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I sat at the Slytherin's table in the great hall, slowly eating my breakfast while replaying the conversation Draco and I had the day before.
Draco is a death eater...
I knew his parents were, just like my dad, and I knew all of his family was as well, so I don't know why it hit so hard that he was as well. I remember he used to say he'd never become one, he hated Voldemort and everything he stood for, and now he was one. I knew his father so I'm guessing it was him, Lucious Malfoy, that pushed Draco into it. I sighed and took another bite of food, slowly chewing. He told me he couldn't love me, so does that mean he does? He's just protecting me. My cheeks warmed up as I thought back to the crack in his voice when he said he couldn't be with me, like he wants to but he's holding back. I'm not glass, I'm not a fragile flower, if he knew what I have been through then he'd know I can handle myself. I shot to my feet and quickly scrambled out from my seat and began marching down the hall. I needed to get my mind off Draco, so I decided to go to the room of requirements and practice more. I found the door and stepped inside, it was the same room snape and I had been using. I walked to the center, my heart beat matching the echo of my shoes hitting the stone floor. I closed my eyes, clenched my fists and took a deep breath. I lifted my arms to the side and began to think of my father, my mother, and what hell they must be living in. My father drinking himself to death and my mother enduring his fits of rage. My cheeks grew hot as my brow furrowed but it wasn't enough. I thought about Alice and Blaise but still nothing. I thought of Draco, telling me he used me, telling me I was nothing to him. Suddenly my fingers began to twitch as I felt heat seeping from my pores. I opened my eyes to see flames, resting on my hands, pouring down in front of me, creating that same wall as before. I smiled, welcoming the best as it scorched my skin. I could feel the flames as they danced on my arms and around my face but it didn't hurt, it felt safe, comfortable. I heard footsteps behind me and I whipped around to see someone entering the room. My flames perched forward, propelling themselves off my body and towards this person. My eyes grew large as I heard Blaise yelp in pain. I tried to control them, demanding they come back, but they bolted and striked like rabbid dogs. Blaise began shouting in pain, spitting curses and scrambling to doge my fire. I closed my eyes and thought of Draco, as he caressed my cheek, his lips brushing mine and his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his body. I opened my eyes as my flames vanished, leaving a charred Blaise in its wake. I ran over to where he laid on the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
He leaned up on his elbows and looked up at me with wide eyes.
"Holy shit Kat." He breathed. "I came to talk to you but I can see your... busy."
"No no. I was just trying to learn to control it! I'm sorry!" I whined.
"It? What the hell is it?" He shouted.
He got up to his feet and I helped him brush soot and char off of him.
"I'm.. it's a long story. Hard to explain." I scratched the back of my head.
"Try me." He smirked, crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at me.
I began to explain everything I knew. What I was, what it meant and how I was working to use it, control it. I also warned him that if people found out, I could be in a lot of trouble. He crossed his heart he wouldn't breath a word about it to anyone.
"My father was asking about you. He spoke to your father a few days ago and I guess your father had no news on you. You don't speak with your dad?" Blaise queried.
My stomach dropped and my throat became tight.
"Why does your dad want to know about me?" I croaked.
"Kat.." he whispered.
I shook my head and stepped away from Blaise.
"I have rights. It's my choice and I've made it clear I don't want it." I shouted, tears stinging my eyes.
"He doesn't care about what people want anymore. There is a war coming and he needs numbers. If you refuse, he will kill you. It's time Kat. It's time for you to get your mark." He explained.
My blood froze and my muscles tensed. I could feel my heart beating in my ears and my lungs refused to hold air. I couldn't become a death eater. If any of them found out about me...
"I can't." I whimpered as I collapsed to the floor.
Blaise fell to his knees next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Hey. It's ok. It's just a dumb tattoo. We're students, he doesn't need us for anything besides showing people that he has soldiers everywhere. We're just a number." He tried to comfort me but all I could hear was my blood rushing through my veins.
I began to sob into my hands and I felt Blaise pull me in closer to him.
"What the fuck is this?" Alice squealed as she walked in.
Blaise and I snapped our attention to her and quickly stood up, putting a foot or two between us. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down to the floor.
"Nothing." Blaise grumbled to her.
Alice glared at him and then at me. If looks could kill we'd both be dead on the spot. I could feel her anger radiating off of her body.
"Seriously Alice, Blaise was just helping me with something." I said lowly.
"Looked awfully close to me. Stay away from him. You took Draco from me so Blaise is mine." She hissed.
"They're not toys. They're not things we claim." I scoffed.
She glared at me even harder.
"He got bored of you and found what he needed from me and from what it looks like, Draco is bored of you too. Maybe you should stop being a prude and put out." She smirked.
"Why? So I can be a whore like you? That sounds fun. Jumping from cock to cock, have you gotten tested lately? Who knows who you've been with. I'd hate for poor Boise to have caught something from you." I hissed back.
She practically stomped her foot and stormed out like a toddler does when they don't get their way.
I rolled my eyes and let loose a breath, pinching the bridge of my nose. I couldn't become a death eater. I didn't want it. I wonder if this is how Draco felt. I gritted my teeth and furrowed my brow. I needed to talk to him...

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