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I took one last look in the mirror and let out a long sigh. I chose to wear a dark blue dress that hugged me in all the right places and stopped just above my knees. The back dipped so low that you could practically see the top of my ass and the front dipped down between my breasts, reaching up and tying around my neck. I paired it with diamond earrings and white heels. I left my hair down, cascading curls down my back. I felt uncomfortable but I was impressed with myself, giving me a slight confidence boost, that was, until Alice stepped behind me. She had on a black pencil skirt with a white top the matched the top half of my dress, dipping low and tying high. She had on pearl earrings and her long blonde hair was draped down her back, whipping against her hips like usual.
"We look fucking hot!" She smirked.
I let out a soft laugh and nodded in agreement. We stepped out into the common room to find Draco and Blaise standing in front of the fire, chatting and laughing. I heard Draco's laugh hit my ears and it was like all the sound drowned out from the world around me. It spun around me, embracing me and holding me in a chokehold that was just right enough to make it hard to breathe. I looked to him at the same time he looked at me, our eyes locking. Suddenly the color of the fire and the walls behind him melted and it was just him standing in front of me. His hair was slicked back with a few golden strands left to dangle over his forehead. He was wearing black dress pants, a black shirt, a dark green tie that was tucked into his black dress vest and black dress shoes to match. He had the sleeves on his shirt rolled up to his elbows so his muscular arms were on display. Suddenly I felt light headed, like I had been spinning on a Mary go round for hours and just stepped off to catch my breath, only all the air in my lungs, in the room, in the world, had been sucked out.
"You look amazing." Blaise whispered as he pulled me into an embrace.
"So do you." I breathed, not able to rip my eyes from Draco.
Alice reached for Draco's arm, but he didn't notice at first as he too couldn't rip his eyes away. I felt my heart stop, my stomach drop and an ache between my legs. I craved him more than I craved air.
"Alright are we ready?" Alice broke the silence.
Draco and I both blinked a few times before he looked away first, turning his head to Alice and furrowing his brows.
"What?" He asked groggily.
"Are we ready? To go?" She asked again, slowly.
"I am!" Blaise chimed.
I nodded at Alice and Draco did too and with that, we were off. We apparated to an empty alleyway so no one would see us and we made our way around the corner and down the street to a large brick building that was playing loud music. I took Blaise's arm and Alice reached for Draco's again but he kept his hands in his pockets. We got inside and the music was so loud I could feel it vibrating up my legs. We headed to the bar and all took a seat. I looked around and watched drunken people stumble all over each other on the dance floor and I let out a small laugh.
"To the birthday girl!" Blaise cheered as he handed me a small shot glass filled to the brim with a clear liquid.
We were able to buy drinks even tho we were underage by using a little magic and fake ID's. I took it and turned my attention back to the group who all had their own shot glasses. Alice and Blaise held theirs up and quickly gulped them down. I glanced over to Draco and he slightly nodded his head then gulped his down too. I looked away and did the same. After a few more birthday shots and a large glass of beer, I was feeling a lot more comfortable and relaxed. I was watching the sea of grinding drunks when Alice and Draco stood up to go and dance themselves. Alice had her back to me, she wrapped her arms around Draco's neck and he grabbed her waist as they began moving their hips together and pushing into each others bodies. At first Draco had all of his focus on Alice but after a moment of me watching, his eyes slowly trailed to me. He held my stare with dark, hungry eyes as he grinned and pushed against Alice. My heart was racing so fast I swore it was skipping beats. Blaise pulled my attention away from them when he stood up and took my hand to lead me out to dance. I glanced back over to Draco who had returned his focus to Alice, so I gently took Blaise's hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. He followed suit of Draco and wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me into his body. His leg was between mine as we began to move and grind together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes, focusing on the vibrations from the music and Blaise's leg between mine, pushing against me in just the right spot. My hips moved and circled in rhythm with the music and Blaise pressed his lips against my neck. I let out a soft moan before grabbing the back of his head and crashing his lips into mine. Our tongues seemed to follow the movements of our hips as we made out. Blaise broke our kiss and pulled me closer into his body so my head was resting against his shoulder as we continued to dance. I opened my eyes and immediately found Draco's. He was watching me as he too continued to dance with Alice. We kept each others gaze and after a moment I could feel that ache between my legs begin to build and throb as Blaise pushed against it with his knee. I could hear myself letting out small moans and I could tell Blaise could hear them too as he began to twist and push his knee harder and faster, but my focus was all on Draco. I began grinding harder and Draco slightly licked his lips. I couldn't take it anymore and neither could my body. I could feel myself practically dripping as Draco gripped Alice around the neck gently while keeping his eyes on mine.
"Hey. Come with me." Blaise whispered, and as much as I wanted to contest, I let him lead me off the dance floor.
He guided me to a side hallway that was dark and smelled like cigarette smoke. I crinkled my nose as I turned to as him why we were here but suddenly he had crashed his lips against mine and was grabbing any piece of me his hands could reach. He was letting out small moans and grunts as his hands gripped my chest.
"Blaise." I tried to speak against his lips but between the music and him being grossly drunk, he couldn't hear me.
I began trying to push him off but he took that as me trying to grab him too so he took me by the hands and shoved me against the wall, holding my hands up above my head and forcing my mouth more open so his tongue had full access to it. I began grunting and trying to pull my face away but it was proving difficult since I was crammed against a wall. He put both of my hands in one of his so he could use the other to slide his fingers up my thigh. Goosebumps began to race down my legs. My clit was throbbing but not for Blaise, but he felt my wet panties and took that as an invitation. He began rubbing his thumb against it, working in small fast circles. My body wanted more and more but my heart cried out for him to stop. I threw my head to the side and he moved his lips to my neck.
"BLAISE!" I screamed, but he didn't stop.
Suddenly Blaise fell back and landed on his ass. Draco was standing over him with his fists clenched and his chest heaving.
"SHE TOLD YOU TO STOP!" Draco shouted.
Blaise blinked a few times and it was like all the alcohol drained from his body. His eyes went wide as he jumped to his feet and he rushed over to me. Draco stepped in front of him to keep him away from me. All I could do was sob. Between me fantasizing about Draco while dancing with Blaise, Blaise basically assaulting me and me still wanting Draco in that moment, my emotions didn't know what to do so my body just began to cry. Draco turned his head just enough to look at me from over his shoulder while keeping his body facing Blaise.
"Are you okay?" He said over the music.
I nodded my head yes and began wiping my tears away.
"I think it's time to leave." Draco grunted, turning his attention back to Blaise and Blaise sternly nodded.
We found Alice and all walked outside, stepping in to the cold air, sobering us all up just a little. No one said a word but Blaise reached for my hand. Draco watched from the corner of his eye.
"Katherine. I am SO sorry. I couldn't hear you!" Blaise whimpered to me.
"I know." I whispered. "It's fine."
"Is it tho?" Draco barked.
Blaise and I looked at him, confusion written all over our faces.
"You know, Alice is a sloppy drunk." Draco let out a demented laugh.
I looked over to Alice, realizing she hadn't said a word and was just staring at the ground.
"She likes to talk." Draco added.
"Fuck." Blaise whispered.
"What?" I asked, still confused.
"I'm so fucking sorry." Blaise began to panic.
I looked between the three of them, furrowing my brows.
"KAT IM SO SORRY! IT WAS ONLY TWICE!" Alice began sobbing.
Slowly but surely, everything snapped. I stopped walking and it felt like the world fell out from under me.
"You- you fucked my boyfriend?" I whispered.

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