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I sat in a chair in snapes office. He was sitting at his desk in front of me with his hands folded on top of it. His stare was unwavering and bone chilling as he studied my face. I felt numb. Always. I have felt empty and numb and angry! So... so angry.
"I feel like there's fire in my chest and it's clawing its way out of me." I gritted through my teeth.
Snape kept his stare on me but didn't say a word.
"All the time, like, like the flames are smothering anything else inside me and I'm choking on the smoke. I can't breathe. I can't think. I just feel hot rage all the time." I continued.
Snape slowly dropped his hands to his desk and opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. He stood to his feet and walked across his office, studying the plethora of books he had on shelves. He lifted his fingers to his chin, slightly gripping it as he scanned over the books, finally stopping on one and pulling it off the shelf. He flipped it open, threading the pages until he stopped on one and looked up at me. He slowly approached me and dropped the open book on my lap.
"Fire bloods?" I asked, reading the title of the page out loud.
"Yes. I've only met one before but you seem to fit the category." Snape explained as he sat back down. "Think of it like a phoenix but instead of using fire to regenerate, you wield it like a weapon. Which explains-"
"Why I blew up like a bomb in class." I interrupted him, staring at the page and reading the title over and over again in my head. "So.. what does this mean?"
"Nothing. If you don't want it to. You keep up in your classes. You take your tests, you become a great witch, you move on, start a family and live a normal life, as long as you keep your emotions in check. They affect your abilities so the stronger they are-"
"The more people could get hurt." I interrupted him again, looking up at him.
"Yes." He raised an eyebrow at me, a warning to stop interrupting him. "We can work to train your abilities but you need to be cautious. Once word is out of what you are, people will come for you."
"What people? Why me?" I felt panic rise in my chest.
"Bad people. People like your father. The dark lord would love nothing more than to have a fire blood in his army." Snape warned.
"I would never!" I raised my voice.
"He wouldn't give you a choice!" Snape slammed his hand on the table.
I jumped and dropped my gaze back down to the book.
Fire bloods, not only can they wield fire but they can be born anew.
"So what now then? I either train and risk being killed or ignore it and risk killing others?" I breathed.
"The choice is yours." Snape hissed.
I slowly raised me glare to meet his.
"I want to train."

I sat in the great hall, staring down at a plate full of turkey legs, mashed potatoes and some sort of green vegetable. I clenched my fists on the table at each side of my plate, gritting my teeth and tapping my foot below the table. Fire blood. That name kept ringing in my ears like a church bell at midnight. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath, I moved my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose and when I opened my eyes I noticed scorch marks on the table. I gasped and looked around to see if anyone else had noticed. No one was even breathing in my direction...
Besides two gray eyes that were locked on me from down the table. I held his stare for a moment then ripped away, feeling my heart ache.
"Breath for me, Katherine."
His voice replayed in my head, hearing my name slip from his lips so softly, so easily, like he had said it a million times before, like it was his to say. I sighed and shook my head. Trying to erase the thought from my mind but when I smelt it.
Apple. Mint. Cedar wood.
It hit my nose like a freight train. The breath was knocked from my lungs and my head began to spin. I gasped when I felt his heat as he sat down next to me. I couldn't look at him. Just feeling him there, physically hurt my body. I wanted to grab him. I wanted to kiss him. I miss him so fucking much it made my bones scream under my skin.
"Are- are you ok?" He whispered.
His voice made my ears screech and his words made my throat tighten. No I'm not ok. I lost my best friend over a boy I barely cared about because I loved a boy who could care less about me.
"I'm fine." I gritted through my teeth.
"DONT!" I turned sharply to look at him. "Don't say my name."
He stared at me for a moment, soft, gently, then it was gone. His face morphed right in front of me to stone.
"Alright. Well I just wanted to make sure you didn't scorch yourself. Whatever." He rolled his eyes and stomped off.
I watched as he left, half of me hoping he'd never speak to me again and the other half hoping he'd turn around and look at me just one more time. He finally disappeared around the corner and I felt myself gasping for a breath that I had been holding the whole time. I sighed and mentally prepared myself for my first lesson. Today snape would start his lessons on fire bloods and what it all means. Since I found out yesterday I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I haven't truly felt the situation. I was scared to, I was scared that if I did, I would set the whole school ablaze along with everyone in it.
"Can we talk?" A voice ripped me from my thoughts.
I turned to see Blaise, staring at me, biting his lip with angst and worry.
What the fuck.

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