Chapter Sixteen

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Justin walked into the room and straight over to Gibbs and then smiled at him.

'So you're the father, the other father I mean.' Gibbs just stared at him, not saying a word. 'Well, I'll just...' Justin waved his hand around indicating that he would leave the older man alone. He made his way over to the gothic forensic scientist. This place that Tony use to work at was a strange place, with an odd assortment of people.

'Hi,' Abby smiled as soon as Justin walked to her side.

'Hi, I'm Justin. I'll be the surgeon when it comes time for the birth.' He held out his hand and waited for the other woman to take it.

Abby gripped hold of his hand and shook it hard.

'Hi, I'm Abby.' She chirped.

'At least you'll talk to me.' Justin muttered and watched as Abby frowned at him in confusion.

'What do you mean?' Abby wanted to know, it was obvious that she had missed something.

'He wouldn't even talk to me.' Justin nodded towards Gibbs.

'Oh, that's just Gibbs, it's nothing personal.' She chuckled.

'If you say so, I just wanted to know more about Tony. I met him briefly, and since I am going to be doing the caesarean, I just wanted to get to know a little more about him.'

'Oh really, well in that case it is great to meet you and Gibbs will unquestionably want to talk to you.'

'Why would that make a difference?' Justin queried.

'He'd want to make sure you're skilled enough. He's extremely protective of people he cares about, Tony, and I am probably at the top of a short list, with his father and closely followed by Ducky. There are others, but Gibbs doesn't let many people get that close to him.'

'Oh, I'll go over later and explain more about myself to him, so what can you tell me about Tony?'

'Why do you want to know about Tony?' Abby looked at him suspiciously, he certainly seemed to be focused on finding out about her friend.

'I think he's gorgeous and want to get to know him better.' Justin smiled at her, his green eyes twinkling mischievously.

'Tony isn't available, you do realise that don't you?' Abby glared at him, she didn't want him around if he were going to make any trouble.

'I know, but a man can dream can't he?' Justin chuckled and gave her a saucy wink.

'I guess so.' Abby forced a laugh. 'In some ways you're very much like Tony.'

'How's that?'

'He's a flirt, Tony just can't help himself and sometimes that is all people see. It took me a little while to warm up to him, but once you get to know the real him, it's a revelation.'

'A revelation?' Justin watched her with interest; he was getting to learn a lot more about him.

'He's smart, real smart. Tony has a cops mind; he can connect things out of nothing. If you need help or someone at your back, he'll be there. People think he goes out on all these dates, but he and Gibbs are so alike.' Abby explained as she turned and looked at Gibbs.

'In what way?' Justin inquired.

'Gibbs would stay at work until eleven at night, and then at midnight Tony would come in and work until around two....' Abby stopped talking as soon as Gibbs looked over at her. He looked so lost in her eyes. 'I have to... .' Abby waved at her silver-haired friend, smiled at Justin and headed to talk to the expectant father.

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