Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Vance went back to his office and sat down. He needed to find out what was going on. What was the truth, and if Ziva and McGee were lying, why? He grabbed the phone. He needed to talk to Gibbs about this. If it was the truth, he and DiNozzo would need all the help they can get.

Vance chuckled at the thought of Gibbs and DiNozzo together and parents. In a strange way, it made a lot of sense as DiNozzo was the only one that could read Gibbs, who was also able to deal with the older man when he got into one of his moods. Gibbs was the one that could calm DiNozzo down. When you looked at it, they were actually perfect for each other. He was glad that DiNozzo no longer worked here; otherwise it would bring up a lot more problems.


Tony watched as Gibbs answered his cell. It was obvious by the other man's face it was not something good. Tony sighed hadn't they had enough problems to last a lifetime already.

'Yeah, ok I'll be in tomorrow. I'll come straight to your office.'

'What's going on?' Tony asked as soon as Gibbs put the cell down.

'That was Vance he wants to talk to me tomorrow. He didn't say about what though.'

Tony walked over to Gibbs and wrapped his arms around the older man's waist. 'Everything's going to be fine. We have each other and our kids.'

Gibbs grinned as he placed a hand on Tony's stomach. 'Yeah, as long as I have you three I'm good. Let's go and lie down.'

Tony knew that Ducky had told Gibbs to get him to rest as much as possible. Seeing his ex-boss so sweet made him smile. He could get use to this and as long as Tony was curled up in Gibbs arm's he was definitely fine with that. The odd thing is at the moment all they had really done was kiss, and explore each other's bodies. He knew that Gibbs would wait until things went back to normal, as normal as they could be. There was also this over-protective streak that Gibbs now showed. He had missed the start of the pregnancy and Tony had been kidnapped. Gibbs was going to hate letting Tony out of his sight.


Vance arrived early the next morning. He hadn't been able to sleep. Jackie knew something was going on, but she didn't ask. He would tell her when he was ready, and if he was able. His mind kept running over the conversation he heard. He tried to figure out if he had misheard anything. The more he thought about it, the more he realised that they had been talking about Tony being pregnant and that they were Gibbs children. Vance could only assume it went back to when they were both drugged, and it looked like Gibbs had attacked his SFA. They never had any real alone time after that, not that he knew anyway. It seemed so much had happened over a short period of time. Vance now had to try and play catch up.

Vance looked up as the door opened and Gibbs walked in. 'Take a seat,' He waited and sighed when Gibbs did nothing, 'please?' If he ordered Gibbs they would never get anywhere. Gibbs was a stubborn son-of-a-bitch, which was something he had definitely got from Franks.

Finally, Gibbs shrugged his shoulders and sat down. 'What did you want to talk about?'

'Yesterday here, I overheard McGee and David. They were talking about your uhhhh relationship with DiNozzo.' Vance stared at Gibbs and tried to get a read from him. There was nothing in his facial expressions or body language that gave anything away. There never was.

Gibbs wanted to growl, go out and find those two idiots and strangle them. Did they do it on purpose? If they did, Gibbs would make sure they paid for it. 'DiNozzo no longer works here, it doesn't matter what our relationship is.' He hoped that was the only thing that the two of them had mentioned in the conversation they had. It was a conversation about a pregnant male in a building full of investigators. The more he thought about it, the more pissed off he got.

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