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"What?" I felt my blood turn to ice and my muscles tense.
"We have to go! Now!" Draco seethed, throwing clothes into a trunk.
"Where?" I shouted.
No matter where we went he would find us and Draco knew that.
"Anywhere. We will keep running. We won't stop until he's dead or we are. I won't let that fucker have you! He will kill me and- " his voice cracked as he turned with panic in his eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks. "You know what he wants from you. I don't care what they do to me but I won't let them touch you!"
My muscles relaxed and I felt a soft smile creep on my lips as I watched him stand there, his chest heaving up and down with panic and his cheeks bright red with anger. I slowly walked over to him and placed my hand on his cheek.
"Draco." I whispered.
He grabbed my hand on his cheek and ripped it away from his face.
"No Kat. No. Don't you fucking do this. We are leaving. Now." He demanded, continuing to grab everything he could get his hands on and shove it into the already over stuffed trunk.
"Draco. There is nowhere to go that he won't find us. He wants me. Not you. What kind of life would I be able to live if I knew he killed you?"
"ONE WHERE YOURE ALIVE KATHERINE!" He shouted, causing me to jump.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Look. I don't know what we're going to do, I need time to think, but we don't have that kind of time here. We have to go. I have an idea of someone we can ask for help but we have to leave." Draco begged me.
I stared at him for a moment before silently nodding.
"Okay." I agreed.
We managed to aparate back to the school and Draco grabbed me by the hand, dragging me through the halls, panically looking down each corridor.
"Where the fuck is he?!" Draco grumbled.
"Who?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.
"POTTER!!" Draco shouted.
My eyes grew large as I saw Draco heading straight for Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. I dug my heels into the ground in protest but Draco over powered me, pulling me along with him.
"Draco what are you doing?" I whispered.
Harry and Ron whipped around and clutched their Wanda as they saw us approaching.
"Malfoy?" Harry hissed through his gritted teeth.
Ron took a step in front of Harry as we came to a stop a few feet in front of them. Draco pushed me behind him but I peered out from around his arm.
"I- I don't know how else to ask this." Draco stuttered. "I need your help. You know I wouldn't even be breathing your air if it wasn't important."
Harry's brows furrowed as he flashed a look between Draco and I then he nodded sternly at Draco.
"I need you to hide her somewhere. I know you and your mates have secret hideouts or whatever and I need you to take her to one." Draco whispered.
"What?!" I shouted. "You mean US right?"
Draco ignored me.
"Malfoy.." Harry hesitated. "Why?"
Draco closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"She's in danger." Was all he said.
We all stood in silence for a moment, Harry thinking about Draco's request. His eyes fell on me and I wondered how pathetic I looked, hiding behind Draco, probably shaking in my skin.
"Potter... please." Draco breathed.
My heart cracked. The thought of him begging the one person in the world he hated most to protect me because he felt like he couldn't, made me want to rip this world in half. Once again Harry shot a look between the two of us before he silently nodded again. Draco turned to me and placed his hand on my cheek. I melted at his warmth.
"I love you so much that from the moment we first kissed, my life was not mine anymore. It belonged to you along with every part of my body and heart. That means I would give my life for you without even thinking. I need you to go with him and let him keep you safe while I figure out how to fix this."
My eyes burned with tears and my chest ached from my broken heart.
"He will kill you." I breathed, feeling my throat tighten.
Draco just blinked at me.
"You know that tho." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
Draco kissed my forehead and let it linger for a moment before ripping away and storming down the hall.
"Do you want to know where I'm taking her?" Harry shouted after him.
Draco just kept walking until he was out of sight.
"No. If he knew then they'd torture it out of him." I whispered, still staring down the dark hall.
"Right." Harry nodded. "Alright then. Let's get going."

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