25: Dracos POV

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I sat at the table in my family's meeting room, eyeing all the men and women in the room. My father sat at one side of me and my mother on the other. The only noise in the room was the tapping of my aunt Bellatrixs nails on the table. We were waiting for the dark lord to make his grand entrance so we could talk about how we were going to find Potter.
'After I left Katherine in that hallway with potter and weaselbee, I came straight home, sneaking back into my room and back to bed. I climbed under my covers and closed my eyes, waiting. What felt like an eternity had passed when suddenly my father came barging in and I quickly sat up, glaring at him.
"What's your problem?" I barked at him as my mother came scampering in behind him.
"Where's your little whore?!" He barked.
My fists clenched at that statement but I pretended to groggily look around the room like I was searching for her.
"I don't know. I guess she never came back here last night. Isn't she with him?" I hissed.
"She tried to burn him alive. Then she fled!" My mother spoke lowly from behind my father.
"Get up!" My father hissed at me.
I stood to my feet and he grabbed my collar, shoving his wand in my face.
"Tell me where she is or I'll feed you to Nagini."
"I swear! I don't know where she is." I shouted.
My mother, who had the ability to.. feel things, gently caressed my cheek and stared at me for a moment.
"He's telling the truth." She whispered.
My father dropped me and let out a loud, angry sigh.
"We have to find her." My father demanded.'
That was a week ago, no one has had any luck tracking her down so for now Voldemort had turned his attention on Potter. I turned my head as I heard the door open and Voldemort entered the room. Everyone sat up straight as we could feel the air change. It became more cold and dark. He slowly made his way to the front of the room and sat at the table, glaring at everyone for a moment.
"Today, today is a good day." He smiled.
My skin crawled at the sight of his smile. It wasn't human, wasn't natural. He waved his hand at the door and we all turned our attention to Alice as she walked in, her hands behind her back and a large grin from ear to ear. My blood boiled seeing her. My fists clenched on my thighs beneath the table as she looked at me and winked.
"Our dear Alice here has brought us a gift." Voldemort hissed with delight. Alice stood next to him, beaming with honor and all I could think about was the ten different ways I was going to peel her flesh from her bones. I glanced over at Blaise who sat further down the table from me, next to his own father. His eyes met mine and confusion poured from his face. I looked back to Alice who was now smoothing out her hair without a care in the world and it made me sick. Voldemort stood to his feet and waved his hand to the door again, causing all of us to look as two men entered the room, holding a young woman, no, more like dragging a young woman in, she had a hood over her head and seemed to be unconscious by the way her feet dragged on the floor. My heart began to thunder and I could feel all the blood drain from my body as time slowed down almost to a stop. I didn't need them to remove the hood for me to know who was beneath it. I could see her long brown curls peeking out and her small curvy body as it limply bobbed beneath the hands of the two men dragging her in. They brought her to the front of the room, next to Voldemort as he reached for the hood, ripping it off her head, revealing Katherine's face, bruised and covered in dirt. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted as her head fell backwards. My body froze, all the air escaping my lungs. Potter had failed and now my life was crashing down around me. I shot a look to Blaise whose eyes were large and his face was pale, also drained of blood. He slowly blinked at me and I watched as his chest began to rise and fall harder. I looked back to Alice who was giggling next to Kats limp body as the two men dropped her to the floor. The thud that emanated echoed through my head, getting louder with each beat of my heart.
"Alice found miss Katherine at the school, wandering the hallways. She put up a good fight but Alice managed to knock her out and we were able to detain her and bring her here." Voldemort spoke.
There was a groan that came from Katherine as her eyes slowly flickered open. She managed to sit herself up but from the look on her face she was groggy and confused. She placed her hand on her head as she scrunched her nose, most likely in pain. She managed to get to her feet and her eyes grew large as she panned the room, realizing where she was. Her eyes found mine and it was like time stopped. I shot to my feet and slammed my hands on the table causing everyone's attention to fall on me.
"Draco!" My mother whispered, grabbing my arm and urging me to sit back down.
Kat shook her head at me, her eyes pleading me not to cause a scene but I couldn't let them hurt her. Without thinking, I darted out from my seat and rushed over to her, my heart pounding in my chest but the two men who carried her in stepped in front of me, grabbing my arms to hold me in place.
"Not only have we found the girl, she also has a surprise for us as well." Voldemort hissed.
My eyes never left her face but she dropped her gaze to the floor and I watched as tears silently fell from her eyes. My head was spinning and my chest was tight. I just needed to get to her.
"The little slut is with child." Bellatrix sang.
I felt my stomach drop and my heart stopped beating in its place. Kat let out a sob as Voldemort laughed.
"Sadly, it isn't mine but it will still carry her fire and I will raise it as my own." Voldemort explained.
"I'll kill it in the womb before I let you have it." Kat spat, tears still streaming down her face.
Voldemort shot her a nasty look but she didn't waver. She pulled out her wand and held it at her side for Voldemort to see she was serious.
"Hm. That won't do." Voldemort threatened. "Bellatrix." He commanded her with one word.
Bellatrix shot forward, grabbing Kat by the hair and pulling her to the ground. Kat threw her hands down to cushion the fall and Bellatrix stomped on her wrist, causing Kat to release her wand. Blaise shot to his feet and I fought harder against the two men holding me down.
"KAT PLEASE!" I pleaded.
I watched in horror as she stood to her feet once more and spat at Voldemort. Fuck! Panic began pouring out of me. I thrashed and cursed at the men, threatening them to release me. Bellatrix grabbed Kat once more by the hair and slammed her down against the table. Kat let out a pained yell and I felt tears begin to stream down my face as blood dripped from her mouth.
"You are proving to be more trouble than you're worth." Voldemort groaned. "Still, I would like the child."
I could see the wheels turning in his head before a light clicked in his eyes. He whispered for a moment to Bellatrix and a large nasty smile grew on her lips. She flipped Kat over and pushed her up on the table so she was sprawled out like a feast.
"Narcissa, do you know anything about delivering a baby?" Voldemort asked.
My mother rose to her feet, nodding her head.
"Well yes but she can't be more than a few weeks, if that." My mother squeaked.
Voldemort smiled down at Kat who was thrashing against Bellatrix, clawing at her hands, trying to break free. Two more men stood from the table, one being her father and helped Bellatrix hold Kat down.
He smirked at me but continued to hold her down. I flashed a pleading look to Blaise who was still on his feet. Panic was all over both of our faces. Kat screamed and cursed, still kicking and trying to wiggle away. Her father suddenly hit her with a closed fist in the side of her head, then again until Kat could barely move from dizziness. She continued begging them to stop but she could barely move now. I let loose a sob as I watched Voldemort approach her and pull out his wand. My mother hurried around the table, standing next to them as well, at the ready for whatever was about to happen. Voldemort placed one hand and his wand on Kats stomach and all I could do was beg him to stop. Alice took a step back, a look of worry and guilt washed over her pathetic face. Voldemort began speaking in parcel tongue. I could only understand a few words. Fetus. Grow. Strong. Katherine let out a blood curdling scream, so loud it almost shattered my ear drums. I watched as her stomach began to swell and grow, bubbling and jolting beneath her skin. She arched her back and threw her head against the table, crying out in pain.
"STOP!!! IT HURTS PLEASE STOP!!" She begged as she began banging her head against the table.
My knees gave out and my whole body went numb as I watched her stomach form to a full pregnant belly. Voldemort smiled down at what he had done and looked over to my mother who was also staring in horror.
"It's time." He spoke softly to her.
My mother flashed a look between Voldemort and Kat and I swore I saw disgust on her face but without hesitation she took his spot between her legs and gently placed her hand on Kats stomach.
"Can we do this in another room? She needs a bed to lay in so I can prop her feet up." My mother requested.
"This spot will do just fine. Cut her open if you have to. I have no more need for her anyway." Voldemort took a seat and waved his hand in dismissal of what my mother had asked.
My mother shot me a look and I begged her to stop this but all she could do was shed a tear. Katherine rolled her head to the side and met my eyes. Her face was blank and I could tell she was in a lot of pain.
"I need room, she is too weak to fight, please let me work." My mother shooed the men away who were holding her down.
They obeyed but didn't go too far. I kept my eyes on Katherine's, not daring to look away. I begged her to fight through this. To be okay.
"I love you, Draco." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "I have for a long time I think."
With that, she turned her head to look at my mother who was working to get Katherine's pants off. Katherine lifted her leg and in one quick motion, kicked my mother in the chest, sending her flying to the floor. Katherine sat up, grabbed her wand from the table where Bellatrix has set it down and lifted it above her head then suddenly and with a puff of black smoke, she was gone.

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