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When I opened my eyes Draco was sitting at the foot of the bed. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"What happened?" I groaned.
Draco snapped his head up and shot to his feet, rushing to the side of the bed. He took my hand in his and I could see his eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying.
"Kat.. I-"
His voice was raspy like he had been screaming.
"Oh." I remembered everything.
My head began to pound and I couldn't move my arms. I wanted to see it but my arms wouldn't move. I could feel my skin burning where it was beneath my sleeve. I stared at it like I could see it through my clothes.
"I'm so fucking sorry!" Draco sobbed, collapsing to the bed and laying his head on my stomach.
His body shook as he cried, gasping for air and squeezing the blankets. Why was he so upset. I'm the one who got it. This was his life style not mine and now I'm one of them. Like Draco, like my father. I could feel my jaw clenching and fire rising in my stomach. Then, Draco glanced up at my face when I hadn't said a word and I could see the sorrow all over his face.
"Why are YOU crying?" I spat.
He sat up and shot me a look of confusion.
"I didn't want this for you." He whispered.
"Yeah well it's not like you tried to stop it. Now I have this stupid fucking mark like my father... like... like.."
"Me.." he breathed.
Suddenly, hearing his voice full of regret and pain made me snap back to reality. I shot a look up to him just as he began to turn and walk away from me.
"Draco.. wait." I whimpered.
He stopped but didn't turn to face me.
"I'm sorry- i-"
"Don't worry. I get it. I didn't give you the mark but you're still going to blame me." He growled.
"Draco." I whines.
"No Katherine, because you know what?" He shouted as he turned to look at me.
I felt a lump form in my throat and my chest tighten.
"I was there too. I get it. Don't forget I have the same disgusting, ugly mark and I'm still pissed off about it, so yell at me, hit me, take it out on me.. I love you and you're not going to push me away."
He stepped back towards me and sat on the bed, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. I felt tears beginning to steam down my cheeks and I felt a loud sob burst from my lips. Draco pulled me closer, into his chest and let me scream into his shirt. I screamed and cried until my throat was raw and then I screamed more. Eventually I caught my breath and settled back down but Draco refused to let me go.
"What's going to happen now?" I whispered.
"I don't know."
The door swung open and startled both Draco and I, causing Draco to stand to his feet, wand in hand and puff out his chest. My father came strolling in and sat in a chair at the foot of the bed, the same one Draco was in when I woke up. He had a large smirk on his face and a glass of liquor in his hand. I felt my face scrunch and turn hot and my stomach began flipping inside of me.
"Get out." I growled.
"Oh don't be mad at daddy because it was your turn to get the mark." He hissed. "You want to know what's next? Well, the dark lord is just smitten with you and your newly found abilities, and he wants you to have more little fire bird babies." My father sang.
I looked up at Draco who glaring at my father, still standing with his wand in his hand.
"Draco and I aren't ready and we're too young-"
"No no no. You misunderstand me, darling." My fists clenched at that name.
"He wants you to have HIS babies. He wants fire blood children with his blood running through their veins." My father sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "The dark lord wants to plant his seed in you and I told him he could."
Suddenly fire exploded from my chest, warping and spinning like a tornado, heading straight for my father. He jumped to his feet and ducked behind the chair, letting out a loud ugly screech in the process.
"KAT!" Draco begged.
I looked over and saw him pressed against the wall, squeezing his eyes closed as flames inched closer to him. His shirt was beginning to melt off his body and I could see pink spots forming on his skin. I sucked in a breath and quickly called back my fire as my father slowly inched his way out from behind the chair.
"I won't let you sell off your daughter again." Draco barked as he straightened himself back up.
"That's not your call to make. Your father has other business for you to attend to boy. My daughter needs to get ready for tonight. I hear he's eager to get started with her." My father hissed.
"I will fucking kill you." I seethed. "Get out."
He smiled at me one more time before sauntering out the door. As he left I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. I began pacing the floor with my head hanging low, feeling Draco's eyes on me the whole time.
"I can't.. Draco I can't do this." I whispered.
"Kat. We will find... I don't know... something to stop this!"
"HOW?!" I shouted. "I can't- I'm going to- I won't-" I began stuttering as I felt my lungs refuse to breath. I fell to my knees and began hyperventilating.
Draco fell next to me and pulled me in tightly as he stroked my hair.
"We will figure this out. I will murder every last one of them before I let them touch you." He growled.
"Wait." I breathed. "I have an idea."
Draco looked down at me.
"You're not going to like it tho." I smirked.

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