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I stood in the corner, frozen in place, scared to move, or even breathe. How did he know I was here? Did Blaise tell them? No, he wouldn't do that. My father stood in front of me, glaring down at Draco who had a wild, and terrified look on his face, like a bobcat who was cornered and ready to pounce. The other girl, who I now recognized as a fellow student, Luna I think her name was, had slowly gotten up and disappeared quietly into the shadows of the cell.
"Where is she?" My father hummed.
Draco didn't answer, he just stood, watching. My father sighed and glanced around the room before he turned and looked directly at me. My blood froze and my muscles went stiff. He took a step closer to me and I clenched my fist, ready to attack.
"Why would she be here!?" Draco barked, grabbing my father's attention.
"I know my daughter, better than you think and she has a habit of being places shes not supposed to be. Isn't that right darling?" He cooed.
I gritted my teeth, feeling a faint pain in my chest where my father had beaten me black and blue when I was a child for sneaking into his office.
"Well take a look. She isn't here!" Draco spat.
My father glanced around one more time before I could see a faint smirk cross his lips. In one swift motion he turned on his heels and ripped the cloak off of me, revealing my wide eyes and shaking legs. He smiled at me before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me in closer to him.
"Let her go!" Draco shouted, slamming against the bars of the gate and thrusting his arm out, reaching for my father.
My father stepped further away and dragged me with him, pulling me in closer to his face. I turned my head to keep myself from sharing his poisoned breath.
"You've embarrassed me ENOUGH for one life time. You and your whore mother. Tsk tsk. You're just like her. So maybe you should die like her too." My father growled in my ear.
I snapped my eyes to his, feeling the blood drain from my body and the world fall out from under me.
"What?" I whispered.
My father smiled again.
"Oh, you didn't know? That's right because you're too busy finding every way possible to ruin my life and everything I've built!" He screamed in my face before throwing me to the floor.
I landed on my back, feeling the air in my lungs fly out of me in a loud gasp. He stood over me, glaring down at me then spat right on my face. I snarled at him and wiped my face clear before trying to stand but suddenly I felt a large blow hit my stomach. He had kicked me to keep me down. I let out a grunt and rolled to my side.
"You're a fucking monster." I growled as I clutched my stomach in pain.
"So what does that make you? The daughter of a monster.. my blood runs through you. You are a part of me." He sang.
He crouched down, leaning over me as I glared up at him.
"It's time we end this." He said.
He quickly threw one leg over me so he was straddling me and began blowing punches to my chest and face. I threw my hands up to defend myself but he began punching and scratching them too. I let out a sharp cry in pain as I felt one of my ribs crack beneath the weight of him.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" Draco shouted. "PLEASE!" His voice cracked.
I turned my head to look at him, feeling blood drip from my nose and mouth. I threw my hand out towards him, hoping he would reach for me.
"Draco." I managed to gargle out. "I love you so much. Please take care of her."
I watched as tears began pouring from his eyes, but he shot his hand out to mine and clutched it tight. I smiled at him, feeling my lungs begin refusing to take in air. My father continued punching but my hands had fallen away so he was hitting my face directly. Eventually the pain stopped. Draco began spinning until he was nothing. My eyes closed and as I begged my lungs to breath, my head and body just wanted to sleep. I looked up at my father one last time as I watched his face twist and contort into something less human with every punch until finally he was nothing as well. Everything went black and the last thing I heard as my lungs failed me was Draco crying out my name...

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