Chapter Five

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Ducky just stared at Tony, he watched as Maddie moved and placed a hand on her friends shoulder in a sign of support.

"I'm sorry Anthony I think I misheard you." He chuckled. "Could you please repeat that?"

Tony looked down at the ground he took a deep breath and then looked back at the elderly man. "I'm pregnant, Maddie found out by accident. We were hoping the three of us could sit down and talk this out, maybe figure a few things and then decided where to go from there."

"Is Jethro the....." Ducky waved his hand around.

"Yes, he is." Tony whispered.

Maddie walked over to show Ducky the medical results on Tony. They needed him to get past this shock factor so they could move on to other things.

"When are you going to tell him?" Ducky asked as he stared at the information, which seemed to be pointing to the fact that Tony was actually telling the truth.

"I don't know that I am Ducky."

Ducky's eyes flew to his. "Anthony, my dear boy you need to tell him. This could be the precise thing that saves him."

"Or it could be the thing that tips him over the edge. You do remember Shannon and Kelly? I can't do this to him. You saw how he looked at me, how do you think he is going to treat this child that he believes is the result of a rape?"


"Not now Ducky, are you going to help us or not?" Tony's eyes were wide with fear.

Ducky smiled and hugged him. "Of course I am going to help, anything you need just let me know. I'll keep this quiet for now."

"Thanks Ducky let's go and sit down so we can talk this through. I have to go and have a snack, doctors' orders." Tony laughed at Maddie's face.

"And quite correct she is Anthony. You have to take care of yourself now that you are going to bring a new life into this world."

"I know Ducky." Tony laughed as he headed into the kitchen.

Ducky waited a few moments to make sure the young man had left before he turned back to Maddie.

"How is he really doing?" Ducky wanted to know.

Maddie sighed. "I am not sure it has fully sunk in yet for him. But, you know Tony he always hides behind jokes."

"Yes I know how our Anthony can be."

"Did you find out any more information about the drugs that Tony and Gibbs were given?"

"Well my first conclusion was correct. Anthony's combination of drugs was all to increase the chances of pregnancy and Jethro well it was a combination of memory suppressant and aphrodisiacs."

"Ok, so it looks like it could be true that it was all aimed at Tony. Gibbs was used because of how much time they spent together."


Tony stood and ate the sandwich he had made and thought about everything that had happened. He jumped ever so slightly as his cell phone went off. Tony pulled it out of his pocket and grinned as the name that read on the display.

"Hi dad, how are things with you?" Tony's face fell as he listened to what his father was saying. "No, you can't have the money back....yes dad I know you gave it to me, but something has come up and I'm not sure if I can work. There are things that I need to look forward for, to plan ahead. Dad, listen.....what..." Tony pulled the cell away from his ear. Tony slammed his hand down on the table and knocked the plate that had his sandwich on it to the floor, it smashing upon impact. He stumbled back and hit the side. The tears fell from his eyes as he slid down the counter to the floor and started to sob.

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