Stray Kids?

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The boys waited for Hyunjin to fall asleep on the sofa before planning their next move. Chan was reluctant to let Hyunjin join in at practice later on but Felix was insistent that Hyunjin should be able to make that decision himself. Both boys wondered what they were going to do about their friends' declining mental health, falling into a silence as their thoughts surrounded them. Changbin entered the quiet living room accompanied by Minho, both boys were curious as to what had happened today with Hyunjin and they too were concerned about him. The maknaes were out shopping with Jisung so they wouldn't see the others until dance practice later on. Felix and Chan looked up as Changbin and Minho silently approached them, a whispered conversation began as Chan started to explain the events of the morning. At first Changbin and Minho were shocked with the results of the appointment, but the more they thought about it the more it made sense to them. When the topic of Hyunjins medication came up, the boys were at a loss of how to get the boy to take it. They all knew full well that Hyunjins fear of needles was extreme and that this was going to cause a lot of arguments and fractures within the group. There was no way Hyunjin was going to voluntarily lie down and take it at first and so the boys put their heads together to try to find a way to help. A 3 stage plan was put into place and the boys desperately hoped that stage 3 wouldn't be needed. Stage 1 was relatively simple but a long shot, they would just flat out ask the older. Stage 2 was bribing him with things he'd want to do that day or giving him gifts that he might not usually receive. The dreaded stage 3 was cruel. If there was no way to convince Hyunjin then two members would have to hold him down while he got his shot. It was horrible, the members would admit, but necessary.

Felix decided to sit with Hyunjin as Minho and Changbin went to make lunch. Chan went back to his laptop, he was working on some notes he wanted to bring to his meeting with the managers later. Around 30 minutes later, a steaming vat of Japchae was placed on the dining room table, accompanied by 5 small bowls and sets of chopsticks. 4 glasses of water were placed down and 1 glass of orange juice was there. The orange juice was a plot by the members to get more vitamins into Hyunjin. The boys walked into the living room and announced that food was ready. Chan took his headphones off with a groan and began to stretch as he made his way to the dining room table. Simultaneously, Felix woke up Hyunjin telling him that lunch was ready. Hyunjin began to protest, he didn't want to eat. He'd already had a bad morning and he was dreading the amount of calories he was going to have to eat with this meal. Felix dragged him to the dining table despite his heavy protests and sat him down. Looking at the bowl in the middle of the table, Hyunjin could see it was Japchae. Shit. His mind started doing flips, there are 350 calories in Japchae and a further 50 in the orange juice in front of him. There was no way he'd be able to eat that many. The smell alone made Hyunjin's stomach twist, not to mention the thought of all the fat that was going to enter his body. He was surviving perfectly well on fruits and coffee and no person could tell him otherwise.

The boys started taking portions of Japchae and putting it into their bowls, slurping it up happily. Everyone except Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, aren't you going to eat something? You must be really hungry after this morning." Felix said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry Lix, I'm just not particularly hungry right now." Hyunjin replied, staring into the distance.

"Hyunjin, you have to eat something." Chan spoke, giving him a warning glare.

"I don't want it Chan. I'm sorry." Hyunjin repeated, his tone a little agitated.

"Hyunjin, you can't expect Chan to allow you to go to dance practice if you haven't eaten all day. You will be a liability to us and we won't allow you to risk your health. Eat or miss practice, that's our final word." Minho said, his words harsh but fair. Hyunjin looked at him in shock. How could his hyung force him to do this, he was clearly uncomfortable.

"Jinnie please eat something" Felix called again. His eyes were so loving and warm, Hyunjin was really struggling to refuse his dongsaengs wishes. Hyunjin was backed into a corner, but a genius idea came to mind. He picked up his chopsticks and began to move a small portion to his bowl. He began eating the japchae in silence as his members watched. The boys started to talk about the new comeback and what they thought STAY's opinion would be on it but Hyunjin just zoned out completely. Slowly sipping the orange juice, his mind began to think back on some of the articles he'd read previously. Throwing up for a second time today would be unpleasant, but at least it would be voluntary this time. Excusing himself from the table, Hyunjin made his way to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Bending down over the toilet he put his forefinger and middle finger together like the article said and began rubbing it up and down the back of his throat. His gag reflex kicked in pretty quick and within 3 or 4 attempts his stomach contents had spilt into the toilet below him. He continued on until he was empty, bringing up nothing but stomach acid. Still his mind began to question how many calories he had absorbed from having the food in his system. Flushing the toilet, Hyunjin stood up and began to vigorously wash his hands. The sick coated fingers were scrubbed heavily with soap and eventually the pungent smell left them. Hyunjin sprayed the whole room heavily with air freshener and he cleaned the toilet too, he wasn't taking any chances with this. Retreating from the bathroom, he went to sit on the sofa whipping his phone out of his pocket.

A good hour passed before Chan plopped down beside him. The leader looked weary but determined about something and it made Hyunjin very uneasy.

"Hyunjin, can we do your shot before dance practice?" the leader asked. Hyunjins blood ran cold, he'd forgotten all about his medication. The next month was going to be hell. His stomach started twisting violently, his hands started to shake and his leg began to bounce. Looking down at the floor, Hyunjin responded

"I don't want to. Please don't make me Chan." Chan's heart sank, he knew it wasn't going to be that simple. Maybe they could do it later in the day, Hyunjn would have less energy to fight back then, he might reside in his fate.

"I know Hyunjin, but when are you going to have it done?" the leader asked, putting his hand on his dongsaengs leg.

"After practice." Hyunjin said, looking at the floor. His mind was already concocting ways in which he could get out of doing it. Buying himself some time here would be good but little did he know, the members were already a few steps ahead of him.

"As soon as practice is over you are getting it Hyunjin, please don't fight me on this."

"I won't Chan, I promise." Hyunjin replied, but some promises were meant to be broken.

Chan left the dorm accompanied by Changbin, the boys were quietly discussing details about Chan's pitch to the managers. Arriving at the JYP building, Chan was met with a nervous feeling. He got into the elevator and pressed for the 63rd floor, his mind racing with nervousness. This talk was going to be big but he felt proud representing his boys in this discussion as most groups don't get the opportunity to represent themselves. Chan was grateful he was trusted enough for this. A loud DING was made by the elevator and the doors slowly opened. Stepping into the sunlight, Chan made his way to meeting room #3 where he could see his managers. Knocking swiftly on the door, he greeted each person in the room before settling himself in one of the black leather chairs. There were 7 of them there in total and as the meeting began, Chan couldn't help feeling like he was being interviewed.

Time flew by as Chan and the managers debated various concepts, Chan was insistent on being allowed creative control but the managers were not convinced with SKZ's current image. Being the only thing left to sort out, Chan allowed a compromise to be in effect. In exchange for full creative control over their music, the SKZ staff were allowed to style the members as they pleased, with idol assessments every comeback. The members could offer their opinion on the styles but ultimately it was down to SKZ's staff to make the ultimate decision. While Chan wasn't pleased with the assessments as it would add extra pressure to the members, he knew it was a compromise he had to take as he risked losing too much. As they had a new comeback coming soon, Chan was assured that these assessments would take place within the week. There would be a weight check, measurements were to be taken and diets put in place if necessary. Furthermore, they would discuss what hairstyle each member would receive and potential outfit ideas. With both parties feeling somewhat satisfied, Chan concluded the meeting and set off towards the practice room.

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