The Scale

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I could see him breaking before my eyes. He was always so strong, his laughter that could light up a room, his presence that brings joy into the hearts of so many, even his damn habit of playing with his hair. I love so many things about this man but all I can see right now is an echo of himself. My Hyunnie what happened to you? My body reacts almost instinctively, pulling him into a tight hug, I just wanted to soothe his pain. I could feel him melt into my embrace, his tense shoulders sinking low, his back arching as he tried to curl up. I started to rub small circles into his back, I'm not usually good in these situations but I know that that comfort works wonders on me. His sobs begin to fill the room and he begins to shake- I won't let go of you Jinnie, I'm here baby.

I spend the next 15 minutes rocking him gently, attempting to soothe all his pains but to no avail. He seems so distraught and I don't know how to help him.

"Jinnie baby..." I began nervously.

"Do you want to tell me what's on your mind? You don't have to, it's completely up to you, but it might help a little."

I could feel him shake his head but the sobs seemed to quieten.

"Jin, if you don't want to talk about it shall we maybe go and get some food with the others? It might distract you a little from whatever is going on in your mind?"

He pulled away from me and looked at me, he looked like a mess. A beautiful, ethereal mess. His long black hair was ragged looking, messily tied back in a low ponytail. His cheeks were swollen and puffy from crying, his chocolate brown eyes bloodshot and heavy. The dark circles protruding from underneath his eyes really capped off the state he was in but in my eyes he'd always be gorgeous. My gaze was broken when he uttered a small croaky thanks before darting out the room to the bathroom. Begrudgingly, I allowed him some space to get himself ready so I traipsed back down the hallway into the living room.

Plopping down on the sofa, I pulled out my phone. It was 6:55. Shit. I'm usually up and ready at this point! I felt too shocked to move and the events of the past 20 minutes have exhausted me. I felt my eyes begin to close when suddenly I felt a squeeze on my thigh and a voice softly spoke.

"Felix, mate, you gotta get ready, we have to leave in 35 minutes"

Chan looked at me with concern, his tired eyes piercing into me. I mustered up a small smile before venturing off to my room. I pulled on my comfiest pair of sweatpants and my favourite oversized shirt and hoodie. I followed it up with a beanie today. I feel quite cold and honestly there's nothing better than that warm feeling enveloping your body. I quickly pack my bag with a few snacks that I found under my bed before tossing it by the door. All I have to do now is skincare, eat and brush my teeth.

I trudge back into the kitchen and I see 6 members waiting around the table. The waffles are steaming and ready to be eaten. They look AMAZING! I sit in the spare seat next to Jeongin and glance around, mentally noting each of the members that were present. But we were one short- Jinnie. Jisung spoke up first, groaning about Hyunjin taking so long before Chan decided that he should check on him. I watch as he silently slips from the table, telling the others to start without him. I exchange glances with Minho and he stares at me with a worried expression. The silence is soon broken by a yell from Changbin as he and Jisung start to argue over what toppings they were going to put on their waffles. The members start to dig into their food, showering Minho with compliments, before a solemn Chan slips back into the fold.

"He's not coming to breakfast, he's apparently not hungry."

Minho and I stare at Chan with a look of bewilderment, is he seriously going to let Hyunjin skip breakfast?! Recalling the events of the morning, Jinnie is probably too stressed to face us and I don't blame him. But skipping breakfast over it isn't good. We have a long day ahead of us and he needs to eat something. I decide that I will bring him a plate after we have eaten, that way he won't have to miss out on food for the sake of his pride. I try to invest myself in the conversation around me but it's no use, I can't stop worrying about him. I can feel my eyebrows furrow slightly and a small pout emerges on my lips, it's enough to cause a flash of confusion on our leader's face but before he can question me I excuse myself from the table.

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