5: A Picture's Worth

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At The Club 


"Folks!" Clearly intoxicated with a big grin on his face, Durk licks the excess whiskey off his lips as he approaches Von and Jamell; who are dancing. 

Upon seeing him, Jamell lets out a huff and moves in front of Von. "No! Get on sum wherea lul boy! You stay ruinin' shit!"

Snorting, Von carefully moves around Jamell. "Always selfish, lul boy you needa learn how to share." He jokes, walking up to his evil twin with an equally big grin. "Lil folks, on King David, yo ass look wasted. Whatever happened to you drivin' tonight, nigga?" He just laughs, that's the biggest joke of all. While neither of them was exactly safe to be behind the wheel of a vehicle, Von already knew he'd be the one driving. When Durk is high he drives beyond wreckless, like wreckless for no damn reason. He doesn't even like to remember all the times that his evil twin has almost killed them both while behind the wheel. 

He likes to joke with him that one day he was going to kill him. 

Durk rolls his eyes and gently pushes Von's chest. "Shut up and take uh picture uh me real quick." His grin starts to soften and one look at that has Von sighing, already knowing where his friend's thoughts were. 

"Can't take yo ass nowhere. You be thinkin' uh that hoe twenty-four seven." Von grumbles, to himself of course, as he reaches out to take the phone out of his friend's hands. Of course, the irony of calling India the hoe and not Durk isn't lost to him. It's just how they talk about people after a breakup, putting them down has just always been easier for some reason. He doesn't even want to know what India calls Durk, probably a Bug's Life background character. One of Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends long lost friends. Once ET got a bitch pregnant and after she gave birth he took the baby to Earth and dropped his ugly ass in Englewood. The jokes have Von sucking both his lips into his mouth to keep from howling with laughter. "I got you, gang." He nods.

Of course, he's thinking about India. Every time he gets high or drunk India pops into his head and thus he has to get ever higher or drunker to lose the thought of all that he's lost. It's been a vicious cycle for over a year now. "Appreciate it. I wanna look all sad and shit. Try ta play wit ha heart uh lul bit, ya know?" He chuckles as he sits down on a table and props his feet up on the leather booth seats. Honestly, somewhere in his mind is a little voice that constantly nags him with 'If only you look sad enough, rap sad enough, make sad enough songs... eventually, she'll have to take you back'. So far it hasn't worked this time. 

Von rolls his eyes in disbelief, this nigga here is light skin to the max. He opens the camera app from the lower right corner of the home screen and waits patiently for Mr. Guilt-Tripping-Yo-Bitch to get himself camera ready. 

Durk places one elbow on his knee and rests his cheek in said hand, looking at the camera woefully. Von already knows to snap a picture. Then he moves to face the camera directly with his knees spread slightly and his feet close together. He places both his forearms down on his legs and hangs his head low. 

"Nigga are you ser-"

"Just take tha damn picture!" Durk snaps, not bothering to move himself out of position. 

"Was tha pussy laced with cocaine!? Why you this damn addicted, lil folks?" Von kisses his lip, shakes his head in secondhand shame and snaps the second image. "How many more of these do I gotta take?" He groans out in boredom.

"Until I say it's enough! What's ta you?" Durk looks up with a certain venom in his eyes and on his tone. 

Von just rolls his eyes. "Ian even gon give that tha time uh day. Just get into yo next position! Aye, ain't that what you was tellin' YoungBoy earlier?" A loud snort followed by Von throwing his head back to laugh, his arm slapping across his stomach.

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