8: Dracos POV

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I sat on the sofa in front of the fire, with my feet kicked up on the coffee table. I had been watching the flames dance around each other for what felt like hours. I had brought Katherine back home after she learned what her boyfriend and best friend had been up to, but she locked herself away in her room and I haven't heard a peep since. The door to the common rooms swung open and Blaise and Alice strolled inside looking like a pair of deer caught in headlights. I slowly stood up, glaring at them both.
"Some fucking stunt you pulled tonight." Blaise spat at me.
"Me? I'm not the one raping my girlfriend in the dark corner of some sleazy club, you twat, AND not to mention the whole sleeping with her best friend!" I barked.
Blaise and I had managed to get in each others faces, so close I could practically taste the alcohol on his breath. He snarled his lip and I clenched my fists.
"How- how is she?" Alice quietly asked from the doorway.
"Don't know. She hasn't come out since we've been back." I snarled at her.
Alice began chewing on her nails as her eyes darted between me and Kats door. She quickly walked over to it and tried to open it, only being able to jiggle the handle since it was locked.
"You don't think I tried that?" I hissed.
I watched as Blaise stormed over to her door and began banging on it.
"Katherine! Please open up so we can talk!" He demanded.
I felt my blood beginning to boil. There was no response, no sounds, nothing. He banged again.
"You're just going to leave it like this?! Kat I'm sorry but I had needs and I didn't want to pressure you into anything. I figured-" he began to bark.
"What?! That you'd get your dick wet with her best friend while getting everything else from Kat?! Go out and sleep with whomever and come back home to her like nothing happened?!" I shouted at him, seething now.
Blaise marched back up to me and raised his fist to punch me but because he was so stupidly drunk, he missed, allowing me to catch his arm and throw my own punch, hitting him square in the jaw. As Blaise toppled to the floor, Kat emerged from her room.
"Stop it! Both of you!" She screamed.
I could feel my chest heaving but my breath caught in my chest when I saw her. She looked tired, and sad. Her eyes weren't swollen so I knew she hadn't been crying but she looked so upset. She had changed into sweats and had her black blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She was in baggy sweat pants and a white v neck shirt but some how she filled it out perfectly. Her body dipped in all the right places to give her just the right curves and even in her casual clothes she looked.. delicious.
"Kat!" Alice cried out.
Katherine turned on her heels to face her.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised with you. You're so dumb, you fuck everything with a penis and call it love." She spat, venom dripping from every word.
Alice coward down, biting her lip to keep from crying. Katherine turned back to Blaise and I, panting and seething. Her eyes met with mine, only for a moment but I looked away. I couldn't bare to see her green eyes, searching for something in me. Every moment all I see are those fucking green eyes, staring at me in desperation not to leave her, crying and alone in the abandon boys bathroom that night.
"Maybe I should thank you." Kat said, eerily calm.
I looked back up to her but she was talking to Blaise.
"Maybe I should thank you for making this easy on me." She said.
"What do you mean?" Blaise whispered, stepping around me and closer to her.
"We would never work." She scoffed. "I don't love you."
I felt my throat get tight. I swallowed hard, feeling my chest tighten.
"You're just saying that because you're angry." Blaise barked.
"No. No I'm not. I don't love you. I never did, and Merlin, does it feel good to finally admit that!" She slightly smiled, a look of relief washing over her face.
Her eyes met mine again, this time I held her stare. My heart began beating faster, my palms began to sweat. Seeing her, in that moment, admitting she didn't belong to Blaise, searching me for approval, waiting... waiting for-
"Fuck it." I breathed as I stepped forward and scooped her face in my hand.
I pressed my lips against hers and pulled her in by her waist, feeling my body scream in euphoria as I felt her skin against mine again. Felt the warmth of her body pressed against me. Tasted her lips on mine and felt her breath fill my lungs. I had never craved a human being but I craved everything about her. I pulled away and watched her face, her eyes not daring to leave mine.
"What the fuck?" Blaise whispered.
We both turned our heads to look at him and found him with his jaw basically on the floor.
"You're giving me shit when you two were hooking up?!" He shouted at Kat.
She stepped away from me and I watched as her face morphed into guilt. I knew she suddenly realized that she had cheated on Blaise too but the difference was, she knew it was wrong and blamed herself whereas this twat knew it was wrong and didn't care.
"I- we never-" Kat began stumbling for words.
"After what you just said to me... and you're sleeping around on your boyfriend?" Alice shouted from the corner of the room.
To be honest I forgot she was even here.
"I never slept with him!" Kat shouted, glancing between the two of them.
"That kiss looked really comfortable, like it wasn't the first time." Blaise hissed, stepping closer to her.
I watched as his fists clenched and I remembered just how drunk he was. I quickly stepped around him, putting myself between him and Kat. I placed my hand on his chest and gently pushed him away.
"Take a step back there mate." I said calmly.
"You fucked my girlfriend and tried to blame me and you're telling me to calm down?!" Blaise spat.
"Oh fuck off!" Katherine yelled.
I turned to face her, staring at her in shock.
"Blaise, we flirted a bit and you asked me out and you suddenly act like we were getting married. I felt NOTHING for you!! Get over it! And Alice. You're an idiot, everyone knows it. And yes, you're a whore, that's also known, but you were my best friend, you weren't supposed to sleep with my boyfriend! So yes I meant what I said to you still. But guess what, all of this is said and done and you two can be happy together now! Just leave me out of it!!!" Katherine screamed before pushing past all of us and storming back into her room.
Without hesitation I followed her. My feet moving before my brain even told them to. It was like my body was just pulled to her. I stepped into her room and shut the door behind me. She was standing with her back to me, facing her window. She had thrown her blanket on to her bed and had her arms crossed over her chest in front of her. The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon illuminating everything. My eyes traveled up and down her body, admiring the outline of her silhouette.
"Kat.." I whispered.
"Why'd you kiss me?" She asked.
"I- it just-" I began to stutter, caught off guard.
She turned to face me, her brows furrowed, her nose wrinkled and her lips pursed out in a pout.
Fuuuuuuck she looked so good.
"Why did you kiss me Draco?" She asked again.
All I could do was stare at her. I didn't have an answer.
"It just felt right." I shrugged.
"Bull shit." She hissed.
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"I think that you kissed me because you love me too." She began tapping her foot and rested her hands on her hips.
"You're crazy!!" I scoffed.
"Am I? Then why'd you follow me in here." She followed up her question.
"To make sure you're alright. Which clearly you're not. You're crazy." I seethed.
Who did she think she was talking to? I don't love her. I don't love anyone. I couldn't love anyone. I watched as she slowly dropped her hands to her sides and calmly walked closer to me until she was standing so close I could smell her perfume. She studied my face, looking for answers or a reaction, either way I didn't have one for her. I felt her finger tips gently brush against mine and I felt my breath catch.
"You don't feel.. something, when I touch you?" She whispered.
Her fingers began trailing up my arm, sending electricity through my veins. I kept my face stoic, trying to steady my breathing.
"You don't want more of me when I pull away?" She continued as she kept trailing her fingers over my shoulder and placing her hand on my chest. "You don't think of me when you taste something sweet? You don't feel your breath catch when our eyes meet?"
I watched her as her eyes traveled from where her hand was on my chest, to meet mine. They were glistening in the light from the moon, studying me, waiting.
"You don't lose yourself when I say your name?" She leaned in close and reached up on her toes, brushing her lips against my ear.
"Draco.." she whispered.
I could feel fire burning through my body. It was like someone was trying to dig their way out of my chest with a hot spoon. My fingers tingled and my lips went numb. It was like someone was setting me on fire and watching me burn. The room went silent. The only noise was our breathing as it matched up. She waited a moment longer for me to say something but when I didn't give her the satisfaction she pulled back and went to walk away. The moment I felt her hands fall away from me, I lunged forward, grabbing her body and pulling her into me. I crashed my lips against hers and gently placed my hand on her throat, guiding her backwards until she was pinned against the wall. Her hands began exploring my skin under my shirt and gentle moans were escaping her lips. Between the sound of her and the taste of her lips, I began to go feral. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to... and I didn't want to. Suddenly it was like my soul was sucked from my chest when she pulled away. I glared down at her, my chest heaving, my lips swollen and my body aching for more of her.
"Say it Draco." She pleaded.
I watched her. I never wanted someone so bad, but not just in this way. I wanted to feel her curled up under my arm as she read her books. I wanted to hold her hand as we walked down the streets in town. I wanted to keep her safe from those drunk fucks who always pick on her. I wanted her and only her in every way possible. I wanted her to be mine and know she is mine. I glared at her for a moment longer.
"Draco." She breathed.
"I love you, Katherine." I whispered.

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