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Mystery. Murder. Mystery murder. I sighed as I looked through all the books, desperate to find one that came close to the one that was destroyed. I saw one with a promising cover of a man, shirtless of course because the best romance novels have shirtless men posed on the front, but sadly it was a sci-fi thriller. Feeling defeated I decided to look at some of the mystery books. Maybe I could find one that was a mystery about who the female main character would choose.
"I didn't realize book shopping was so stressful." Zabini snickered.
"Well, you don't want to waste your money on a terrible book." I stated.
I realized he was trying to be cute and I was being way too serious. I looked over at him and his smile turned to defeat so I grabbed his hand and smiled.
"But sometimes after I go book shopping I feel like I need a nap." I joked.
His face lit up and he laughed. His laugh hit my ears but instead of making me want to laugh with him I just felt annoyed. My joke wasn't that funny.
"They don't have anything good here. We can head back now." I admitted.
"Oh. Alright." He shrugged his shoulder and began leading me back outside.
As we walked through the halls of the school, the silence between us was heavy, awkward even.
"I'm sorry you couldn't find a book." Blaise blurted, breaking the tension.
"It's alright. I'll have my mom send me another book from home." I softly smiled.
We continued walking in silence until we reached the common rooms. Once inside Blaise pulled on my hand to turn me towards him.
"Look kat." He started. "I just want to be honest with you. I really like you. I have since year 2. And I hope that doesn't sound creepy. I just-"
"No! Not at all. It's cute." I interrupted him.
"Okay good. I just feel like last year and this year we've gotten really close and- well.." he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Is it cool if we take it further? Not like that! Unless you want to? No what I'm asking is-"
"I'll be your girlfriend." I laughed.
I could see the stress roll off his shoulders and he let loose a sigh. I giggled at him and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. He had a huge goofy grin on his face which made me laugh even more.
"So you two are a thing now?" Alice asked from behind us.
We turned to see Alice draped under Draco's arm as they laid together on the couch.
"I could ask the same for you two." I raised an eyebrow.
"Yes." Alice smiled.
"No." Draco spat at the same time.
They looked at each other for a moment, both in shock.
"Alrighty then." I said, embarrassed for them.
Draco wiggled out from under Alice.
"Don't go around telling people we're a thing. We're not a thing. We're fucking. And if you can't handle that then we're not doing that either!" He demanded.
"Hey! You don't have to be so rude to her." I argued.
"Oh piss off. Go fuck your own boyfriend and stop worrying about who I'm fucking!" Draco snarled.
"Alright I'm out." I shouted.
I grabbed Zabinis hand and drug him upstairs behind me until we reached my dorm room. I slammed the door behind us and Zabini sat on my bed. I threw myself down next to him, staring up at the ceiling and letting out a groan of frustration.
"He's such an ass!" I shouted.
"Hey. Calm down." Zabini spoke softly.
I watched him as he leaned over, placing himself so he was pressed against my body but not laying on me. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I gazed into his eyes and he smirked, doing it again and again but making each kiss longer than the last until eventually our tongues were dancing around each others mouths. His hands began traveling around my body, starting at my arms, moving down to my waist then my stomach until he finally began massaging my breast. His kissing became faster and more aggressive until I realized where this was going. I pushed him off and sat up, fixing my shirt and wiping my mouth.
"What's wrong?" He asked out of breath.
"It's just..." I began chewing my lip.
"Hey. It's okay. Talk to me." He spoke softly.
"I've never-" I trailed off, not wanting to fully admit I was still a virgin.
"Oh." His eyes grew large. "Oh shit Kat. I'm sorry. We don't have to."
"I'm sorry." I dropped my head into my hands, feeling embarrassed.
"Hey. It's okay." He sat up and gently pulled my hands away from my face. "We can take it slow." He smiled.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"So, your birthday is in a few days. You excited to finally be 18?" He exclaimed, trying his best to change the subject.
"Uh. Yeah I guess. I don't feel any different." I stated.
"Well we are going to party it up that night!" Zabini smiled, standing to his feet and sliding around the floor doing little dances.
I let out a laugh and stood with him, doing my own little dances, when the door flung open and Draco came barging in.
"As much as I hate to break up... whatever this is, come get your friend the fuck out of my bed!" He shouted.
I froze for a moment before pushing past him and practically sprinting to Draco's dorm room. Alice was laying in Draco's bed, under his sheets, naked and crying. I rushed over and coddled her head in my lap.
"Babe what's wrong?" I whispered.
"He- he-" she stuttered through her sobs.
"Draco what did you do to her?!" I screamed at him.
"Nothing! We were making out and she just started freaking out." He snapped.
"He doesn't love me!" She screamed through her sobs.
"Love you?! We've slept together like twice! Why would I love you?" He scoffed.
"You're an ass, you know that!!" I shouted at him. "Come on Alice, let's get you dressed and put you back in bed."
I managed to get her dressed and walked with her back to our room and tucked her into bed, brushing her hair out of her face and kissing her cheek.
"He's a jerk Alice. Ignore him. There's a million guys in this school who would kill to love you." I spoke softly.
She nodded and rolled over, closing her eyes. I felt anger rising up in my gut and I stormed out of our room and back to Draco's dorm. I began banging on his door until he flung it open.
"What?" He spat.
I barged in past him and he slammed the door behind me.
"What is your problem?" I shouted.
"What? Because I don't love her?"
"No! Because you sleep with girls then throw them away! You're disgusting!" I seethed.
"Why do you care who I sleep with?" He snapped.
"I don't care as long as it's not my best friend! She has been in love with you for years and you sleep with her just to treat her like shit!"
"How was I supposed to know?!" He threw his hands up.
"You weren't but you're not supposed to use girls the way you do!"
"Are you jealous?!" He sharply asked.
I froze. My blood began to boil.
"Why in Merlin FUCK would I be jealous?!" I exploded. "I'm dating Blaise. I don't give two shits who you screw but keep my best friend out of it!" I shouted in his face.
I was seething. My face was hot from anger and my fists were clenched and shaking at my sides. I didn't realize that in all my yelling I had moved so close to him. I was inches from his face. I could smell a faint scent of apple and it reminded me of the air back home.
"Are you done?" He dryly asked.
"Are you done?" He asked again, raising an eyebrow.
"I guess so! Why?" I crossed my arms. "Have something to add?"
"Yeah." He stated.
I waited for a second until, suddenly, and what felt like in slow motion, one of his hands were wrapping around my waist while the other was tangling in my hair and his lips were gently crashing into mine. In shock, I just stood there, melting at the warmth of his fingers on my face and the softness of his lips. Electricity coursed through my veins and my skin burned like flames were licking at it, screaming for more, more of him. I pressed my body into his and wrapped my hands around his neck, using it as leverage to help me push my hips closer into his. I could feel him begin to lead me backwards towards his bed and I let him. I felt him begin to lift my shirt, and I let him. I felt his fingers grazing my bare sides and as it sent goosebumps down my arms, I let him. He laid me down on his bed and ripped his button up shirt off, being sure not to break our kiss. He began leaving a trail of kisses from my lips, down my chin, to my neck, licking and nipping along the way. I threw my head back to give him more access and let out a soft moan.
"You sure you're not jealous? Jealous that I make other girls feel this way? That I make them wet like you are. That I make them moan and squirm beneath me?" He whispered in a dark voice against my skin.
Hearing his voice say those things unraveled me but at the same time was a rude awakening. I quickly shoved him off me and sat up, covering my chest and grabbing my shirt, throwing it on over my head. Draco just laid on his bed, shirtless with amusement in his eyes.
"I'm dating Zabini." I whimpered.
"I know." He surprisingly spoke softly.
I looked over at him, directly into his eyes.
"I hate you." I whispered.
"I know."

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