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One. Two. Three.
Draco was pacing the room in front of me as I sat in a chair, staring down at the floor. There was a small line of ants that made its way along the bottom of the wall behind me. The room we were in was large and empty besides a few chairs and book shelves. There were a few men standing around, snape being one of them, Draco's mom and dad and his aunt Bellatrix were here as well.
Four. Five. Six.
A door on the far end of the room opened and a few people walked through but the only one I noticed was my father. My breath caught in my chest, my throat tightened and my eyes burned.
"Dad?" I squeaked.
He smirked at me and my stomach flipped. I hated that look. I hated him. Finally I ripped my eyes from him and my knees almost gave out when I noticed Voldemort behind him. He was tall and looked thin beneath his long black robes. His face was sharp and his eyes were black voids. His lips were thin and cracked, his skin gray and his fingers were long and spidery, wrapped around his wand that he kept at his chest. My eyes jumped between him and my father and I wanted to run. I wanted to turn around and run out of the house but once again, my body betrayed me. I looked around and saw Blaise entering the room, with his parents and Alice was there too. I threw them looks of despair and longing for someone to stop this, but the only one who spoke up was my father.
"Finally, the day has come for you to become a woman and join the family." He sang.
"You sold your own daughter!" Draco spat.
I heard a crack and turned to see Lucious, his father, snacking him in the head with his cane. I gritted my teeth but turned my head back to my father.
"Please don't do this. I don't want this." I begged.
"Oh but I do." Voldemort hissed.
He stepped forward and slowly began walking around me. I dropped my gaze to the floor, feeling to sick to look at anyone.
"Don't you care about what I want?" He asked lowly.
I flinched as I felt him brush up against my back. I could smell him, is that what death smells like? I closed my eyes, hoping this would be a bad dream.
"Please. I don't want this." I whimpered.
"It's not up to you. I'm your father and I say it's time." My father shouted.
"Oh some fucking father you are!!" Draco barked.
Once again there was a crack of his father's cane.
"You should be careful!" Alice chimed in.
My eyes jumped to her and so did Blaise.
"Don't make her too angry." She smirked.
My eyes grew large and I shot a look at Blaise. His eyes looked sad, like he was disappointed in her and apologizing to me at the same time. I glanced back to Alice, who looked to be having too much fun selling out her old friend.
"And why is that?" Voldemort groaned.
"She can control fire." Alice scoffed.
Voldemorts eyes lit up and suddenly he was interested in Alice.
"What do you mean?" He queried.
"When she gets angry or something, she can shoot out fire."
Voldemort turned his head back to me and smiled. His smile was wrong. It was dark and twisted and not human. I felt my whole body begin to shake and I looked over to Draco. His eyes were filled with rage, his jaw was clenched and his hands were in fists. He was glaring at Alice, murder written all over his face.
"What?!" My father shouted. "That's not possible."
Voldemort stepped towards me and lifted my arm, surveying it.
"Ah." He smiled. "It's true."
He held up my arm for everyone to see the light swirls I had that looped and dipped around my fingers and down my wrist.
"This is the mark of a fire blood." He hissed with joy. "You my girl are special and I am honored to have you join my army."
I stared at him with large eyes.
"I don't want to." I whispered.
The room fell silent.
"What the fuck did you just say?" My father shouted as he stormed forward and hit me across the face.
I fell to the floor, grabbing my cheek and I heard Draco's shoes as he strode to my father and I watched as he held his wand to my father's throat.
"Touch her again." Draco dared him.
"Lucious. Control your dog." My father spat.
"Draco." Lucious demanded.
Draco didn't move. Voldemort turned his attention to Draco and panic set in.
"Draco!" I cried out.
Finally Draco ripped his attention away from my father and stepped over to me, helping me back to my feet. He grabbed my face and studied it, brushing my hair out of the way.
"Are you ok?" He whispered.
I nodded my head, trying to keep the tears from falling.
"I grow tired of this. I have work that needs to be done. Bellatrix!" Voldemort called out.
Bellatrix smiled and skipped over to Voldemort. Voldemort snapped his fingers at me and Bellatrix turned my way, her smile turning sinister. She pushed Draco aside and grabbed me by the throat, pushing me back until I was pressed against the wall.
"Stand very still love. This will only hurt for a second." She let out a loud wicked laugh as Voldemort stepped forward and grabbed my arm.
"Don't want to cover that beautiful mark now do we?" He said, referring to my fire mark.
I let out a whimper as Bellatrix held me in place by my throat and Voldemort held out my arm. I watched as he pressed his wand to my arm and his lips began to move but all I could hear was the blood rushing to my head. A white hot pain filled my body, like acid was now pumping through my veins and eating through my muscles, melting my bones. I could feel my mouth open and my throat become raw from screaming but I couldn't hear anything over the pain. I saw Draco fighting two men who were now holding him back as he screamed at me. I couldn't hear him but I could see tears streaming down his cheeks. His face was red with anger and he kicked and fought but the two men were much larger than him. Finally I felt Voldemort lift his wand off my skin and Bellatrix released my throat at the same time my knees gave out. I felt my body hit the floor but I still couldn't hear anything over my heart drumming in my chest. As I laid on the floor, I could tell there was a lot of commotion going on behind me but all I could see were ants.
Seven. Eight. Nine.
I closed my eyes. I hoped they never opened again.

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