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I shot my eyes open to see Alice, Zabini and Draco standing over me.
"Wha-what happened?" I asked groggily, rubbing my head.
"You were screaming! I tried to wake you but I couldn't so I grabbed the boys!" Alice exclaimed, her voice shaking.
"Are you okay darling?" Zabini asked, sitting next to me and placing his hand on my cheek.
I jumped from the shock of the icyness from his fingers, it caused me to pull away a bit and he slowly lowered his hand.
"I'm fine. I guess I was having a bad dream. Really I'm okay. You guys can go back to bed." I smiled up at them.
Zabini kissed my forehead and walked out, Alice in tow.
"I'm gonna go get some water. Would you like anything?" She asked.
I shook my head no and she nodded firmly before leaving. All that was left was Draco. He was leaning against my dresser with his arms crossed and his head down.
"Wanna tell me what that was really about?" He asks quietly.
"No. I want you to leave." I demand as I lay back down and turn my back to him.
"I'm just trying to be-"
"What?! My boyfriend?! Because you're not!" I shout.
"Nice." He breathes.
I lay there in silence not wanting to roll over and look at him because if I did he would see that I was crying.
"Why do you always look so tired?" I ask.
"Nightmares." He says as I hear him leaving the room.
I hear the door click shut and I roll over to see if he actually left. My heart sinks when I see the room is empty. On the outside, I hated him but on the inside, I wanted him to stay. I didn't want to be alone right now. Every time I close my eyes, I see the same dream. Ants. My dad. Blood. A shiver travels down my spine and I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling. I close my eyes and try to picture a different dream. Gray eyes watching my every move, blonde hair tickling my face, soft lips pressed against my skin. I slowly drift off until I'm finally asleep again.
The next morning I wake up and Alice is back in her bed, snoring. I quietly get up and get dressed before heading out to the common room. Blaise and Draco are sitting on the couches chatting when they both look over at me.
"You feeling better?" Blaise asks, walking towards me.
Draco looks away, keeping his attention focused on the flames dancing in the fire place.
"Actually I'm a little hungry, but I'm too tired to go get anything-"
"I'm on it!" Blaise smiles and kisses my forehead.
I stand in place and watch as he leaves then I turn my eyes to Draco who is slowly standing up. We're so far apart and I can feel my body screaming out for him. We glare at each other in silence then suddenly my feet are moving and so are his. We're walking towards each other and before I can stop it my lips are crashing into his. His hands are in my hair and mine are feeling his muscles as they flutter with every move. He moves backwards and I follow, desperate not to pull away. He sits down and grabs my hips, lifting me up and placing me down on his lap with a leg on each side of him. He snakes his hands up the back of my shirt, gliding his fingertips over my bare skin. We pull apart and stare at each other for a moment, our lips swollen and both of us breathless. I quickly climb off of him and fix my clothes. He stands up and reaches out for me.
"Don't." I hold my hand up to stop him. "Don't touch me."
"What? You're suddenly disgusted with me?" He scoffs.
"No. If you touch me, that will keep happening." I admit, holding my fingertips to my lips, feeling them ache with the need of more of him. "I can't do that again. I'm dating Blaise and Alice is In-love with you."
"Do you love him?" Draco asks in a hushed tone.
"Why do you care?" I snap.
"Fuck. I don't." He barked.
And with that, he left. I watched as he disappeared up the steps and my heart sank. The door opened and Blaise came back in with a plate of fruit and bacon.
"I don't know what you wanted but this is all that was prepared at the moment." He smiles.
"That's perfect. Thank you." I smile, feeling guilty and heartbroken at the same time.
We sit on the couch and I eat in silence while Blaise awkwardly watches. I throw him a soft smile every now and then, wishing this could be over.
"Your birthday is tomorrow. I got you a gift but I'll give it to you tomorrow night." He perks up, excited with whatever plans he's made.
"Oh you didn't have to." I blush.
"I wanted to."
I finally finish eating and he takes my plate, setting it on the floor. He pulls me in closer to him and softly places a kiss on my lips. My lips begin to burn, but not like they do when Draco kissed me, they burn with disgust. I can't tell if it's disgust for Blaise or myself. He begins gently kissing me more and my head begins to spin. The only thought in my mind is 'please don't vomit on him'. I pull away and smile at him, not being able to take anymore, when my eyes flash over to meet Draco's as he's walking back down the stairs. He is glaring at me with disgust on his face and I wonder if he's disgusted with the scene playing out in front of him or if he's disgusted with me. I lean away from Blaise and clear my throat as Draco fully enters the room.
"Malfoy! You ready?" Blaise cheers at Draco, who I realized is carrying a quidditch bag.
"As soon as you're done with..that." Draco scoffs.
Blaise gets up and pats Draco on the shoulder then smiles at me.
"I'll see you later darling ."
I nod at him as he walks out of the common room and into the hall, once again leaving Draco and I alone. I'm still sitting on the couch and Draco is standing by the door. He is holding the door knob but he isn't turning it to leave. Instead he is staring down at his hand, studying it, lost in a thought.
"Draco?" I breathe.
He snaps his head to look at me.
"I don't- I've never... had feelings for anyone. And I'll be damned if I'm going to start now. But Merlin Kat.."
I feel my breath catch in my chest and my heart begins beating faster.
"If you tell me you love him..." he hisses.
"Draco.." I breathe again.
"Fuck!" He shouts as he storms across the room.
I shoot to my feet just in time for him to crash into me, lips, body, hands, everything is pressed against me. He pulls away and turns, leaving without saying another word, leaving me breathless. Alice walks into the room rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Good morning." She yawns.
"Good morning babe." I say, still watching the door.
"Waiting for Blaise?" She giggles.
"...yeah." I lie.

Trail of broken hearts and slimy snakesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora