip! "All in, get lost and found underground, for this all in teams must take taxis to these war time tunnels. somewhere down here they'll find a Don box with directions to the chill Zone but they better take care the tunnels are riddled with traps dead ends and more spiders" Brody said "what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I yelled as we rode off.

Once we arrived at the tunnels we found three different paths. "Looks like we're splitting up" I Shrugged "wait what's our super team plan?" Brody asked "we could use a signal if we find the Don box" I said to them "like KA KA!" Geoff yelled as he and Brody ran down a tunnel "that sorts that out anyway let's go" I said as we took the right tunnel.

As we walked down the tunnels I heard Zoey's phone go off "oh! Probably mike" she smiled as she pulled it out "hey Zoey can I talk to you about something" I asked "yeah what's up" she asked "it just feels like you care more about- AHHHH!" I Yelled as the floor gave way dropping me! I held onto a ledge and looked down to see a lot of sharp spikes! "Y/N!" Zoey yelled "Zoey! Help! Pull me up!" I yelled in fear for my life, Zoey grabbed my arm and began pulling me up towards her but was failing! "Zoey if don't make it out of this alive tell my family and Noah I love them and kill Mike for me, I'm still annoyed at him for the Komodo Dragon incident" i said to her "No! Your making it out alive!" She yelled "I hope so!" I yelled back "your slipping!" She yelled. I looked down to see I was closer to the spikes! I screamed again "help!" I yelled, suddenly I was pulled out of the spikes "thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled "oh course dude, anything for the super team" Brody smiled "your right super team to the end" I smiled


"I now owe three people life, Zoey, Noah and newly added to the list Brody" i said "your keeping track?" Zoey asked "I've dodged death multiple times, you know what, remember that show alligator bite the one that Noah talked about?" I asked "yeah?" Zoey said "I'm not so sure anymore" I said to her

End of confessional

Then I saw Geoff and Brody had busted through a wall to get here! "Wait you two seriously busted through a wall?" I asked "yeah how'd you guess" Brody smiled, suddenly we heard the signal! "They found the Don box! Let's go!" Geoff yelled as we ran. Once we found it, it was a map to the chill zone. We began to run! "Let's go Zoey!" I yelled, then the surfer dudes slowed down and let the best friends pass them, wow they were genuinely good people! We arrived and got in th place! The surfer dudes were eliminated. If we win I will be giving Brody a cut of the million as a thanks for saving me in the cave.

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