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I spent the day with Draco, eating, shopping and talking. After breakfast we decided to stop and look at books, not to buy anything but mostly to find an excuse to spend more time together. I've known Draco for a long time but we were never close, until recently, and I wanted to learn more about him, just being in his presence was amazing but I wanted to know him inside and out. As we walked back to the school, he talked about his mother, Narcissa. I had met her once before but never chatted more than a hello. I watched his jaw clench and relax as he talked about her, the way she annoyed him by caring too much. His eyes sharpened when he heard me giggle.
"She treats me like a baby." He grumbled.
"You're her baby, dummy." I softly smiled.
He rolled his eyes and gripped my arm closer to his body as we continued walking in silence. We reached the school and slowed down, almost stopping.
"Did...did you mean it?" I asked.
"What?" He questioned, looking up to the sky.
"That you loved me.." I breathed, looking up at him as his cheeks drained of color.
I heard his breath hitch and saw the lump in his throat bob. He slowly looked down at me and dropped my arm.
"I-" he began to explain.
Suddenly there were loud, prominent footsteps heading directly towards us. We both snapped our heads to see professor snape sauntering over to us with his jaw clenched. Draco turned his body so I was behind his shoulder, almost like he was protecting me. I glanced up at him from the corner of my eye. He face went from soft and gentle to hard.
"Mr. Malfoy, your father is requesting your presence." Snape hissed.
"Yes, professor." Draco gritted his teeth.
He stepped forward to follow snape before stopping and turning his head to look back at me. I stood on the top step of the courtyard with my hands folded behind my back and felt my heart drop as Draco nodded and turned to leave without so much as a goodbye.
I watched as he made his way down the hall with snape, feeling my throat tighten with every step he took, until finally, he faded from view. I dropped my arms to my side and my eyes to the ground. I began making my way back to my dorm, my steps feeling heavy, like led. I stepped into the common room, feeling the heat hit my cheeks like a slap in the face. I heard shuffling on the couches and I glanced over, not feeling myself care enough to be too interested. I noticed to heads pop up from the couch and turn my way. My stomach fell and my chest tighten when I noticed it was Alice and Blaise. Their eyes were large and their cheeks were red, they looked like deers caught in a pair of headlights.
"Um. Im- sorry!" I stuttered as I rushed to my room, slamming the door behind me.
I slowly crept to my bed and climbed into it, feeling my body slump to the mattress. I took a deep breath, taking in everything that had happened since yesterday. Blaise cheated, Draco and I... did things? Now he's gone and I feel.. numb. That was the best feeling for it, numb. I wasn't hurt about Blaise, I didn't care about Alice and I was just confused about Draco. Did I love him? Or was it just his beauty that mesmerized me? Was I just lusting over him? I was fully ready to give myself, my WHOLE self to him but did that mean I actually loved him? Did he actually love me? We had only shared a few stolen moments and suddenly it felt like he was my world, like he had been there the whole time and I didn't want to, couldn't, see myself without him. My head began to spin. I closed my eyes, my mind was tired. Tired of thinking. I could hear Alice giggling and Blaise talking out in the common room. They obviously didn't have a care in the world other than each other. Good for them. Honestly, if they're happy together then maybe all of this was for the best. I just didn't know where Draco and I stood, exactly. We shared words but was there feelings behind them? True feelings? I needed to talk with him, clear it up and spend more time seeing what was there. I stood up and decided I would go find him, but where do I look? I could hear Alice begin to moan, loud and unashamed. I rolled my eyes. I didn't know where Draco was but I couldn't stay here, so I decided I'd just go, go wherever my feet take me and see if I can find him. Maybe I'll start at Professor snapes office. He did say Lucious needed him. Hopefully he didn't mean the manor. I couldn't go there, and I didn't want to, but I also didn't want to wait, not with my nerves as strung out as they were right now. I quietly and quickly made my way out into the common room and out into the hall. I headed towards Snapes office hoping to catch them before they left or just as they were getting back. As I was heading down the hall I noticed a large door that I had never seen before. It was cracked and I could hear voices coming from inside. I slowed down almost to a stop once I realized I knew one of the voices. I crept up to the door and peered inside to see snape and Draco in a heavy debate over something. Snapes head snapped to attention when he realized I was lingering in the door way. He glared back at Draco, grabbed his long black cloak and stormed out past me. I watched him leave in all of his dramatic glory before turning back to Draco, who was staring at me, in what almost looked like shock.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"I wanted to talk to you." I said lowly.
"This couldn't have waited? I just spent all day with you." He hissed.
I felt my throat tighten and my eyes sting at his words but I pushed through.
"What is this place?" I asked, looking around the large, junk filled room that was caked in dust.
"Not important." He growled.
"Why are you here?"
"Also not important." He raised his voice.
"Okay... well... why did snape need you?" I asked.
I blinked up at him, staring in shock. My blood went cold and my cheeks went hot at the sound of him shouting at me.
"Why are you here?!" He spat.
"I wanted to finish talking. You didnt get to answer my question." I whispered, dropping my gaze to the floor.
He stared at me for a moment, chewing on his lip.
"If I loved you?" He grunted.
I nodded my head slowly.
"Guys will say anything to get laid. And I didn't even get that." Was all he said.
I shot my eyes up to meet his and there was silver flames burning behind them. His face was stone and his jaw was clenched but his eyes were ablaze.
"What.." I breathed.
"Just leave. You look pathetic, sitting here, begging for my attention." He hissed at me, pointing to the door. "Just go."
The stinging behind my eyes was too much and the sob in my throat gave way. I began crying as I spun on my heels and sprinted for the door, slamming it closed behind me. My chest was heaving and my throat ached from sobbing so loud. I tried to wipe the tears from my face but every time I wiped one, three more replaced it. I knew he didn't love me.
I am so stupid.

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