Dilf!Eddie part 8- Nothing else Matters 🌶️

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Reader POV:

" Mom, I need to talk to him."
" Honey, what's wrong? You sound upset."
You took a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself, the phone in your hand shaking. " That's because I am upset! "
You had sat in a heap on the floor, sobbing until your voice was hoarse, replaying the words that Eddie had said to you, the words that made your heart crumble into a million pieces.
'I need you to understand that I am doing this for you. I will not stand in between you and your family and I will not ruin your life. I love you too goddamn much.' And 'Its because I love you that I am doing this!'
You were sad and broken, and you KNEW that he loved you, you knew it deep down in your heart. And now you were pissed. You knew that your Father had said mean and hurtful things to Eddie, made him feel like shit, like he was inadequate and wouldn't be able to give you the life that you wanted. The reality of the situation was that your Father didn't like your relationship because there was an age gap. It didn't matter that Eddie treasured you, loved you, he would put his blinders on and ignore the sweet smiles, the loving gestures and the happiness that radiated from you , because he couldn't get past the fact that you were his little girl, and that you were capable of making your own decisions.
Your heart beat fast in your chest. Nothing infuriated you more than people thinking that because you were still in your 20's you couldn't make rational decisions. Your Mother had made the rational decision to marry your Father when she was 2 years younger than you were now, then had a child two years later, did he forget that little fact? It was bullshit.
" Honey, I don't think it is a great idea to talk to your Father right now. He's in a mood-"
" Well so am I. " You were never one to be disrespectful to your parents, you never talked back or sassed them when you were a teenager, never raised your voice ,but this was different.
" Honey, I can hear that you are clearly unhappy-"
" But do you know why? Do you know that your husband made my boyfriend feel like an unworthy piece of shit? And that because of the conversations that he had with him, telling him that he has too old, that he would ruin my life and that he could never give me the life I deserved, Eddie broke up with me tonight? The man that I love most in this world, that makes me happier than I have EVER been broke my heart because he didn't think he was good enough for me, thought that he was just going to hold me back," You started to cry into the phone.
" I'm so sorry-"
" He had no right to interfere," you seethed." And I'm sorry if he doesn't agree with or understand this relationship but I am a grown woman that will make my OWN decisions and I will own up to any mistakes that I make but this is NOT one of them. " you tried to keep your voice from trembling. "Please tell my Father that the only older man in my life that has disappointed me is him. If you don't have the heart to do it please let me now and I will do it myself." There was silence . You hung up the phone, not allowing your mother to think of a way to defend him and threw the phone across the room, instantly regretting it as you watched it skitter across the floor.
"Fuuuuuck!" You crawled across the floor an examined it and it was in fact broken. You sunk to the floor again , sobbing and laid there crying yourself to sleep.
You awoke to your roommate Lisa shaking you, " Hon, wake up."
You open your tired , puffy eyes and looked up into her face, full of concern. You sat up, body physically hurting from your body shaking and gasping and lying on the floor. Tears instantly filling your eyes, you recounted the events of the night, and watched her face drop.
" No, no way." She shook her head. "You guys are perfect."
" Were perfect. I don't know what I am going to do."
" You know that he only did it because he loves you right? He wants what's best for you? Even if his thoughts are a little...deluded right now?"
You buried your face in your hands." I know he loves me, that's why this hurts so much. My Father really fucked him up."
" What are you going to do?" Lisa asked.
" I'm too broken and too pissed off right now to think rationally." You ran a hand over your face.
Lisa put an arm around you and pulled you close, you rested your head on her shoulder. " Well since your already not thinking straight, wanna get shitfaced ?"
" Yes please. I need to not think right now."
" Alright Sweets, I'll be right back with the tequila."

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