13: Dracos POv

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I sat at a table alone in potions class. I was exhausted from the night before. I had spent most of the night helping my father and talking to snape then headed to the room of requirements to work on that stupid cabinet. My eyelids were heavy and my eyes stung from screaming at me to shut them. Students were filing in, groggy as well. I rested my head down on my desk, waiting for the minuets to tick by when suddenly I saw her. Katherine walked in last, glancing around the room. She also looked tired, no, more than that, she looked dead. I felt my heart jump to my throat seeing her like that but I swallowed it down. Last time I talked with her I told her I lied. That I only wanted to fuck her. Which, honestly, I did, but I wanted more than that. I wanted to wipe my thumb across her soft bottom lip as she pouted at me, I wanted to bury my face in her neck and breath in her smell. I wanted her small hands touching my skin, sending goosebumps down my spine. I shook my head. I couldn't think of her like that. I couldn't think of anyone like that. My life is full of death and pain and it wasn't fair to bring her into it. We were working on Amortentia potions today, great. I got to my feet and slowly made my way to the table with all the things I needed, keeping my eyes on her. I stepped up next to her, she hadn't noticed me yet. I could smell her. Roses. Books. And orange peels. I inhaled deeply, letting it fill my lungs. I snapped back to reality and quickly shot my hand out to grab a vile when my fingers brushed hers. I froze. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath, all I could do was watch her eyes as the met mine. She quickly turned and ran back to her table. Did I do this to her? Was she like this because of me? Professor Slughorn made his way around checking everyone's work. He reached mine and I thought about lying but I was too tired to try.
"Roses. Books and orange peels." I muttered, hopefully low enough she wouldn't hear.
He reached her table and she kept her gaze low as she said..
"Apples. Mint? And a hint of cedar wood."
All my body wash and shampoo smells. My eyes locked on her as she glanced around at everyone staring at her. It was no secret those were my signature smells, most of the girls in this class knew that well from the late nights they spent with me. She looked like a deer in headlights as the class settled back in their seats. After potions it was defense against the dark arts. Once again I made my way there and stood in the back. Everyone entered and one again, Kat came in last and stood in the back as well. Once again, not realizing I was there. Snape explained that we would be practicing defense spells on each other today and I watched as he called Kat and Alice up to demonstrate. My heart began to pound and I watched them take their spots, Kat looked numb. I knew that feeling all too well. I watched as Alice shot a spell at Kat and she defended it then I watched as Kats face morphed into something I've never seen. Rage, it was pure rage. She blew an explosive spell at Alice and I watched as Alice flew across the room. She began shouting at Kat but Kat was too far gone. She couldn't hear her or anyone else around her. Kat took a step forward and so did I, then I took two then three until I was sprinting towards Kat. By the time I reached her a ring of fire had exploded around us. Students were screaming and Kat still couldn't hear them.
"Breath Kat!" I shouted over the flames.
She didn't flinch. I grabbed her chin to turn her attention to me. She tried wiggling free so I wrapped my arm around her to keep her close.
"Breath for me Katherine!" I said calmly, locking eyes with her.
It was like life had snapped back into her. She began scanning the room, eyes large and breath labored.
"GET OFF ME!" She screamed.
I obeyed. I let her go but stayed right next to her.
"What- what happened?" She asked shakily.
"You- uh, exploded." I tried to make sense of what happened but I had no idea myself.
Snape walked over and demanded she go with him, I wanted to follow but the look she gave me made my feet cement to the floor. It was like she wasn't the one who just did this. Like it wasn't her. She was scared and confused and all I wanted to do was cup her face in my hands and comfort her, but I couldn't, so there I stood watching her leave.

The next morning I sat at the Slytherin's table in the great hall. Kat had come in an hour ago and still hadn't taken a bite of her food. She looked worn out, tired. I glared at her hand that held the fork as she pushed her food around, silently demanding it lift a bite of food to her lips. I realized she saw me staring but she looked away. What was going on with her? What the fuck was happening? Before I knew what was happening, I found myself standing behind her. I saw her shoulders tense up as she undoubtedly felt my presence.
"Are you okay?" I asked quietly as I sat down next to her.
She refused to look at me but I heard her suck in a breath.
"I'm fine." She muttered.
"DONT!" She shouted, causing me to flinch. "Don't say my name." She finally looked at me.
Her eyes. Her fucking eyes. It's like she was lost, hopeless, like she was screaming for help under her skin. My fingers twitched, they wanted to reach for her but I cemented my arms down.
"Alright. Well I just wanted to make sure you didn't scorch yourself. Whatever." I stood up and stormed out.
I wanted her to call out for me. I wanted her to say my name, but neither of those things happened so I kept her calling until I was in the hall.
"FUCK!" I shouted, throwing my wand to the ground.
My breath became ragged. My hands began to shake. I could feel my blood pumping through my neck and up to my ears. I stomped to my wand and ripped it off the floor. I have to figure out how to help her. She's dying in front of me and I don't even know what's going on or what to do. Snape. She last spoke to him. I'll talk to him, see what he knows. I peered back into the great hall one last time and my eyes became wide as I saw Blaise sitting down next to her. What the fuck. I'll kill him! I'll kill him first then find Snape.

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