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"Katherine. Katherine!" I heard my mother yelling my name from the other side of my bedroom door.
"Hm?" I hummed groggily as I rolled over in bed to try and drown her out.
"Kat it's time to get up. You'll be late and miss the train." She warned.
I rolled onto my back and rested my arm over my eyes to block out the sun. Summer holiday had come to an end and today was the day I was supposed to head back to Hogwarts.
I walked down our stairs and into the kitchen to find my mom sitting at our dining table with a large cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. She looked up at me and softly smiled, small wrinkles meeting the corners of her eyes and scrunched lines on her forehead. My mother was getting older but she was still so beautiful to me. Her long brown hair reminded me of dark honey and her bright green eyes were like emeralds shimmering against tanned sand skin. She was short and petite but her personality blazed strong like wild fire. Her smile was like the first ray of sunshine that breaks through the purple and pink dawn sky and begins warming the earth. She was perfection and she was my mother. I looked just like her in every way besides the wrinkles.
"7th year. How does it feel to almost be an adult?" My mother joked from behind her coffee mug.
"Feels good, but mom how does it feel to almost be in a retirement home?" I raised my eyebrow as I leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing my arms.
My mother scoffed and continued reading the paper, ignoring my snarky comment. I smiled and began walking around the kitchen, gathering the few things I needed to finish my packing. I stopped for a moment to admire a photograph that was posted up on our fridge of my mother, me and my father on my 6th birthday. We were all smiling and happy, cake smeared across my lips and stuck in my mother's hair from a food fight that had just ensued moments before the picture was taken. I ripped my eyes away from the photo and looked back at my mother who had paused her reading to admire it with me. Our eyes met and we quickly went back to doing what we were doing before that memory had paused time for a split second.
"Where is dad this morning?" I huffed as I continued rummaging through drawers and cabinets.
"Out." My mother dryly said, not looking away from her paper.
"Alright, I have everything." I sighed, turning to look at her.
My throat got tight as she set down her mug and stood up. I was always excited to return to school, to learn new spell and see my friends but I always hated leaving her here. She placed her hands on my shoulders and pouted her lips, a year forming in her eye. I pulled her in for a tight hug and tried my best not to cry but my efforts were ruined when she kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you for Christmas holiday, yeah?" She huffed.
I was afraid if I opened my mouth, sobs would be the only thing to come out so I just silently nodded.
"I love you kitty kat." My mom sang.
"I love you too mom!" I pulled out my wand and waved it in the air, summoning for my trunks to make their way down the stairs.
After I had all my bags and things I needed, I slipped on my black pea coat and opened the door, sucking in as the brisk morning air hit my face. I could smell the leaves beginning to change and the soil becoming more wet and soft. There was a slight breeze the blew through my long brown curls that brought scents of pumpkin bread and apple pie along with it.
"You were gonna leave without tell me goodbye?" My father's husky voice was like nails screeching down a chalk board in my ears.
Shivers were sent racing down my spine and it took everything in me to not physically gag in his face.
"I didn't know where you were." I gritted through my teeth.
He was laying on a bench we keep outside so we can sit in the summer and drink tea while listening to the sounds of bird songs and children's laughter. My nose turned up at the smell of alcohol that hit me like a ton of bricks. His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair was disheveled atop his head.
"Well I'm off. I have to go or I'll be late." I halfway lied.
He stood and walked closer to me, wrapping one arm around my shoulders and pulling me in close to him.
"You have a good 5th year darling. Daddy loves you. Stay away from boys." He slurred.
I wiggled out from under his arm and stepped away.
"It's my 7th year." I said quietly.
He just blinked at me before walking inside and slamming the door behind me. My stomach dropped at the thought of my mother being left alone with him and his...temper, but I had no choice. He was drinking more anyways so it wasn't uncommon for him to be passed out most of the day which eased my nerves. As long as he was keeping his fists to himself, I didn't care what he did. I walked to the end of our yard where a large tree stood with a human sized hole in it. I stepped inside with my trunks and threw the flume powder down. I arrived at the train station and made my way to the 9 3/4 platform. I stepped through the brick and stone wall and onto the Hogwarts express train station platform. People were bustling around, shoving past each other with trunks and animals in tow. It was so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts... a huge smile spread across my face.
I was going home.

Trail of broken hearts and slimy snakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora