Hawaiian Honeyruin

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Transylvania was cool and all but it was time to leave. We came third last time which I'd argue was really good! Same with Zoey. We ran to the Don box and got the tip. "Zoey we're going to Hawaii!" I yelled. "Yes!" She cheered. Hawaii is one of her dream destinations to travel. So this was amazing!

Me and Zoey were on a Kart with The ice dancers and the Reality TV pros. We were playing charades. Zoey was being very obvious about what her item was but Owen didn't get it. I rolled my eyes and just looked at my surroundings. Then I noticed Noah was staring at me. "Hey is he okay?" I asked as I stood up and walked towards Noah. He was really spaced out. "Noah? Noah???" I called as I waved my hand in his face a couple of times. "Noah? Earth to Noah! Can you hear me?" I asked. Still nothing. "Okay then?" I said as I sat back down. "Do you think he's okay?" I asked Zoey. "I don't know" she shrugged as we saw him snap back to reality. Suddenly the kart shook and I fell onto Noah! "Shoot sorry!" I yelled as I quickly sat back with Zoey. "You okay?" She asked. "I...I think so" I said quickly. "Do you have a thing for Noah?" She asked "What? Pfft! No" I said to her.

Luckily all the teams were on the same flight! Once we got off I was determined to prove to Zoey I did not like Noah! Because I don't! This is a composition and I was complaining about Zoey having a boyfriend! Besides if I have a relationship during this show it could screw up everything! But not like I like him. So when I saw them grabbing the tip I pushed them out of the way quickly. "Sorry! But we needed the tip sooo" I said as I got the tip "uh oh. Looks like someone is about to get Noah-ed." Owen said to us. I was expecting Noah to say a sarcastic remark like usual But when we looked at Noah he was just staring again. "Is that what you call being Noah-ed?" I asked in confusion. "Uh- Noah?" Owen asked. "just give him a minute he's just thinking of something" he said. "I'll let you Noah me at the Chill zone then...see ya!" I yelled as we ran. "Zoey read it" I called. "It's a botch or watch! Guess I'm diving for wedding rings!" She yelled as we ran. I turned back to see Noah still staring at me. "I don't think he's okay" I said to Zoey as we ran.

"Zo you can do it, and hey atleast your not swimming with sharks" I joked. "Thanks" she smiled as she jumped. Then I saw a shark fin. "Shoot!" I yelled. But Zoey swam up perfectly fine! "Told you!" I yelled with excitement. "Let's go!" I yelled as we ran towards the shore!

Noah POV:
I was swimming towards the shore when I felt something grab me! "HELP! SOMETHINGS GOT ME! SHARK! SHARK!" I yelled as I was pulled under. But I came back up with Micky holding onto me for dear life. "Please tell me your a ring" he said. "Oh man. I was gonna sell this one for cash. Here" I sighed as I handed him a ring. "NOAH'S DYING!" Owen yelled.

Noah confessional:

"I'm not getting soft or anything. Micky was just so pathetic. Yes I've been a bit distracted by Y/N recently. But it's not some while thing where I'm all warm and gushy like a fresh chocolate chip cookie and suddenly want to do nice things for people just because I'm falling for-" my voice started to trail off as I realized I was blushing. "GIVE ME BACK THAT RING!" I Yelled as I ran after Micky.

Me and Zoey agreed I would be the Bride and she would be the groom. I felt bad because she's been through alot already but she insisted. I put on my grass skirt and Noah was right next to me. "Uh hey can I help you?" I asked. Nothing. "Noah? You've been acting so weird recently" I said. Still nothing.

Zoey POV:

I stood by Owen "hey have you noticed how Noah's been with Y/N recently?" I asked. "Yeah! He's definitely sick" he said. "What makes you say that?" I asked "he's drooling, smiling and acting sincere! He is definitely sick" he said to me. "That or he has a crush on her" I smirked. "But he's all goofy and Akward and- oh!" He then realized. Y/N was making an effort to get through to him but he wasn't talking.


Zoey walked over and picked me up. "Ready?" She asked "yep" I said as I looked at Noah really confused. "You okay?" She asked. "I am but I don't know about Noah" I replied, "what makes you say that?" She asked. "Look at him" I said as I pointed to him Infront of us. He was just looking back at me" "okay I see your point" she said to me. Luckily we came in fith! Not to bad! Once Zoey put me down I glanced back at Noah and he was still looking at me, "Noah?" I said to him. Absolutely nothing. "Hey Owen is Noah okay?" I asked "I have absolutely no idea" he replied. "Well I hope he gets better" I smiled as I walked back to Zoey.

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