My Feelings For You

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After Chan left Minho went to his room, presumably to watch cat videos. I was scrolling through social media on my phone when I felt the couch dip next to me. Felix whipped out his phone and started looking at various Tiktoks, I couldn't help but admire his face. His gorgeous lilac hair was faded, his tan skin glowed under the lights, each little freckle danced across his face as he cracked a beautiful smile. He was so pretty.

"If you want to stare at me, you could just take a picture." Felix said, turning to face me. I blushed as I had been caught, my cheeks burning. With a small laugh I responded

"Yeah but the real thing is right in front of me, who wouldn't want to admire such a pretty face?" We both smiled at each other as the room filled with a small amount of tension. I felt his eyes analyse my face, before settling on my lips. Before I could react, a small hand reached out and softly stroked my lips. I felt myself melt into his touch, he was so warm, his touches so delicate.

"You're my angel Felix" I said, pulling him onto my lap. He gave a soft giggle and cuddled into me.

"And you're my prince Jinnie" he whispered into my ear. His warm breaths hit my neck and I felt butterflies rise in my stomach. I wanted to hold him in my grasp forever, protecting him from any harm. I looked down at his pretty face, our eyes interlocking. I saw his eyes sparkling, it was a different look than usual, something endearing. We both began to lean closer to each other, greed taking over. His small lips were looking ever so kissable and I wanted to be the one to ruin them. I was enamoured by his charm, I had to have this boy, I want to love and cherish him, I want to make him mine.


Just like that, the moment was ruined. Stupid Minho, I am going to kill him. Me and Felix jumped apart without a moment's notice and rushed to our feet. I could hear Felix ask what was wrong and all we were met with was another loud scream.


I facepalmed. Minho literally has the coldest exterior out of all of us, the perfect resting bitch face and yet he's literally the most soft hearted man alive. A damn spider, really? I followed Felix towards a panicking Minho, he pointed at the spider with his eyes screwed tightly shut. The short man stood underneath a blanket on top of a chair, he looked terrified and I could barely contain my laughter. Felix picked up the spider and gripped it tightly before throwing it out of the window. We exchanged looks, I noticed him suppress a small smile but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into heaps of laughter, clutching my stomach as it hurt so much. I was suddenly silenced as a wad of white tissue was forced into my mouth. Choking, I ripped as much of it out as I could before racing to the kitchen to get a glass of water. It was Minho's turn to laugh now.

The three of us split up for the 30 minutes before practice. Felix and Minho wanted to chat, but I went to my room to work out. I've noticed my stamina has decreased lately and I think I could use a few extra workouts to improve myself. I was in a plank position, singing my heart out to Twice sunbaenim's 'Dance the Night Away', when suddenly my bedroom door swung open and I was tackled to the ground by a purple blur.

"Hey Felix" I say in a drawn out way, I love the way his name rolls off my tongue.

"Hey Ferret Boy" I gasped dramatically, my hand was clutched to my chest with a pained expression on my face.

"You're going to pay for that" I teased. Pouncing on him, I began to tickle him until he could no longer contain himself.

"Haha Hyunjin stop please, I can't breathe haha!" Felix choked, gasping for air. I loosened my grip and he gave me a big smile.

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