A Forced Recovery

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The door to Hyunjin's room swung open loudly as doctors poured in to assess the boy. Hyunjin was terrified. He started clinging onto Felix as if his life depended on it, screaming at the top of his lungs. "No No No NO! Don't let them near me. They're going to hurt me. Help me. Felix please!"

Felix didn't know what to do. He knew the doctors were there to help Hyunjin, but the poor boy was so startled, so afraid. There was nothing Felix wanted to do more than protect Hyunjin, but what was the right thing to do here? He would stick by his love, he promised him that.

Felix shifted his body weight slowly, wrapping Hyunjin in his arms protecting him. He began to soothe the shaking boy, whispering sweet, relaxing things in his ears. Hyunjin's cries quietened slightly but his fear remained. The burning pit of anxiety was expanding and he felt so defenceless, so weak. Felix kept the doctor's at bay, instead asking what they intended to do.

"Felix, we need to assess Mr Hwang's vitals and to talk to him." The lead doctor began. "It is important we do these tests now, so we are able to sort out a treatment plan for Mr Hwang." Hyunjin couldn't help feeling disgusted. Treatment plan? He wasn't sick? The doctor's must be mistaken. Felix nodded at the group and leaned into Hyunjin, whispering coaxingly to him.

"Will you let them run their tests baby? I'll be right by your side. You can hold my hand, I promise I won't let them hurt you. " Hyunjin contemplated his words. He trusted Felix with his life.

"You promise?" he croaked quietly. Hyunjin was afraid, perhaps more so than he had ever been in his life. When he looked at Felix he could see that the younger knew what he needed and that he would do whatever it takes for him. Hyunjin couldn't help but love Felix. Felix nodded at the boy, squeezing his hand to seal the promise. Hyunjin shifted into the centre of his bed and stared at Felix, not giving anyone else the time of day. He didn't look as the nurses changed the bandages on his arms, he didn't look when they took his blood pressure or checked his pulse. He didn't look when they attached something to his IV, the clear liquid flowing into his veins. He placed his trust entirely in Felix.

"Mr Hwang, we need to draw some blood. It's the last test we need to do and we can give you some alone time." The lead doctor said tentatively. Hyunjin felt nervous, taking injections from his dearest friends was one thing. But this unknown man having power over him? He was extremely uncomfortable with the idea. He looked at Felix questioningly, searching the boy for advice, the unasked question etched upon his face.

"It's just like at home, Jinnie, it's not much different okay? It's just in a different place and there might be a weird feeling. I'm still here with you, I can still hold you. Nothing has to change. "

"Will it hurt?" the childish question slipped from his lips before he could stop it.

"Not much baby." Felix responded warmly. "Just a little pinch like we do at home. It might feel uncomfortable though."

Hyunjin nodded uneasily and patted the spot next to him for Felix to sit. The younger moved into it and without a second thought, Hyunjin pulled him into a tight hug, wrapping his limbs around Felix. He barely felt any of it, his focus was only on his crush. Hyunjin tried to mirror the steady breaths of the younger in order to keep himself calm, focusing on the gentle tapping of Felix's heartbeat. He felt the horrible sucking sensation but chose to ignore it, instead focusing on how gorgeous Felix looked in the sunlight.

The doctor cleaned Hyunjin's arm and placed a plaster on it to catch the leaking droplets. He started to leave the room, promising the boys that he would be back in an hour or so to discuss the next steps. Only once the doctor left did Hyunjin notice the other figure in the room. Chan.

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