31: Dracos POV

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I watched as her father continued hitting her. I watched as her eyes met mine. I watched as she said she loved me and her hand shot out for mine. I watched my hand connect with hers and I watched as her eyes closed. Then it hit me, she handed me something. I lifted it to my face and studied the smooth wood in my hand then I gritted my teeth and furrowed my brows, lifting the wand above my head and lunged it forward at her father.
"AVADA-KEDAVRA!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Now I watched as a green light shot from the wand and hit her father in the side of the head. He flew off of her and hit the wall next to them, then I watched as he sank to the floor. His eyes were wide open but there was no life inside them. I aimed the wand at the gate and gripped it tightly.
"Bombarda." I said as the lock exploded of the bars and hit the floor with a loud clank.
I rushed out and dropped to my knees next to Katherine, gently lifting her head and placing it on my lap. I cradled her face in my hands and stared down at her lightly freckled face that was covered in blood and bruises. I could feel myself let out a roar but all I could hear was my heart thundering in my chest. She was gone. She was gone and I was left alone.
I heard Kats voice speak gently in my ear. I pulled her face into my chest and began rocking back and forth as I felt tears begin pouring from my eyes. Kat left me and our daughter and now I had to find a way to go one without her. I looked up when I saw movement and my eyes met Lunas. Her face was white and her eyes were huge as she stared down at Kat and I.
"Please." I begged. "Can you help her. Please I can't live without her. I love her and I need her. Please can you do something? ANYTHING?!" I snapped.
She slowly crouched down next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. She didn't speak but she shook her head as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I felt my face scrunch into anger as my heart began breaking. This couldn't be happening. This was all my fault. I should have protected her. I should have never left her in the hands of useless potter.
"Draco. We need to find a way out before someone comes down here. We can't stay." Luna whispered.
"I CANT LEAVE HER!" I cried out.
"We can bring her with us but we have to go."
I looked back down at her beautiful face and wiped a few brown curls out of her eyes and leaned down slowly, kissing her forehead. I squeezed my eyes shut as I pressed my lips to her skin. It was still soft and warm, no, it was hot. I quickly pulled back as it felt like my lips were pressed against a hot stove. I stared down at her as I felt my hands begin to burn as well. The heat became unbearable in a second and I had to pull away. Then in the blink of an eye, her body bursted into flames. I couldn't see her anymore as she was engulfed in fire. I reached forward to grab her but Luna pulled me back. I watched in horror and confusion as the flames slowly died down and all that was left was a pile of ashes in the shape of her body. Now she was really gone. I stood to my feet and ran my hands through my hair, not knowing what to do now. I turned and slammed my fist into the wall, wincing at the pain.
"FUCK!" I shouted.
"Draco. We have to go." Luna begged.
I knew she was right but my body didn't want to leave her, or what was left of her. I couldn't force my feet to move, my bones screamed in protest as I tried to walk away. My heart cracked even more with the thought of just leaving her but I knew if I stayed they would kill me too and Lyra would lose both of her parents. Lyra, I had to focus on Lyra. My daughter. At least I still had a piece of Kat in her. I took a deep breath, refusing to look back at Kats ashes as I knew if I did I wouldn't leave. I took the first step then the second and finally my feet were moving to the stairs.
My heart stopped. My breath caught in my throat and my blood drained. I slowly turned around to see Kat sitting up in the pile of ashes. Her face was clear, her hair was wild and her eyes were burning with flames as she locked eyes with me. My lip quivered and my fingers twitched.
"Draco?" She said again.
I threw myself forward, landing on my knees next to her and gripped her tightly into my chest. I began sobbing and shaking as I felt her arms wrap around me.
"How are you alive?!" I croaked.
"Fire bloods, not only can they wield fire but they can be born anew." She whispered, staring down at her hands. "I read that in a book in snapes office."
"So just like a fire bird, you can be reborn from fire." Luna spoke softly from behind me.
Kat looked up at us both and nodded sternly. She stood to her feet, her long brown curls falling down her bare back and her slim figure, gleaming in the candle light looked, different, stronger? I realized she was naked and she did too but she didn't seem to mind. Luna took the wand from me and spoke a spell that created clothes for Kat. My mind was still foggy and the room seems to be spinning but as I watched Kat step towards me and smile, placing her small, soft hand on my cheek, everything clicked into place. We had to get out of her and find our daughter.
"You ready to fight?" Kat whispered.
"For you? Always."

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