A Guilty Conscience

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Me and Lix spent the next 20 minutes cuddling together. Chan ended up leaving and to send the other boys back to the dorm, he promised to return when my treatment was over and he told me we were going to have a talk. I was not looking forward to whatever he had to say. Once me and Felix both calmed down over the events of today, Lix pulled out a show for us to watch together. His distraction actually worked for a little while and I forgot about the IV in my arm. I think we were watching some sort of anime but honestly I was too invested in the angel on my knee. His beautiful lilac hair was messily strewn about, his golden skin with little shining stars glowed in the sunlight, his brown eyes glistened and his beautiful lips pouted slightly as he was concentrating. He was simply divine. He made me feel safe.

The medic came over not 10 minutes later to take my vitals. I felt uncomfortable but Felix was there to guide me through, he was my sunshine and I love him. The medic made notes and told me that I needed another round of liquids which I agreed to after some persuasion. I found myself snuggling into Lix as he took the bandage off my arm. I could feel him fiddling around with my IV and it hurt, I couldn't help but let out a small cry. My angel wrapped me close and tried to distract me as best he could, we carried on watching the anime as the medic worked on my arm, rewrapping the bandage. I found myself drifting off slowly, his rich honey scent intoxicated me and I couldn't stay awake. I knew he'd keep me safe.


I felt Hyunjin grow still. I turned my head around and I realised he'd fallen fast asleep. The ferret must have been exhausted, bless him. I left my hand in his and slowly shifted to sit next to him, keeping him close to me. I must protect him. I let the medic approach us once the IV was done but I refused to let the medic wake up my prince. He must be so tired. I texted Chan to say we were finished but Hyunjin was asleep so I would need help carrying him. I then turned my attention back to the medic who was monitoring Jinnie's heart rate.

"Will he be alright?" I asked tentatively. The medic looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, I felt scared.

"For the moment, yes, he is stable. But in the future, perhaps not. You and the boys need to keep an eye on Hyunjin, mental illness is a dangerous thing and while I can't diagnose him, I can see many warning signs." I nod and sigh sadly. My gaze met the boy next to me, he looked so peaceful asleep, much happier than when he was with the group.

"I don't know what happened between him and the other members, Felix, but you all need to support him together as a group. I would like to have him assessed by a psychiatrist and put on medication, perhaps hospital intervention if necessary... " the medic spoke sadly. My eyes widened and I swallowed dryly before speaking.

"No. He wouldn't want that. We haven't even tried to help him as a group yet. Please give us this chance, we might be able to save him yet." The medic nodded before turning his gaze back to Hyunjin. He started taking his blood pressure, making sure he was more stable than before. Once the reading was taken, I watched as all the medical equipment was sanitised and put away in its original place. The medic turned to me and spoke softly.

"Felix, I would appreciate it if you could hold him still while I take this out" he gestured at the IV.

"But won't it hurt him?" I asked, I didn't think my prince could endure much more pain today, he was too weak as it is.

"It might sting a little, but it's best to do it while he's asleep. That way he'll feel it less and he won't put up as much of a fight." The medic whispered, smiling at me slightly.

"Alright" I sighed. I took my free hand and slowly guided it over to the top of his arm, pinning it down against the sofa. Hyunjin didn't stir. The medic grabbed the lower part of Hyunjins arm and slowly began to unwrap the bandage. I watched my prince's face to make sure he was alright. There was no movement and I felt somewhat relieved. The medic moved one hand down to the bottom of Hyunjins arm, pinning it down, whilst his dominant hand moved towards the IV. Applying pressure, he slowly pulled the needle out of Hyunjin and I watched as my prince's face changed. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes screwed tightly shut. A whimper escaped his mouth but he remained asleep. A few drops of blood escaped from his arm and I watched as the medic taped a gauze to it before bending his arm upwards, pinning it against his chest.

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