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**二十六 (Chapter twenty-six)
eng: My deepest fear




"Atlas, lift me up! I want to pick some apples too!"

The joyous sound of children laughing filled the air. I was back in my hometown with my family.

The aroma of fresh cooked food filled the air. My stomach growled at the pleasant smell.

"Atlas! Call everyone over, dinner's ready!"

"Okay, mom!" A smile crosses my face. Everything is perfect. I live in a nice small town with my little brothers and sisters. We have plenty of food and resources, along with nice warm shelters.

I call out to all of my siblings, and they all rush to the dinner table. We all take a seat at the table, eating large bowls of stew.

"M-Mommy, what's that?" One of my sisters point to the distance. I herd of horses were running towards us. As they got closer, I could see wither skeletons riding on the backs of those horses. They were headed straight towards us.

"Hide!" Elder shouts. There are screams of terror and panic. The wither skeletons cackle, holding out buckets of lava and pouring them onto our homes. Everything was engulfed in flames in an instant.

They didn't stop there, though. The evil skeletons pull out their swords, charging at us with murderous intent. I watch in horror as they kill off my family one by one, paralyzed in place.

Then, a familiar wither skeleton makes his way over to me. His eyes were void of emotion, a sinister smile across his face.

In fear, I scurry backwards. I end up tripping over a large protruding branch, landing on my behind. I attempt to scurry away from him, but he pins my chest to the ground after kicking me over. He draws his sword, a sick smirk across his face as he sees how helpless I am.

"W-Wither," I cry out softly, "Please, d-don't..."

"Aww, how pathetic... You really are stupid for trusting a wither skeleton like me. Now, you'll pay for your mistake with your life." He raises his sword just above my chest before brutally plunging it down. I let out a pained scream, the world around me fading to black...


Jolting awake, I gasp for breath. My body was absolutely drenched with sweat. A few tears slip out of my eyes, dripping onto my hands. I was close to having a panic attack, my whole body shaking with terror.

"I n-need to get out of here...," I whisper. I grab a few essential items from my chest before quietly exiting my room.

As I tip-toe downstairs, a feeling of dread washes over me. I could hear the sound of Wither's footsteps coming right this way.

"Skeleton? Oh, you're awake..." I let out a terrified scream, pulling out my sword instinctively. I could feel my own bones shaking at the sight of him. Flashbacks of my nightmare haunt my mind.

"Skeleton, are you okay?" He asks softly. Just then I noticed my own erratic breathing. In attempt to calm myself, I look away from Wither and take a deep breath. The image of my slaughtered family was still fresh in my mind.

I feel a boney hand touch my shoulder. I pull away from him. "D-Don't touch me!"

Wither backs away instantly. "Skeleton, did I do something wrong...?"

"What do you think, you murderer?!" I shout, feeling a few tears resurface, "I should've known not to trust a pathological liar like you!"

"Wait, what-?!"

奔跑後的落葉- Wither x Skeleton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now