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Time completely stopped. Draco froze and the blood in my veins went ice cold. The only sound in the room was the sound of our ragged breathing.
"I-I-" I stuttered.
"Why did you have to say that?" He barked, taking a step back.
"I don't- I don't know." I panicked.
Draco began to silently get dressed, not daring to look at me.
"Wait. Draco wait." I began to reach for him but he jumped backwards and put his hands up.
"Don't touch me." He growled.
"I didn't mean to say that!" I whined.
"Is it true?" He asked lowly.
I bit my lip, not knowing what to say, or how I felt. He continued to put his clothes on and all I could do was watch.
"I'm a virgin." I blurted.
He paused but still didn't look at me.
"I'm a virgin and I was going to- I was- with you." As if explaining that to him would make him stay, like he would understand how special it was to me.
He continued putting on his clothes until he was fully dressed. I fell to my knees and began to sob into my hands and without saying another word, he left.
I walked , alone, back to the common rooms. Once I reached the door I noticed Draco standing outside, leaning against the wall. As I approached him he shot me a disgusted look and pushed off the wall.
"Don't EVER go walking alone again and now that you're back safe, forget us. It was just some kissing. Pretend it never fucking happened. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, just stay away." He angrily explained.
I just stared at the floor and nodded my head. How could I be so stupid? How could I tell him that? I didn't love him! We've known each other practically our whole lives but we were never really friends so why did I want him so bad. I didn't love him... I couldn't. Draco stormed inside the common room and up the stairs to his dorm. I quietly headed to my own dorm so I could curl up in a ball and sleep forever.
The next morning I woke up to Alice jumping on my bed and shouting at me.
"Happy birthday!!!"
I sat up and let out a sleepy laugh.
"You're finally 18!!" She kept cheering.
Our door opened and Blaise came running in, tackling me on my bed.
"Happy birthday darling!" He kissed my forehead.
I smiled and noticed Draco standing outside the door. For a moment, I thought he might come inside but instead he snarled his lip at me and walked away. I dropped my eyes to the bed and felt my heart sink but I had to pretend like nothing was wrong.
Blaise and Alice got up and left so I could get dressed. I stared at myself in the mirror touching my body in the places that Draco did the night before, sending chills from my lips to my toes. Not only did my heart ache for him but my body ached for his touch.
I finished getting dressed and headed out for breakfast. We all sat around the Slytherin's table in the great hall, joking and laughing with each other.
"You sure you don't want to go out in town for breakfast?" Alice asked me.
"I'm sure. I just want to stay here and spend time with you guys." I lie, I really wanted to just go back to bed.
After we finished eating and everyone hugged me and wished me happy birthday again, I slowly made my way back to the common rooms. The air outside felt clean and cool and the sun was shining but wasn't hot. I took a deep breath, letting my shoulders relax and trying to stop my mind from racing so fast. I stepped inside the common room and the warmth from the fire hit my face like a puff of hot air. Draco was sitting on a couch with his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, his hands folded over his stomach, his head resting on the back of the couch and his eyes closed. I studied him for a moment, like an artist studies their work. His features glowed in the light from the fire and his muscles were relaxed beneath his white shirt and black sweat pants. He was beautiful even when he was sleeping. Suddenly his eyes slowly blinked open and his head slightly turned to look at me. I expected him to yell at me or to throw me a dirty look but instead he just returned his head to where it was and closed his eyes. I dropped my eyes to the floor and felt my heart sink to my stomach. All I could do was turn and head back to my room.
I walked in and slowly shut the door behind me, leaning against it and letting loose a long sigh, when I realized there was a small parchment wrapped object on my bed. I walked over and carefully picked it up and slowly unwrapped it to find an exact replica of the book that I had been reading. I gasped and quickly examined the paper it was wrapped in for any sign of a name. It came from a book store out in town that I had planned to check but never got around to doing so.
'When nightmares keep you awake, you can read until the monsters subside. Happy birthday."
That was all it said. No name, but I knew who it was from. I ran back out into the common room but Draco had gone. There I stood, holding a book from a boy that I loved who wouldn't love me back.
Later that evening, I sat in an arm chair, curled up beneath my blanket and reading my book. I picked up from the place I left off at, the brothers fighting over the girl. Alice and Blaise walked in, giggling to each other about something Blaise had whispered. I glanced up at them as they noticed me in the room, like I was an old lost friend they hadn't seen in years and didn't expect to see again.
"Hey darling!" Blaise cheered as he approached me and sat down.
"Hey. What were you two giggling about?" I queried , slowly lowering my book and raising an eyebrow.
"Oh.. uh- well.." Blaise stuttered, glancing between Alice and I.
"We were making plans for your birthday tonight!" Alice finally blurted. "We are taking you to a new dancing club that just opened in the muggle world."
I pondered for a moment, not sure if I wanted to go out or blow them off to figure out which guy the girl chooses.
"I'm not taking no for an answer so don't even think about skipping out to read your book." Alice crossed her arms and stomped her foot like a two year old demanding candy before dinner.
I rolled my eyes and slightly smiled at her.
"Good." She sighed in relief.
The door opened and Draco walked in, looking like shit and seeming like he hadn't slept in years. His face was grim and his eyes were sank in and dark. His hair was disheveled and he had bags under in eyes. He glanced over at us, making sure to make eye contact with each of us, me being last and getting a nasty look.
"Oi Malfoy!" Blaise called. "Alice is taking Kat dancing tonight. Don't make me go alone with them." Blaise begged.
Draco glared at us for what felt like an awkwardly long time to not answer someone.
"Fine." He groaned.
My breath hitched in my chest and my heart began to race a little faster.
"Wear something... short." He snarled at Alice.
Alice smirked and nodded before looking at me, probably to see if I would give her my blessing but I couldn't. I just stared at her with a look of despair and disgust. The thought of his fingers caressing her skin, his lips pressed against hers, their bodies tangled together.. I shot up from my seat, dropping my blanket and book to the floor. All of their eyes shot to me, Blaise stood up as well.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concern pouring from his eyes.
"I'm just going to go get ready." I lied.
I pushed past them all and hurriedly walked to my room, softly closing the door behind me. I paced the floor a few times, chewing my lip and running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't let him- but I- they-... my mind was moving a million miles a second and I couldn't make a single coherent thought. The only thing I knew for certain was that I didn't want Alice to have her dirty paws all over him. I stopped pacing, realizing I was thinking that way of my best friend over fucking Draco Malfoy! I hated him! I hated his stupidly soft blonde hair that fell over his stupidly bright and beautiful gray eyes that sat under his stupidly fair and long eyelashes. I let out a loud frustrated groan.
"Fuck it." I whispered to myself.
If Draco wasn't going to see me then I needed to forget him.
How do you forget someone you love?

Trail of broken hearts and slimy snakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon