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I stepped into the common room later that day and let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was empty. I made my way to one of the couches in front of the fireplace and plopped my body down on it, feeling the ache in my muscles and the soreness in my bones. Practicing my... abilities, was taking a toll on my body but I had no choice, I had to learn to control it. I could feel the warmth of the fire, wrapping around me like a blanket, soothing my aching body. It felt nice. The flames I produce don't affect my skin, I can't feel them, so feeling the warmth of this fire made me feel almost normal for a moment.
I turned my chin up slightly to see Draco standing over me. I dropped my gaze back down to the fire, silence washing over us. The tension was so thick I could hardly breathe. It was like smoke had filled the room, thick and heavy. I could feel his eyes on me, burning my skin, unwavering. Without looking at him I nodded my head to the couch beside me, inviting him to sit with me. He accepted and gently sat down, propping his feet up on the table as usual. We didn't talk, the only sound was the crackling of the fire, like sticks breaking beneath the weight of a person. I could hear his breathing, loud, raged and labored. He was nervous. Honestly, so was I.
"I spoke with Blaise." I said lowly, sinking lower into the couch, into the comfort of the heat from the fire.
He didn't respond, just kept staring into the fire, like it was going to give him the words to say.
"And?" He finally broke the silence.
I felt my lip quiver at the thought of the words that were about to escape my lips. I opened my mouth to answer but my throat tightened and I couldn't speak. My eyes began to burn with tears and I felt one slip loose. I could feel Draco shift on the couch as he turned his head and shoulders to look at me.
"Kat..." he breathed. "Did he hurt you?!" His voice grew angry.
I shook my head, still unable to talk. I slowly turned my body to face his but couldn't bring myself to look at him. I felt his finger slip under my chin, raising it to look at him. My skin burned where he touched me, a good burn, like my flames. His eyes were roaring with rage at the thought of Blaise hurting me. They were like two orbs of silver and blue wild fires.
"Kat what is it?" He begged.
I stared at him a moment longer. I gently pulled away from him and grabbed his arm, lifting his sleeve to reveal his dark mark. I felt his body tense and his back straighten. I looked up at his face, he was watching my every move, jaw clenched and eyes wide. I looked back down to his dark mark and ran my fingers over it, tracing the lines with my thumb. They were slightly raised and I heard him hiss as I touched it, almost like it hurt him. I looked back up at him, furrowing my brows.
"Did it hurt?" I whispered.
He narrowed his eyes at me and opened his mouth to speak but then he snapped it shut, realization shooting across his face, his eyes growing large and his fingers began to tremble as they grabbed my wrist.
"Katherine." He growled. "Are you-"
His voice cracked. All I could do was stare at him. I was forcing myself not to cry, I couldn't cry in front of Draco. We sat in silence again, his fingers wrapped around my wrist, our eyes locked and our breathing loud.
"It's my time." I breathed.
He shot to his feet.
"No the fuck it isn't!" He barked. "They'll have to go through me!"
"Draco. You're not my-"
"Fuck that Katherine." He sat back down and let out a long loud sigh. "Katherine don't be stupid."
I furrowed my brows at him.
"Kat. I- fuck..." he began to stumble over his words.
He paused, glancing at me then with no warning he grabbed my face and crashed his lips against mine. My head was screaming to push him away but my body melted at his touch and I couldn't move. He pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine. I breathed in his smell, letting it fill my lungs.
"From that day I first kissed you, I have wanted no one else. I have been with no one else. My body became physically sick if I even tried. Dancing with Alice that night made me want to jump out the window. From that first kiss, my body, my brain, my heart, has been yours. I tried- FUCK did I try, to stay away, but I couldn't. I meant what I said that night."
I pulled away and stared at him, at a loss for words.
"I love you Katherine. I can't love you, but I do. And I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to let those fuckers do this to you. I'll kill them all. I'll burn this whole place- the whole world down, to keep you away from them." He hissed.
My stomach dropped. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think. Draco... he...
I lurched forward and pressed my lips on his again, he immediately tangled his fingers in my hair. I pressed my body against his, letting loose a moan into his mouth. He leaned back and swung his legs onto the couch so that I was laying on top of him between his legs. Our kiss became messier and more wild, like we were fighting for air. His hands traveled from my hair to my face then down my body until he stopped at my waist. He pulled my in tighter to his body, I could feel his erection growing beneath me. In that moment I decided that I wanted him. It was always him. I loved him from that first kiss. I can't explain it but it's like the universe made us for each other and when we pressed our lips together that first time, it clicked, it fell into place. I heard him moan and it sent chills down my spine, all the way into my clit. I gasped, my body wanting more. I felt him pull back from our kiss. I gasped, my lips screaming for his. He glared at me.
"Kat.. are you sure you want this?"
"Yes Draco. I want you. I'm sure. It's always been you." I whimpered.
"Once I fuck you, you're mine." He hissed into my ear.
I felt wetness between my legs from his words, his breath on my skin and his voice in my ear.
"Then I'm yours." I breathed.

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