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I fluttered my eyes open, seeing sunlight shine in through a window next to my bed. I could hear birds chirping outside, singing sweet songs and flying from tree to tree. I closed my eyes again, finding it hard to keep them open, I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep, but then I heard it, a faint cry of a baby. My baby. I sat up, wincing from a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked around the room feeling panic set in. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood up, stumbling as I did, my legs felt so heavy like they were encased in cement. I could hear my baby crying but I had no idea where it was so I followed the sound, out of the room and into a small hallway. I was in the apartment. My breathing picked up as I felt my heart begin to race. Where was my baby? I picked up my pace, almost falling down the stairs as I followed the cries into the kitchen where I saw Hermoine standing over the kitchen sink. She had her back to me but I could hear it, she had my baby. She must of heard me enter the room because she slowly turned to face me and there it was. My eyes fell on a tiny baby, wrapped in a quilt, suckling on a bottle Hermoine was holding to its lips. In that moment my heart exploded, my lungs forgot how to breath and all I could do was fall to my knees. I let out a sob as I saw my baby, alive and healthy. Hermoine walked over and crouched down next to me with a soft smile on her lips. Then, in what felt like slow motion, she handed me my baby and as I cradled its tiny body it felt like this small child grabbed my heart from my chest and held it tight in its hands. In that moment I knew I'd do anything to protect this child, my child.
"It's a girl." Hermoine whispered.
I looked up at Hermoine with tears streaming down my face.
"Is she ok?" I gasped.
Hermoine nodded and helped me back up to my feet. She led me to the table where I sat down, clutching my baby girl tightly to my chest.
"She needs a name. We've been calling her bean but she needs a real name." Hermoine said.
"I- we never thought about it. I mean we never planned for this to happen so I- I don't know." I began to panic.
Draco and I had just found each other, we hadn't talked about a future or children. We were still so young but here she is, this perfect little girl and now I had to choose a name that she would carry for the rest of her life. I stared down at her little face, admiring her round little nose and pink chubby cheeks. She had a head full of brown hair like me but when she opened her eyes, my breath caught in my throat. She had Draco's eyes.
"I have to find Draco!" I shouted.
"Whoa. You just woke up. You've been sleeping for three days. You need to-"
"THREE DAYS!" I barked. "He could be hurt or dead! I have to find him!!"
"Ok. Ok calm down." Hermoine cooed. "We will figure this out. Right now you need to heal and worry about protecting her. I'm sure people are looking for you and it is not safe for either of you outside of this house."
I knew she was right. I looked back down at my baby and I felt my chest tighten. I wanted Draco to see her, to see this perfect thing we created. I gritted my teeth and carefully handed her back to hermoine.
"Make me that soup. I need to heal fast. I'm not going to let Draco die without meeting her." I spoke through my gritted teeth.
Hermoine stared at me for a moment then down at the baby before nodding sternly at me.
That night, after I had cleaned up and eaten, I was feeling more like myself. The baby was asleep in Hermoines arms as she rocked her gently on the couch in front of the fire place.
"Where is Harry?" I asked quietly.
"Him and Ron had something to take care of. They won't be of any help right now. I don't like this idea. Draco can handle himself. I'm sure he's-"
"You can't be sure of anything. Those people, the death eaters, they're crazy. If they haven't killed him then they have him locked up somewhere. There is a prison like place beneath the manor. I know because my father has loose lips when he's drunk. That's most likely where he is."
"If he's still alive." Hermoine groaned.
I shot a glare at her, anger rising in my stomach. I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves.
"I have to find him." I demanded.
"Just be careful. She needs her mother." Hermoine nodded down to the baby and I watched as she wiggled a little then yawned. My chest filled with so much love and nerves, I had to come back to her, with or without Draco, she needed one of us. I nodded at Hermoine then made sure I had my wand, I buttoned my jacket and took one more look down at my baby girl.
"Lyra." I breathed.
Hermoine looked at me then smiled down at Lyra.
"Like the constellation?" She asked.
"Yes. Lyra."
I looked at her one last time, then I headed outside. The night air was crisp and cold, I looked up at the sky, watching the stars as they twinkled in the darkness.
"Lyra. I will come back to you." I breathed.
I took my wand, gripped it tight in my hand, lifted it in the air and took a deep breath before the world began swirling in darkness around me.
"I'm coming Draco. Please still be alive."

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