Hiding Away

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Hyunjin spent the next few weeks hiding away, only coming out for meals and when Chan wanted to check him. He stopped taking care of himself, he couldn't remember the last time he brushed his hair or took a shower. It was so exhausting to move, exhausting to live, even spending time with Felix started to feel like a chore. Moving out of bed was becoming too hard of a task for Hyunjin to handle, often resulting in days on end of isolation.

He didn't really know how to feel, some days were good, some were bad. On his good days Hyunjin might be able to go and eat a meal, maybe exchange a few words with the members, do some art or even read a poem. But on his bad days he couldn't move. He would just wallow in the self deprecating thoughts, listening to the voices scream at him, using chan's blade so effectively in hidden areas. He was getting better at lying, better at concealing things, becoming more closed off and private.

Hyunjin found himself losing interest in the members, losing interest in dance, everything he used to love. The world was a colourless void and he was stuck inside it. Falling. Sometimes Hyunjin wished he could just die, the intrusive thoughts echoed in his brain like a cult's mantra. He could spend hours in bed just lying there thinking of different ways to end his miserable existence but he didn't even have the energy or the willpower to do it. He was too far gone to execute his own demise- something he sorely craved.

Felix was extremely worried about Hyunjin and he was trying his best to keep himself together. He hoped that one day the older would come to him, let him in a little, allow Felix to help in any way that he can. But as the days rolled on, he saw less and less of his love, and that broke his heart. Felix spent most days an emotional wreck, crying whenever he saw couples together. He tried so hard to hold it together for the team that he didn't realise how much he was neglecting his own needs, he too was falling apart.

April 15th -

It had been 2 months since Hyunjin started his hiatus, 2 months of not living, 2 months of falling. How much further before he hit the ground? Chan was at his breaking point. He noticed how unhappy Felix was, how strained the group were from stress and their missing member, nothing felt right. Stray Kids needed Hyunjin. But Hyunjin could not be part of Stray Kids. At least, not like this.

At first Chan was worried about Hyunjin's withdrawal, it was concerning behaviour. But as time progressed he had so many duties stacked upon him, he never came to confront Hyunjin about this, instead accepting the boy's decision no matter how much he didn't like it. He didn't have the energy to fight. As the leader of Stray Kids, Chan had to be responsible for all the members as well as the creative side of their album. JYPE wanted a new comeback for Stray Kids ASAP but Chan was stalling as much as possible, it just didn't feel right without their loveable ferret. He was getting pressure from all sides and the cracks were starting to show, his insomnia worsened, he began to get sick easily, his temper was often flippant and volatile, Chan was falling to pieces.

And Minho watched it all happen.

Minho, the second oldest of the team, was smarter than you would think. The cold exterior was merely a disguise for the loveable, caring boy underneath. And that caring boy wanted to make everything okay again. He couldn't stand how the team was falling apart, how their leader was pushing himself to breaking point, how their sunshine never even smiled anymore. And Hyunjin. He was a whole different story. Minho wanted things to go back to the way they were before, when they were a happy family. But how?

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