Chapter Eight

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Ducky just stared at Abby, his mouth open and eyes wide. "Please wait a moment my dear." He pushed a button and placed the phone next to his ear. "Tony, yes uhhhh something has come up." He paused. "Abby heard a few things, nothing specifically and she is currently, I believe the term is, glaring at me. Are you sure? Ok, I will let her know. We'll see you soon."

"Well at you going to explain?" Abby asked as she stood tapped her foot and her hands rested on her hips.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone anything about Anthony when you see him." Abby opened her mouth, but Ducky stopped her. "This is extremely important Abby, you cannot tell anyone, especially Gibbs. This is something you have to do for him, can you do this as his friend."

Abby nodded. "I can and I promise, what about Gibbs?" She asked as she chewed her bottom lip nervously.

"Jethro has had a difficult time dealing with everything that happened. He's going to go to Mexico for a bit, to try and sort his head out."

"How long? Is he coming back?" Abby fought back the tears; her family was falling apart again.

"I don't know Abigail, but it is something that he needs to do and we have to support him." Ducky watched as Abby nodded. He held out his arms and she walked into them wrapping her arms around his waist. "It will all turn out ok, my dear."

"I hope so Ducky, I hope so."


Gibbs couldn't say goodbye to anyone. He needed to get away now. He knew that Ducky was going to come by and keep an eye on his house for him. Gibbs bent down and laid an envelope on the table, he rubbed his thumb across the name. Tony. He hoped that his friend understood and that one day they could get back to the friendship they had once. Gibbs also had to deal with the fact that Tony had feelings for him, well ones of a sexual nature anyway. He wasn't sure how to feel about that.

This was something he had to do for himself, to save himself.


It had been two days before Abby and Ducky headed off to see Tony. She couldn't wait to see him and find out what was going on. Everything was different at work. Ziva and McGee had been put on a different team until things with Gibbs had been sorted out. She hated that her family was being ripped apart like this. Abby hoped that Tony had a very good reason for leaving them like this.

Ducky stopped the car in front of Tony's house and turned to look at the young woman. "Abby, don't forget your promise."

"I won't Ducky; it had better be a damn good reason though." She muttered and watched as Ducky smiled.

"It is." Ducky chuckled at the confused look she gave him.


Tony smiled as he heard the back door open. Maddie and Ducky were the only two with the key code to get around to the back. It was always left open so his two friends could come in when they needed to. They had started to do this as Tony had started to take naps during the day. He smiled when he remembered Maddie telling him that this was part of the way his body coped with being pregnant. This time it was different, Abby was here. He genuinely hoped that she was ok with this. Tony knew how hard it had been on her last time Gibbs, or he had gone. Their little Abby hated change.

Tony stood and watched her come in and to look around the homey room. He had now brought this place, and it seemed as if this was where he was going to raise his child. He held out his hands, and before he could indicate that he wanted a hug, she was in them holding him tight.

"I missed you so much Tony. What's going on? You look fine?" She pulled back and glared at him.

"You'd better sit down for this." Tony sat down, and she followed suit.

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