28: To Relapse

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Later that night...


The happy couple all snuggled up in each other and a shared blanket quietly huddled on the living room sectional to watch a movie. The pair had spent the day inside and Destiny was actually quite down to do her mother's phone call this morning letting her know that the police say they have exhausted all leads on the case. Meaning it would most likely not be solved and as a result, they will never know how it was that killed her sister and brother and why. Again, Nardo had to hold and rock her as she cried, each time he had to do so progressively got easier for the male as he got better at simply ignoring the sounds of her grief as he comforted her. After she fell asleep, or rather cried herself to sleep, Nardo texted Tony to let him know the case was going nowhere and after he replied, both of them deleted their texts. Tony was sort of acting funny these days, that, or maybe Nardo was just paranoid. 

Suddenly, Nardo's phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. "Ma fault, bae." He murmurs, swiftly pulling it out and trying not to grimace as he read who was calling him. He presses the red button, giving his head a weak shake. "Sorry, just... just business."

Destiny, born and raised in the streets herself, didn't know if he meant like street business or music business but one thing she did know was not to question that further. "It's okay," mumbling, turning her head to give his shaven cheek a kiss. "You can answer it if you need to. We can pause tha movie real quick."

With a nod, "'m good, baby girl. Thank you though." 

All forgotten, they cuddle closer to each other, completely relax in each other's loving embrace and watch the screen without further thought. 


His phone rang again. And again it was the same person. Nardo tapped the red button, when Destiny went to open her mouth, he cut her off by telling her the time it rang he would go answer it and not to worry. 

Less than five minutes later it rang again and this time he got up and quietly left the room, not before telling Destiny she could keep watching the movie. 

Now in the hallway walking towards the back of the house, Nardo's thumb taps the green button. "Nigga! Fuck do yo ass want nah?"

On the other end of the line, a smile spread into a lazy grin. "Chill wit allat, slime. On slime, Ion eve call fa you-"

"So... lemme get this straight- you called ma shit three minutes in the span of five minutes yet none of those calls were fa meh? Nigga, how tha hell does that shit work?!" Nardo's words spit out of his mouth in a hailstorm of frustration and annoyance. Jamell's refusal to leave him the fuck alone was driving him crazy. Like it or not, he'd have to pay him a little visit soon. The calls normally got better after they spent a couple of hours together. That was the only thing he knew to do until he could figure out a way to get Jamell to back off. Killing or injuring him in any way was not an option because of Von, sadly. 

Jamell chuckles, swiping his tongue across the smooth surface of his lips. "Damn, I wish I was callin' fa ya, baby. You really showin' out tonight... musta missed me."

Nardo's eyes roll. "Nigga-"

"Imma cut ta tha chase, I need you ta do a lul sum fa me." And again, he licks his lips after speaking.

Oh hell no. "Nigga, you out yo damn mind if you think-"

Again, with no time for his foolishness, he cuts him off again. "Why you so frisky when I call and it again 'bout you? Huh? Ian mean ta make yo ass jealous or nun." He explains in a calm and gentle tone. 

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