Head vs Heart

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Everything hurt. My body felt like it had hit by a train. My limbs felt heavy, my head was pounding, my eyes burned from the light but somehow I felt better? I tried to sit up but it was too difficult, which frustrated me greatly, a small whine slipped from my mouth before I could stop myself. He was there for me in an instant. My angel had come to save me once again. I I couldn't help but reach out to him, mumbling

"Lix... can't move... help me sit up... please"

I felt small hands wrap around me in an instant, encasing me in their embrace. My body was gently guided to an upright position and I could see the whole room start spinning. It took me a few moments to gain my composure and meet the gaze of the younger. His eyes were filled with care, but also worry. Where was I? The last thing I remember was falling asleep in his arms at the photoshoot and now I'm somewhere new. What happened to me?

"What happened?" I spoke dryly "One minute we were at the shoot and the next minute I find myself here, what happened to me Lix? I'm scared." I admitted, my eyes filling with tears. I blinked trying to hold them back but it was only half effective.

"You passed out Jin, do you remember?" he spoke slowly, rubbing small circles on my hand. I gave my head a small nod. The memories of the bathroom and my recent panic attack immediatley sprung to mind. Surely the medic would have figured something out, what if Lix knew... and Chan too! I pushed away from him quickly, wrapping myself in a ball and rocking myself back and forth. It wasn't as comforting as Felix's embrace but I didn't want to worry him any further. I could feel my heart quicken as I remembered what the voices told me, that ever so familiar pressure in my chest returned and I couldn't help but struggle to breathe. I could feel two warm hands grasp my own and start tapping a slow rhythm.

"Hey it's okay, its alright Jin. Just breathe for me okay? I'm your best friend Felix, were both in the group Stray Kids, you have a dog named Kkami and you were born March 20th 2000." he paused before continuing "Jin, I want you to do something for me okay? It's a game, we can play it together. I want you to tell me 5 things you can see in this room right now" I could feel my heart sting a bit when he said best friend, but why? He was my best friend wasn't he? I looked up into his eyes, the tight feeling in my chest growing increasingly, and I saw nothing but love and care.

"5 things... um." I tried to take a deep breath, but really it was just a gasp. "I can see my angel, my drawings, my bed, the window and my closet." I could feel the pressure in my chest loosen slightly so I focused my brain on the small rhythm he was tapping into my hands.

"Good job Jinnie, you're doing great! Let's carry on yeah, I want you to name 4 things you can hear right now."

We continued on with the game until I could breathe again. I pulled him close to my chest and mumbled a quiet thanks before sitting back again. He looked at me with a stunned expression.

"Jinnie, we have to go for dinner with the members. They're waiting for us."

Shit. I felt like shit. There was no way I'd be able to get out of eating infront of the members. I didn't want to go, my whole body ached and there was no way I'd be able to get out if I needed to be sick. I began to feel restless, a horrible feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. Shaking my head at the angel, I spoke.

"I don't want to go Lix."

"I know Jin, I don't want to force you hun. But Chan will drag you out there if you don't come with me, trust me on that." he said, his eyes sparkling. I could tell he was being truthful with his words and I nodded sadly.

"The members, they hate me. I can't deal with their teasing, not while I'm sick." I croaked, pleading with him. His brown opals gazed into mine and I could feel the pity radiating from him.

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