Down the Pipe

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Hyunjin ran to hug his partner, he couldn't stop himself. His partner did the same thing and they both met in the middle clashing into each other.

"Yes! I'm going to win now!" Felix cried, his eyes filled with happiness. Hyunjin could only reciprocate those feelings. Felix was his ideal partner and honestly, he wouldn't mind spending a bit of one on one time with the younger.

"I told you STAY, Hyunjin loves Felix" Seungmin said, rolling his eyes at the duo's behaviour. Hyunjin let out a loud laugh, but it was really to cover his ears turning red. He didn't want STAY to see him blushing. Maybe there was a little truth in what Seungmin said but it was only brotherly love right? Looking at Felix, he too turned a little red, but there was a huge smile etched on his face. His eyes were sparkling in the sunlight, his lavender hair making his tanned skin glow. Gosh he looks so pretty, Hyunjin thought.

The other partners were drawn. Chan was paired with Changbin and Seungmin and Jeongin were together. Each of the pairs were given a go pro and were told to meet back here in exactly 1 hour. They were given a countdown, obviously made dramatic for the cameras, before each of the boys sprinted off in different directions.

Hyunjin followed after Felix, his partner was like an excited child. Hyunjin couldn't help but coo at the cuteness. "Can we go on this one please please please?" Felix begged. Hyunjin had barely agreed before the younger grabbed his hand and dragged him up the steps. The lifeguard made Hyunjin sit in the back of the rubber ring as Felix sat in the front holding the camera. This ride was one of the scariest ones so it was worth 5 points... what a way to start the day Hyunjin thought.  The lifeguard pushed them off without a seconds notice and the duo began tumbling down the pipe, both were screaming and laughing. Felix was holding onto Hyunjin's feet, he felt he'd die if he let go of the holder. Hyunjin on the other hand was laughing, he loved waterslides and watching his partner's reaction was super funny. The pipe began to glow, there were neon lights all around, flashing pretty colours. The pair couldn't help but gasp as they found themselves plummeting down a big drop. With a massive splash, Hyunlix landed at the bottom of the ride. They handed the lifeguard their rubber ring and started speed walking towards the next ride. Felix had made a plan on which rides they would do and he tried to explain it to the older before they reached the next ride. Hyunjin vaguely understood, but he was fine with following Felix. He trusted him.

The next ride was a simple one, but it was located right next to the one they'd just been on so it was worth the extra points. A nice easy 2 point ride and a fun gentle slide. Reaching the top of the stairs, they were greeted with a scared looking minsung. Felix saw them hesitating to go on and without a second glance he grabbed Hyunjins hand and went to the entrance of the slide. They sat together, Hyunjin holding Felix tightly in his lap as the lifeguard gave them the all clear to go. This ride was a blue one, it had an open top with plenty of twists. Nothing too special but it was fun nonetheless. The duo plummeted into a deep pool at the end and Hyunjin couldn't help but think Felix looked like a cute baby chick. Felix on the other hand blushed slightly when he saw Hyunjins finely toned abs through his wet shirt. They met each other's eyes and smiled, tension flying in the air.

A lifeguard's whistle ripped them from their trance and they rather sheepishly exited the pool. Grabbing Felix's hand, Hyunjin watched as he was dragged to another ride. This one you had to ride solo but it was worth 6 points- the maximum. That would mean we would get 12 points if we completed it! Both boys began to climb the stairs, Hyunjin felt exhausted halfway up but Felix's boundless energy kept him going. He was like a child and Hyunjin felt the need to take care of him. Felix reached the top and started to regret his decision immediately. His body began to shake and he felt nauseous.

"Hyunjin" Felix began, his face becoming paler by the second. "I can't do this."

"Why not Felix?" Hyunjin asked gently. "You looked so excited before. What's on your mind?"

"I'm scared. I don't know what the ride will be like. I've never been on one like it before and-" Felix paused before whispering into Hyunjins ear. He didn't want the camera to catch this part "You won't be there to protect me." he finished sadly. Hyunjin felt his heart tense, butterflies shot through his body, a warm feeling spread all over him. Felix felt safe with him? He couldn't help but smile at the boy, reassuring him.

"I could ride first?" he said, glancing at the younger. "I'll go with the camera and then come back up here. I can tell you what it feels like, if it's scary or not and then you can decide if you want to try it or not?"

"I'd like that Hyune, thank you!" Felix said, his face regaining a little colour. The older one always knew what he needed. He was like the missing piece of the jigsaw, the key that fit his lock. Felix gave the older a tight hug and Hyunjin felt slightly flustered.

"See you on the other side baby" Hyunjin said as he stepped into the tube. He crossed his legs and put his arms on his chest in an X position, gripping the camera tightly. The lifeguard began to countdown from 3 and suddenly the floor opened up beneath him. Hyunjin couldn't help but let out a scream, the adrenaline rush was intense. He found himself moving extremely fast, loving every second of the experience but before he knew it he was submerged into a pool of water. Coming up to the surface he gave out a giggle and raced up the stairs to where an anxious Felix was waiting.

"That was AMAZING Lix!" Hyunjin said, beaming at the younger. His eyes were full of excitement, his arms stimming from happiness.

"What did it feel like Hyune?" Felix said he was still incredibly apprehensive.

"Lix, it was incredible! You stand in the tube and you feel scared, when the floor drops beneath you, your heart shoots into your stomach, your body gets fuelled with adrenaline. But then you get the most amazing feeling and honestly it makes you want to do it all over again!" He finished excitedly. "Do you want to give it a try? We don't have to film your POV, I'll just film you when you come out of the bottom? " Hyunjin said, pulling the younger one into a hug.

"You promise it's not that bad?"

"I promise Lix." Hyunjin spoke, carding his hand through the chick's hair. He was trying to soothe the anxiety, a sensation he experienced far too often.

"Let's get this over with then." Felix said. He broke apart the hug and nervously stepped into the tube. Crossing his legs and arms in the correct position, he listened as the lifeguard started to countdown. The floor beneath him dropped just like Hyunjin said and he couldn't help but let out a scream. Chuckling to himself, Hyunjin waited for the younger to appear out of the bottom of the slide. He hoped Felix enjoyed it, he wouldn't want to have scared the younger.

The lifeguard signalled Hyunjin that the slide was clear. He rode it again, the same feelings echoing through his body. He loved every second of it. The recklessness coursed through his veins, the adrenaline rush was making him so unbelievably happy. Maybe he should do things like this more often. After plummeting into the pool for the second time, his eyes were met with an excited Felix. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile and Felix pulled him into a tight hug, bouncing up and down.

"OMG Hyunjin, that was INCREDIBLE!" Felix shouted excitedly. Hyunjin was beaming down at the younger, his cute figure was soaked but he was so unbelievably handsome. Hyunjin couldn't help feeling happy as the younger pulled him away to try some more slides.

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