Chapter 11: A Mercenary

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Winter City / Morning / One Day Later

Vyda was in her home after she arrived last night. she wakes up and got up and went to eat so she can be prepare for today as it will be a long day for preparations. One hour later after she finished eating she went and pick up her staff and her red cape and went outside and once she opens the door and once she was leaving her home, someone behind her calls to her.

Unknown Polaris: (Arms crossed and he too has dark clothes with a hood covering his face) Leaving too early?

Vyda: (Turned around to look at him fast) Who are you!?

Unknown Polaris: I was actually pay to end your life Vyda.

Vyda: (Chuckled) End my life you say huh? thats funny! i can actually end you right here if i want to!

Unknown Polaris: I know you would, and which is why I'm not doing it but I really want to talk with you personally if you don't mind.

Vyda: And you think I would trust you?

Unknown Polaris: Vyda... you can trust me. when I was pay by a contact, he handed me over five thousand golds to kill you, of course I accepted the contract, but then I decided to look at your records in the archives and I come to find out why this contact wants you dead... You are a sorcerer and if I didn't know about this I would have been dead anyways, which is why i want to talk with you in your home if you don't mind. I know you are looking for the Void Clans right?

Vyda: I am, alright let's talk inside but i swear one wrong move and i will disintegrate you. I made myself clear?

Unknown Polaris: Look, (He throwed away his daggers) Im disarmed now.. You can keep those weapons for yourself.

Vyda: (Grabbing the daggers with magic and holds it in her hand) Very well... (Went to her door and opens it) Lets talk.

They both entered inside her home and the mercenary proceed to sit down next to a table still with his hood on covering his face. Vyda proceed to sit down in front of him.

Vyda: (Holding her staff up on her right side and looks at him while she is sited too) Now... so who are you and what do you want?

Unknown Polaris: (Pulls his hood out and revealed his face to her) My name is Varani, Vyda. As i said earlier about that someone was looking for you and pay me to kill you, i want to say i can fight with you against them because i have no idea those people are Void Clans.

Vyda: And why you didn't fight them to however this contact of yours was?

Varani: Because i come to find out too late that they were Void Clans, i had no idea these peoples are operating back again. I can help you to fight them. I know who you are after i did my research.

Vyda: But you are a mercenary, your people's job is to kill others by contract!

Varani: Vyda... even after I killed over 231 Targets by contracts and earned over 232 thousands of golds, I always do my own research to see who they are and why my contacts want them dead... I'm not a fool and I always want to learn my targets life and their purpose as to why they want them dead, I research about you and you are an Elemental Sorcerer after i found out that you are Elemental Sorcerer, and you are against the Void Clans i decided that i want to live and come to realize you are on a quest to save us all.

Vyda: Thats my task Varani... and you are wise not to go against me.

Varani: Thats the smartest move I've ever done in my life indeed, look i know this contact if you want to interrogate him.

Vyda: I do! where is he?

Varani: In the Market Plaza a few minutes away from here. 

Vyda: Well, show me to him. and here take theses (Gives him his daggers)

Varani: (Grabbing the daggers and put it on his dagger holsters) Come.

They exited the home and Varani is leading to her to this contact of him and he pulls back his hood just to hide his identity. They are continue walking together and then Varani sees his contact doing his own things.

Varani: Let's find a place where we can interrogate him more privately.

Vyda: I don't mind interrogating him here in public! our people need to know Varani.

Varani: Okay fine, stay here and put your hood on if you want.

Varani proceeds to head to his contact as he was there looking around at the market.

Varani: Hey Viran!

Viran: Varani! have you completed our contract?

Varani: Actually, that's what I would like to talk with you! There's a certain individual that also would like to talk with you personally!

Viran: A person of interest regarding to our contract?

Varani: Yes! come follow me!

Viran: Okay very well!

Varani proceeds to lead to him towards where Vyda was but she was not there.

Viran: So where is this individual of interest that you referring to? (Then he froze as he cant move) WHAT!? WHY I CAN'T MOVE!? VARANI!!

Varani: Huh what?? Oh, there she is!

Vyda: (Coming to them and she stops in front of Viran and with her staff up as she is holding it) Is this the contact of yours?

Varani: He is, this is Viran!

Viran: Varani!! Why you betrayed me!!?

Varani: Because I want to live!!

Vyda: So, you send Varani to kill me? Huh? you must be someone that operates the Void clans or you might be one of their members? Now... Explain who you truly are before I disintegrate you!!

Viran: (Groaned angry) I'm Viran girl!! I'm an associate to the Void Clans and they send me to contact mercenaries, so I pay them to kill you!

Vyda: Is that so! Then your people are dumb as hell!

Then Princess Hayladar came by, and many civilians are looking at the three of them with confusion looks.

Princess Halyadar: Hey!! what's going on here!?

Vyda: Princess... this individual here is an associate of the Void Clans and he paid this mercenary to hunt me down.

Many civilians gasped and whispered.

Princess Halyadar: I see! An Associate to our oldest enemies that almost brought destruction to our nation hundreds of years ago then.... 

Viran: Malador shall bring peace to this world!!

Vyda: Malador?

Viran: You will soon see him!! i shall not tell you who he is!!

Princess Halyadar: That name sounds familiar... you won't tell us who he is then i shall investigate for myself! Guards!! Take him away!!

Several guards in silver armor proceed to take Varin as he was trying to break away but failed and they are taking him away to a jail for interrogation.

Princess Halyadar: Good work both of you, I need to talk with you all in my chamber now.

Varani: Is it serious?

Vyda: I mean, she is telling us she needs to talk with us, so I think is serious!

Princess Halyadar: Is regarding with that name, I heard it before. We need to talk! come follow me! (Looks at the civilians) You my people you can return to your daily routine!

Vyda and Varani proceed to follow Princess Hayladar as they are walking among the cold streets walking by several Polaris civilians and heading to the spire where she and the king lives.

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