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We spent the night at the apartment, resting and planning. Draco refused to put Lyra down, even to eat, he cradled her close to his chest. It warmed my heart to see them together but I could feel the faint shadows of cracks forming as I thought of the possibility that we may not return to her. At least not both of us. I felt sick all night, refusing to show it though as I didn't want Draco to worry. We laid in bed that night, facing each other with Lyra fast asleep between us. I counted her eyelashes and each freckle on her perfect little face.
"It's happening tomorrow." Draco whispered, his eyes still glued to Lyra.
"I know." I breathed.
I ripped my eyes away from my baby to admire Draco. His strong jaw line, his striking gray eyes and his head of golden white hair. I felt like I had loved him my whole life, even tho I knew our time together had been short and complicated, it still felt like the universe wove our fates together and had done so in every life time before and would do so in every life time after. My heart swelled at the scene in front of me and my chest felt like it would explode. I knew what we had to do when the sun rose but I wasn't scared, I was angry. I had never felt this much intense, burning rage before. It made my insides feel raw from the fire burning away at me. I closed my eyes and thought of everything that had happened. I had died. I had died and come back but I was born anew. I wasn't the same girl I had been, I felt stronger, I felt bigger than the small shell of a life I was born into. I thought of my father and how he deserved his fate, and how I was bigger than the pain he had caused me. I thought of my poor mother and what she must have endured and the pain she felt in her final moments at the hands of my father. She died alone and most likely afraid, but I couldn't be like her. I loved her with my whole being but she was weak. I had been too for so long, but not anymore. I knew what I had to do and I wasn't afraid to do it. I felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep and I smiled as I thought of what was to come.
The next morning I opened my eyes and my heart jumped to my throat as I saw Draco asleep on his back with his arm wrapped around Lyra who was curled into a ball against his side, probably squeezing in close to his warmth. I gently laid my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat slowly as he rested, his chest rising and falling with each slow breath and the warmth of his body heat. He slightly flinched as his eyes slowly fluttered open and he turned his head, meeting my eyes. We silently stared at each other for a moment before we both slowly sat up and got out of bed, being careful not to wake Lyra. With our eyes still locked on one another, we made our way to the foot of the bed, pressing our bodies against each other and wrapping our arms tightly around each other. I rested my head on his chest and he rested his chin on the top of my head and we both sighed at the same time, feeling relief just from a single touch.
"Are you scared?" He asked softly.
"No." I breathed.
We stood there for a few more moments in silence, just holding each other before we heard a light knock on the door. Draco walked over, opening it to see a house elf with a broom in his hand.
"Hermoine wanted me to inform you that they had business to take care of and to warn you that there is movement from the Malfoy manor." He spoke.
Draco looked at me with a face of stone and a clenched jaw as we both nodded to each other, understanding what this meant. It was time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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